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Everything posted by Mucker1884

  1. Do you know what... I don't recall getting the letter this year. I could be wrong though. 🤷‍♂️ I got my personal/specific renewal e-mail on Monday 26th Feb (After I'd already renewed, thanks to posts/reminders on here, I renewed online on day one, which is unusual for me.) Check your emails/spam. 👍
  2. Got yer. 👍 I can never work out why they they shove them to the left/East when numbers are low, leaving one massive gap towards the south stand. If they're not going to hand those seats over for home fans, and they insist on so many empty seats for segregation, at least shove the away fans centrally and symmetrically in the corner. It plays havoc with my OCD! 🤣 Maybe they trust the east standers more than the south standers to behave themselves, hence the bigger gap to the south stand (when numbers are low)? 🤷‍♂️ PS: No accusations of being a smart-arse were intended, in my previous post(s). 🍻
  3. I've heard the guy with the bell smells a bit, but apart from that... 😉
  4. Those old tear out tickets generally ran in numerical order, but every now and then they'd throw in a curve ball and change the sequence. I always assumed it was to ensure you'd got the whole book with you, and not just purchased/borrowed/stolen the single voucher, thus more likely to be the genuine STH. (How many of us would hand over a full book, even to someone we knew!). ... I once bought a single ticket (from a ST book) at Maine Rd. He ("The spiv") tore out the right numbered voucher, and graciously hovered about until I was in, but I was very nervous that I'd been ripped off! ... As an aside... I was sat front and centre behind the goal. I kept looking behind wondering where all the noise was coming from. It was mid-second half before I spotted the speakers, and the noise was being piped in from the Kippax Terrace to the side. Surround-Sound football chants! Cool! 😁 * Didn't help them though... we won 1-2! 🐏
  5. That's to the side of the away fans. You asked where the away fans were. I put arrows on to show you, and @Foreveram states there were 1200 of them. Those empty seats are down to DCFC, not the travelling Blackpool fans. Is there a point to your posts? 🤷‍♂️
  6. EDIT: Ignore. Made a right mess o' that! 🙄
  7. How about those clubs that don't fancy the inconvenience of potential replays being given: A/ The opportunity to offer their opponent a bye at any given round, and thus foregoing their own opportunity to progress. or B/ The opportunity to c*** a snook at the competition as a whole, and not entering (for the upcoming season) in the first place. Feckham for the cup! 🏆
  8. Oh... 12 then... I obviously didn't catch sight of @Anag Ram
  9. Jeez! How many times can one man apologise! 🙄 ... and there were 11, actually! So there! 👀
  10. Or one last push and an ickle shove to make sure?
  11. Ooh! Good shout! Now, what the heck did I do with that sombrero...
  12. You can check out, but you can never leave... 🤓
  13. You have a confirmation email though right? 🤷‍♂️
  14. If you're the NER that I think you are, I'm sorry to hear of the ill health buddy. Oh... and a great big 🍻 to you!
  15. Come on Derby. Do it for the travelling fans. I wouldn't begrudge them. 🐏🤞
  16. Anyone want a ticket for the Carlisle match? 🤣
  17. Well mate, we gave it a bloody good go! Congratulations to Pompey for finishing in top spot, and here's to us joining them in promotion, very, very soon! 🐏
  18. #Oooooooooooooooooh! #Meh! #Ha Ha! #etc...
  19. Pompey level, and stand on 92 points. We can still reach 92 points, and have a 3 goal advantage on GD. They will be promoted as it stands, but need a winner to confirm top spot.
  20. As it stands, Pompey promoted despite losing... Derby 3 pts clear of Bolton, and 5 goals better off on GD. All with 2 to play... As it stands, remember...
  21. To avoid confusion, mine was when the away fans were in the Ossie End. Can't even remember why I did it now. I assume there was still a pay on the gate option back then? I was in the lower tier of the seats at the back (Can't remember whether the front/open bit was still terrace, or had gone to all seater by then). I'm guessing your examples were (lots of) away fans in the home end?
  22. I remember doing that years ago, for similar reasons. Ossie End Lower tier, surrounded by Wolves. A truly awful experience. (Absolutely no idea what the score was, or even the year!)
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