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Everything posted by Mucker1884

  1. Don't forget it's only 10:35 over here. Gotta be worth a try, at least! #bemoreB4 😉
  2. ... and half of those dotted lines have fell off the bloody shirt already! 🙄
  3. DC: "I didn't get to where I am today by leaving kit launches until after the season starts and everyone has already been on their summer hols"!
  4. I guess it depends how and when they finish third. I wonder if there's stats out there to show how the third place team do after dropping there at the final hurdle! I'm tempted to side with @europia on this. If we end up third now, it won't just be the players who will need a psychological lift! ... *Although last day failure might be good for the forum, what with a 100 page matchday thread, and lots of lovely "told you so" threads! 👀
  5. Now is not the time to allow your bottom to squeak. Now is the time to open it up, and let rip. Let it all out. Fill PPS with the not-so-sweet smell of success. An atmosphere to savour. #DCFC needs you! #etc *Or is that just me? 🤷‍♂️
  6. Fan-bloody-tastic! Well done all! What a cracking birthday present for the lad! Now for his main present tomorrow... A bag, full to the brim with 3 sparkling points! 🐏
  7. Looks like you're stuck in reverse, wheel-spinning in 3ft of mud, never mind turbo! 👀
  8. Home Win 5-1 Collo frgs & Hatrick Sibbo with a 25+ yarder ... And a 93rd min retaken pen just to calm our nerves a little for the 7 added minutes remaining thereafter! 🤣
  9. £131.06 needed before midnight... That's c. £16.80 per hour remaining. Let's do this, fellow Rams. #Do it 4 Dan xxx
  10. Nip to the corner shop. Don't buy bread and milk. Go straight back home. Donate the money you just didn't spend on bread and milk. #B4
  11. Can't believe nobody has mentioned Kylie & Jason up to this point! #absolutebelter
  12. You were lucky! Mine ended up as "D R Y C UN Y" Thank God that T fell off, and not the Y! 😲 Phew!
  13. But wait... It gets worse... Cost of UK passports to rise for second time in 14 months... 👀
  14. The absolute b*******! When will this constant persecution desist! 👀
  15. Happy birthday @B4ev6is Raising a pie and a pint heavenwards, buddy. 🥧 🍺 xxx
  16. https://www.11v11.com/matches/afc-bournemouth-v-derby-county-25-august-1984-139672/
  17. Off the top of my head, and in no particular order... The Sweeney (Deffo No 1) Cheers Magic Roundabout M.A.S.H. Golden Girls Mastermind Open All Hours Cuckoo Waltz Likely Lads Van Der Valk Thunderbirds Z cars Oh... erm... any 5 o' them! 👀
  18. I agree the current (Pompey) players will be keen to get the job done... and I think they will. I also agree they will be nowhere near a beach this weekend. But I wouldn't relate any of that to the previous 12 years that you mention. They may be aware, of course. Quite possibly due to comments by fans on that subject... who will indeed have the previous 12 years in their minds... but how many of today's pro footballers concern themselves with the club's history? The back catalogue of their current employer? How many players will be thinking... privately of course (going public won't look good!)... "Nowt to do wi' me!" or "Don't blame me, I've only been here 18 months"! Gone are the days... generally speaking... of local boy/lifelong fan becoming an on-pitch hero. It would matter to him, but not the majority. Any frustrations regarding "The past 12 years" will lay heavily but solely with Pompey fans, not players... imo.
  19. My biggest take from that is that EFL costs to come to this decision is in excess of £300k. I take it all the tea and biscuits came from a very decent farm shop, and not off the shelf at Morrisons! 😲
  20. I've also been reminded of this... An image of the BBG from 1999, with an overlay of today's roads. I think this is different to what was posted on there, and may prove to be equally useful to you?
  21. Take a look on pages 12 & 13 of this thread. There are a couple of plan views and comments that should help on that score...
  22. RSPCA? as in the Royal Society for the Procurement of Cake Association? Go on then, seeing as it's you! 😉🤍 Done. ✔️ Happy birthday for tomorrow, Dan. xxx
  23. Hardly a big achievement then. It's only a 30 minute bus ride from Nottingham, innit? 👀
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