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  1. Like
    RAM1966 reacted to Yani P in Club comms   
    Rams Trust continue to be the broken pencil of fan representation..
  2. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to Gaspode in Club comms   
    Someone has posted the Rams Trust letter on Twitter and it’s been retweeted by Henry Winter - hopefully a bit of National media attention will prompt a response….
  3. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to ossieram in Club comms   
    Some of us remember how spineless they were when it came to protesting against the 3 crooks, but were always around when the cameras appeared. 
  4. Haha
    RAM1966 reacted to Eddie in Club comms   
    RamsTrust v anti-RamsTrust kicking off again?
    No surprise there.
    15 years and the wounds still bleed.
  5. Like
    RAM1966 reacted to atherstoneram in Club comms   
    Only when it's Countdown.
  6. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to GenBr in Embargo.   
    The costs don't have to be high. Spend nothing when you go up and you'll still earn an extra £200 mill of revenue even if you finish bottom. You'd also be allowed to lose more money when it comes to ffp when you came down.
    It is definitely worth it unless your club is run by a bunch of morons. 
  7. Haha
    RAM1966 reacted to Ram-a-lama fa fa fa in Embargo.   
    in my experience of being a Derby fan. the journey of getting to the top division is far more enjoyable than what happens when we’re there!
  8. Like
    RAM1966 reacted to Premier ram in Embargo.   
    Absolutely sick of this now , EFL, if you are going to punish us then do it , stop this bullshite of adding more and more to the charge sheet and give us your best shot , as for Mel , pay what you owe and stop making the job so hard for Wayne , his staff and the players and also EFL and Mel the fans are suffering with all this crap that no one can make any sense out of , but i dont suppose we come into either of your thoughts , one very fed up Rams fan
  9. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to Rich84 in 21/22 Season Tickets   
    I feel your pain, the inability to talk directly to a person face to face and get a resolution there and then is painful, 8 emails, 2 phone calls and still having to wait for another email response, 6 minutes on hold while the call answerer presumably spoke to someone else before saying send another email was the last interaction 4 days ago........
    Whenever I've had to sort things in the past in the tkt office the front of house goes and gets someone who can make a decision from the back and it is resolved in 10 minutes,  not over 1 hr on the phone and emails stretching back for 6 weeks and still no resolution. 
    I have asked numerous times for someone that can make a decision to call me back, to no avail, they just don't seem to care.
    I have made comments in my emails that I may have to take this to a claims process if not resolved, and I'm encouraged that the Sheff Wed fans have had success with this.
    It may be about time some of us got together and declare a joint intent to put claims in to wake this farce of a club up.
  10. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to Steve Buckley’s Dog in 21/22 Season Tickets   
    I think you could be right. It would be interesting to know what issue you are trying to resolve. I know of quite a few others who are extremely unhappy with what is happening and the way they are being treated / ignored. Feel free to pm me. 
  11. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to Steve Buckley’s Dog in Club comms   
    Left in July? So presumably had to hand in notice? 4 weeks? I know things have been difficult with COVID for DCFC and indeed many organisations but there was enough planning time. Surely you would advertise for someone to work in the ticket office more than 2 weeks before the first game? Allowances can obviously be made, granted, but I think you are trying to defend the indefensible a little here, although I admire your research and your even handedness and attempts to see all sides. Do you have children? I don't know but would you be happy if the school applied for a teacher 2 weeks before the start of term and then seemed unable to understand why there was an empty classroom? Would you be happy with that level of fore sight? I don't think I would. Other clubs have managed, theme parks have opened etc, and yes some businesses have struggled due to the combination of COVID and Brexit, but I am pretty sure given the resources I could have had people in that ticket office processing season tickets a month before the season.
    Anyway, hopefully the ticket office will be open soon but I do fear that for a lot of people the habit will be broken. A club in our position needs all they can get and shouldn't be unnecessarily driving people away.
    As for the SLO - I first emailed 3 weeks ago so she must be having a nice long international break! These emails have been received as I have had the automated reply so perhaps liasing with long term supporters and youngsters who could become addicted for life isn't quite in her remit, I don't know.
    How many emails should you send before expecting a response?
    Anyway, I said I was leaving it and need to because I have lots of work to do and am needed elsewhere!
    Up the Rams.
  12. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to atherstoneram in Club comms   
    The Megastore is operated and staffed by employees of Fanatics who are in no way related to the club,probably that's why they are open.
  13. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to Leeds Ram in Club comms   
    No-one on here knows Mel so I think all speculation (some more informed than others) on if he's a 'good guy' or not should probably be put to one side. I think the club is quite obviously being run into the ground and I don't think the way we're being mismanaged is particularly defensible anymore in a number of areas. The ticketing situation is ridiculous especially for some away games which does make it an absolute pain to get tickets and it is definitely financially harming the club. The lack of communication in a number of areas is not good enough, if Mel was just another owner this alone would be getting a lot more grief for it. Mel's tactics with the EFL has put a target on our back and alienated us from other clubs in the division, whether he is right or wrong on the argument is of secondary importance, it's inevitably led to this state of affairs that has left us in a shambles. 

