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Everything posted by Mucker1884

  1. Returns £37,869.28 Nice! Good luck! 😁
  2. Good point. Were those concerts before we filled in the corners, or am I way off? 🤷‍♂️
  3. Now TV Sports Day pass sorted. ✔️ Same old telly in its half-finished new surroundings. ✔️ Camping chairs set up. ✔️ Night off from DIY. ✔️ Just need to grab the camping "coffee table" from the shed... and a small beer in the fridge. #coming4you #bemoreB4
  4. seconded here... natwest credit card details on DCFC site... approved via the banking app... return to dcfc for it to go straight through. Easy Peasy v.2 * ... and I've literally just paid said credit card bill for that payment, so now it feels official! I'm in. 😁🐏
  5. You and me bath, meat! 😁👍
  6. And a handful of phlegm I'd imagine, trying to pronounce that! 😲
  7. Could try watching it on the net!
  8. Cherry up everyone... We're on our way...
  9. Without meaning to be disrespectful, but do they do this every year? Is there a significance of the 24th anniversary? (It's clearly not a "traditional" landmark anniversary?). I note they were killed on the 5th, so not an exact anniversary matchday either? Just curious. Oh... and 👏 👏 for Chris and Kev. xxx
  10. Where did I say "It could have been worse"? I agree, it could have been better, but literally everything went to form. That makes it an average day in my book. I guess we just have a different outlook on life/football/DCFC? I don't think that makes either of us wrong. I've seen today's results. I'm not jumping for joy admittedly... but I most certainly ain't having a s*** day! 🤣 Hey... seriously buddy... I appreciate you see today as a s*** day... My bad for calling you out on it... and hand on heart, I truly hope you fair better tomorrow. Shakira, Shakira. 🍻 EDIT: Apologies... I replied to the notified quoted response before seeing all the other subsequent posts. I hadn't realised (at the time of posting) that we had drawn a line under it! 🤣
  11. You obviously didn't know about the bloke that left 5 minutes before you got back.
  12. So tell me... what makes today a s*** day? Because everything went as expected? With that outlook, I take it you get many a s*** day? 🤷‍♂️ Still... looks like I made you laugh, so not all bad, eh?
  13. I wouldn't describe today as a 💩 day. Far from ideal of course, but it's all gone to form. No surprises. Every one of our rivals have done what was realistically expected. I've only seen results, not details, but I'm assuming none of them fluked it? None were handed the points from a man in a black kit carrying a brown envelope? Only our own hopes, prayers, and blind optimism would have forecast any of today's results going any other way. Today has simply gone to form, rather than our wishes. It's not a good day... but it's unsporting to our rivals to label it a 💩 day. Our 💩 days were the woeful defeats at Northampton and Reading. The home defeat to Wigan. Only a 1-1 draw at never before scored a goal Cheltenham. Arguably the "undeserved" defeat at Bolton. There's probably more! They were all 💩 days. Anyway... Here's hoping tomorrow makes today "Not as bad as it could have been"! 🐏 🤞
  14. Perfect description. He had a job to do, and did it well... and has the medals to prove it. Respect, and RIP sir.
  15. ... and a young spritely Rodney Stewart, way back in the noughties too. It seems for whatever reason, the prefered "outdoor arena" these days is the cricket ground. 🤷‍♂️
  16. I don't recall... but having just Googled the fixtures, it was followed by... 4-0 at Spurs... home loss to Brum... 6-0 at Anfield... I think it must have been around this time that doubt started to... oh... but wait... what's that you say?... Newcastle at home.?.. We're saved! Hoorah! Bring on The Arsenal... 🤣
  17. How we do it, I don't know, How we do it, I don't care, All I know is Derby's on our way... Awaaaaaaaaay Win. 0-1 Collins pen
  18. Yep. And 4 days later, on the way out of the CoM Stadium, having only lost 1-0 to Citeh, I thought "I REALLY think we'll do alright this season"! 🤣
  19. Had a quick reckon up purely by glancing at the current 4 x divisions. Looks like I'm on Current: Prem: 16 Champs: 17 L1: 11 (inc 2 x DCFC) L2: 6 Total: 50 If I had to take a punt at current non-league, I'd take a stab at 6? Based on the majority of my full fandom was late 70's/early '80's! 🤣 Some are former grounds (eg Highbury, WHL, Boleyn Ground, Ayresome Park etc... not been to their newer grounds) I've included both old and new where appropriate (eg Man City x 2, Fester x 2) And of course, 2 x Derby. Not counted my sole Wembley visit... our last visit v Villa. I've counted Wimbledon at MK Hockey stadium, but not MK Dons (or ye olde Wimbledon of That London!) I did count The Dell, but not counted St Mary's, as I only popped in there for a nosy on a non-match day, as was working next door, and the groundsman's gate was open! 😁 The more "major" clubs/grounds (historically) I've never been to... to my shame... include Leeds, Brum, Sunderland (either), Fulham, Palace, Burnley, Hull, Swansea, Blackburn.
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