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Everything posted by Mucker1884

  1. Aren't all swings pivotal? πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
  2. With a 1 point + 2 goal advantage, were ok to blink, just so long as we don't nod off!
  3. Muckerette was in her 20's before she found out that actually yes, spiders will leave a cold hard wall for nice soft warm bedding. Her dad was fibbing all along! (Missing you already, old man xxx) Fairly common one I think... we told our lads that the ice cream chimes meant that he'd sold out! Not sure how long that fib survived, but it was fun whilst it lasted... and saved us a few quid! 😁
  4. This thread is now Bordeauxing on becoming one of those really annoying pun-fests. Think On!
  5. Only 3 players qualify for the YPotS award... and I fear that may cost them... particularly in Eiran's case... as I'm all for him winning the grown up prize, but I worry his votes will be split amongst both categories. I'm gonna hedge my bets, and back him for the Young player, leaving my Main vote in limbo, as i now need to ponder a little longer.
  6. If they're gonna scuttle off to a top half championship team, I don't particularly care how well they do. Stuff 'em! ... oh... wait... erm...
  7. That would have more respect had you said "He needs time" or "Hope he improves". To come out with a "Get shot" kind of negates any present underlining of your point. πŸ™„
  8. "You'll take someone's eye out with that" etc, etc...
  9. You're too modest mate. Tell him about having a right arm like Arnie.
  10. 1/ Isn't our actual 4 points from the last two games bang on equal to your previously predicted 12 points from the last 6 games (2.0ppg), and therefore not ahead? 2/ Isn't Bolton's actual 4 points from the last two games (2.0ppg) slightly below your previous prediction of 15 from 7 games (2.1428ppg)? 3/ If you cycled from That London to Stanton, how many miles would you be from home?
  11. Didn't that CK fella name his clothing? I recall something being mentioned about Nick the coat? πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
  12. Are they filling in the potholes between the West car park and TCHarrison?
  13. I got side-tracked by the ads... cost me a bloody fortune! 🀣
  14. I don't like to talk about it! πŸ€“
  15. With our record, I'd rather we didn't, if you don't mind! 🀣
  16. And when they (Brum) go under, a big fat "Wake-In-The-Park-Weekend-Extravaganza"! It'll be one heck of a send off!
  17. Such anniversaries are never great mate. We just have to soldier on, I guess. Not long passed both my parents birthdays (late Jan & early Feb), and whilst it does technically "get easier" as the years go by, the fade is admittedly minimal, and it still smarts over 4 decades later (Yeah, they both failed to reach their 50's!) Personally, I go for a little nod towards "a birthday celebration", be that a short-sharp happy memory, a raised glass, or even a cheery wave skywards (if nobody's looking!). It doesn't do to dwell on the negatives, but I appreciate that can sometimes be easier said than done. Hang on in there buddy... and give the wave a try to the (not-so) old man, on his birthday! 🍻
  18. It's the old treble-negative manoeuvre. I like to keep my readers on their toes! 🀣
  19. Just trawled all that for 20mins, just to find his "prediction"... "I really hope so" and "... But they’ve got winnable fixtures that you hope would see them over the line. Particularly when Barnsley and Bolton both need to play Pompey as well. One of them is gonna have to drop points. So I think Derby will fancy themselves and I’m very hopeful they’re gonna get over the line.” That's some feckin clickbait, that! 🀣
  20. Don't diss the fish, Battyman! πŸ‘€ *Meh... I ain't not never heard of 'em, if truth be told! πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
  21. Ah! So we didn't "Only have to beat the Wendies at home to avoid dropping into this league"? Thought so! πŸ˜‰πŸ‘ *Bookmark this... it's a rarity! 😁
  22. Probably not the right place, as I ain't depressed in the true sense... But I am more than a little down at present, and have also just realised I likely won't be feeling the buzz next matchday, as we'll be waving off my Father in Law earlier on Wednesday afternoon at Bramcote Crem, before drinking to his memory over in Ilson (In a back street pub on the actual street where he was born in 1931, and in the heart of the area he spent his entire 92.8 years! I like that... a lot!) Guess it will just have to be one of those occasions where football takes a firm second place to things more important! I'll be back on it Thursday, and raring to go for the final push! 🍻
  23. Hey, @dumbclutz... erm... I mean @Sheff Ram! πŸ˜πŸ‘πŸ
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