    I don't really have sympathy for the argument of 'bad luck' and 'he's put in a ton of money' to me i just think go and play the world's smallest violin as Mel's a rich man and he'll still be rich after he's sold us. Money is easy to spend when you've got it and it doesn't reflect much more than your capacities. As an owner he should have been more prudent with his investment and despite trying to sell the club for 2 years, as of last year he was still asking for 100 million quid for the club 'all in'. That's not a price that screams 'desperate to sell' it's much closer to 'I am selling the club but I want my investment back'.  

    He was more than happy to be celebrating at elland road on the pitch with his scarf so in my book he's also got to be as visible when things go sideways. He simply hasn't done this and it's a mark of poor quality leadership that has defined his time at the club. 
  14. Haha
    RAM1966 reacted to i-Ram in Club comms   
    Mel Morris.

    Baron Silas von Greenback.
  15. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to i-Ram in Club comms   
    Pearce is a puppet.

  16. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to Rev in Club comms   
    The first link shows Spurs ticket office opens 4 hrs before kick off, until half time on a matchday.
    I admire your loyalty to Mel, but if you truly think our ticketing problems at the moment are due to a wonderful new era of convenience, I'd be disappointed. 
  17. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to Eddie in Club comms   
    I got an invite today to renew my season tickets - which we gave up 3 years ago.
    They're so up to date - it's nothing short of staggering. Speaking of staggering, it's beer o'clock.
  18. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to hintonsboots in Club comms   
    I thinks most of us would echo that statement. Mel has been let down by only 3 things, recruitment, recruitment, recruitment, in relation to managerial appointments, Player acquisitions and latterly potential buyers.
  19. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to 24Charlie in Club comms   
    I can see this line of thought in some respects but I don’t see that cutting off an obvious revenue stream like the ticket office helps to save Mel money.
    We can tell from anecdotal evidence on here that people simply haven’t been able to get tickets online or have no access to printers or just prefer dealing with a person face to face. These people haven’t gone or even haven’t renewed their season ticket because of it. Some even see it as a slight to fans. Rather than making things easy the club have made it hard, which many have seen as disrespectful to the loyal and the faithful.
  20. Angry
    RAM1966 reacted to Day in Club comms   
    I know it doesn't help with any conspiracy theory, but we're not the only club that's closed their ticket office, not saying it justifies the decision, just thought it was worth mentioning thats all. Reminds me of the away kit release, again we wasn't the only club not to release their away kit before the season starts, but you would assume it was just in Derby looking at social media. 
    Anyway, Spurs have closed their ticket office, not open at all, Swansea only open on match days, sure I have seen others online, feel free to look and verify. 
    With everything moving online to e tickets, ticket offices will be a thing of the past in a few years, not just football clubs but cinema, train stations, airports. Might only be a minimum wage job, but it's money saved where computers can takeover.
    The pandemic has probably sped things up a little, businesses exploring cost cutting measures, exploring online only options as well as going cashless now. 
    People will moan but online systems will be improved and be easier to use as feedback is gathered, your mobile phone will carry tickets, driving licences (America just approved), medical passports the lot, not sure it should even be called a phone at this point.
    I have been helping the in laws adapt, they now have iPhones, every time I go round I'll ask them to either show me their covid passport or send me an email. They even order repeat prescriptions now on an app rather than ringing the doctors. All us reading this now are lucky, we're growing up with this technology so will be easier to age without being frustrated about not being able to buy a football ticket.
  21. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to hintonsboots in Club comms   
    Have you got a theory that could link the two ??
  22. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to 24Charlie in Club comms   
    No matter what the other issues are it does not seem sensible to not allow the club to make money through the normal revenue streams that every other club would consider essential. So why should it matter that the other problems are on going.
    The cost of employing staff would be easily outweighed by sales.
  23. Haha
    RAM1966 reacted to Tyler Durden in Club comms   
    Have you given serious consideration to the possibility that the closure of the ticket office is intrinsically linked to the other off field issues which the club is unable to comment about?
    And if the club were to come out and give the true reasons behind the ticket office not opening then that would cause widespread dismay and panic amongst supporters so they are deliberately trying to suppress the release of that information?
  24. Angry
    RAM1966 reacted to JfR in Club comms   
    RamsTrust put out a summary of what was spoken about (and could be discussed outside of the meeting) on their website:
    There really weren't any bombshells in it, though, but that's probably to be expected. Anything information that one would find particularly interesting seems to be being kept on a need-to-know basis by all sides.
  25. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to Spanish in Club comms   
    Nope, scared into silence
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