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Everything posted by Mucker1884

  1. Well, that's their problem! Why bother explaining it all to them now? They weren't interested in listening then, so Feckham! Hope they enjoy their humble pie. ... in a couple of weeks time... hopefully... etc... 👀
  2. OMG! That's brilliant... even if it was by accident! Will look ace alongside our other favourite hashtag, once promotion is secured! Consider it wantonly and unashamedly stolen! #bemoreB4 #raiseacan4dan Jeez, that's catchy! 😁🤍
  3. These "alternative tables" are all well and good, and I guess they do help to prove any point the poster is trying to make. And yes, it's a good point well made. Commendable stats and all that. What would such a table show for games played solely between 17th March and 28th March (inclusive), for example? I'll not post it, as I have neither the skills nor the desire to do so. #Just curious. When all said and done, there is only one table that matters, and that's also highly commendable, as it stands. Here's hoping (and expecting) it stays that way! 🐏
  4. He WAS a c**t? 🤷‍♂️
  5. It clearly hits his arm, and changes the trajectory of the ball (going out for a corner, instead of across the 6yrd box). His arm is clearly higher than the rest of his sprawling/sliding body. I'd add in the defender's defence, that the position of his arm is perfectly natural for the sliding block manoeuvre he is attempting. I've no idea what the latest rules are with respect to intent/clumsiness/shirt sleeves etc (🙄), but I can see why she gave it. "Harsh" maybe, but I wouldn't use the term "ludicrous".
  6. Must admit, I was surprised to see that at HT, we'd had 1 shot on target... yet were leading 2-0! The Beeb had it down as an OG. I had a decent view from the NE corner, and there was no hint of an OG live, and nobody around me hinted at it. I've yet to see any highlights though. 🤷‍♂️ EDIT: Seen the highlights now... looks 100% Wilson to me, and his immediate reaction appears to back it up? More interestingly, what the heck was Cashin doing as the corner came over his head... it was hardly a subtle attempt at a "Hand of God"! I hope his handball was miss was deliberate! 🤣
  7. 0:55 seconds on this version... Pic top left. Young girl clearly in our black shirt with green sleeves. And a Ram on show on the shirt of the lady behind her. We're clearly massive, everywhere we go... https://www.bwfc.co.uk/video/player/0_11ydcf7p
  8. What precisely, dear fellow, is it that you are dothing to your cap? I sir, am intrigued. 🤓
  9. If you wanna be the best, If you wanna beat the rest, dedication's what you need.
  10. I don't think anyone has ever said that before, to be fair. It's not a particularly catchy saying, if I'm honest!
  11. I skipped there, and surfed back... on the crest of a wave! 🐏
  12. Right. I'm off... Have a spiffing afternoon everyone. See you all back here at 17:30, with 3 points in the bag, sore throats, and whacking great smiles on our faces... COME ON YOU BIG FAT BEAUTIFUL RAAAAAAAAAAAAAMS! #Let's do this... 🐏
  13. Leaving in 20mins... Not decided whether to skip there, or just saunter. It feels like I SHOULD be skipping... but... well... this is Derby County afterall. What will others be doing? ... And why is my stomach churning? I'm a grown man, FFS! 🙄
  14. It's actually Madam Stern, but she wasn't allowed enough characters in the user name. * It's ok... we've met... She'll not mind me saying! ** It's all true, I tell yer. *** And yes, she was very, very stern. (But then, I had been very, very naughty)!
  15. Your record as a match-going family is indeed impeccable sir. 🐏 ... but I can't help wondering if announcing it to the world with just minutes to go is wise, brave, or just downright bloody dangerous! 🤣 🍻
  16. I tried that once, but I just turned into a fly* *The insect, not the zipped entrance to the snake-pit.
  17. Swap to and add in the option to go sponsor-less*, and I'm in! 👍 *Are they still doing that, or has that option been taken away now? 🤷‍♂️
  18. So we gave away 4 chances to the Champions-elect... at their place... with their biggest backing of the season behind them... in the best part of an hour.
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