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  1. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to i-Ram in Mel, did he really eat my hamster?   
    This is the 60m (dollar) question isn’t it? If he has the money then he has sold the Club down the river. If he has run out of money, and this I think unlikely, he has been a silly old fool. 
  2. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to RoyMac5 in Mel, did he really eat my hamster?   
    Who was in charge of the Club?
    Who made all the decisions?
    Who still owns the ground?
    Which Club is in administration and at risk of liquidation?
  3. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to gfs1ram in Mel, did he really eat my hamster?   
    My sentiments exactly but I also agree with Pistolpete, LazioW & David's additional comments re Admin.
    Yes Mel gambled big time and lost. QPR, Villa, Bournemouth and even Boro amongst others did the same and won. We made some awful costly signings for which Mel has to take responsibility.
    However putting the Club into Administration looks to be his biggest mistake. Far from crystallising the position it immediately handed the initiative to the EFL to impose dubious points deductions and too Boro and Wycombe to hold the Club to ransom. 
    What I would have loved to have seen was for Mel to take those three to court if necessary and fight our position. Something the Administrators will not/cannot do.
    Our amortisation policy was entirely legal and an accepted accounting practice we were just the first to introduce it in football. Just because Gibson threatened the EFL with legal action and Maguire highlighted it, asking a Club to rewrite/backdate it's accounts some 2/3 years later is just wrong. As the OP says in fairness Derby/Mel would have based the FFP calculations on those original figures.
    Mel should also have cleared the debts then selling the Club would have been easier. 
    Whats another £100m when you have already lost £200m ??  Then again it's not my money ?
    I fear now the Middlesborough claim could well liquidate the Club.
  4. Like
    RAM1966 reacted to CBRammette in Happy New Year   
    Happy New Year - here's to a better 2022 ??
  5. COYR
    RAM1966 got a reaction from IslandExile in Happy New Year   
    I'm on my way guys and girls - Don't panic!!!!

  6. Like
    RAM1966 reacted to RoyMac5 in Happy New Year   
    Happy New Year everyone! I hope 2022 continues as 2021 ended footballing-wise.
    Come on you Mighty Rams. #proud
  7. COYR
    RAM1966 reacted to Day in Happy New Year   
    2021 hasn't been easy for a lot of people, even tougher for us Derby County fans that have had to endure and will continue to do so the sleepless nights with the unthinkable, the threat of our club facing possible liquidation. 
    I just wanted to wish you all a Happy New Year, without you, this community would not be here, the community that has allowed fans from not just around the country, but the world to come together and help each other through these difficult times and I'm sure will continue to do so through next year and beyond.
    For any players, management, staff, anyone connected to the club that may also be reading this, Happy New Year to you also, I can only speak for myself, but I'm sure many others will agree, you are all making us so proud to be a Ram, we cannot ask anymore from you.
    Let's all go and smash 2022 ?
  8. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to jono in The Administration Thread   
    One thing that must be interesting and also a little frightening in the ebb and flow of negotiations / discussions. ..
    Whatever the price of the club …. the value of what any possible new buyer actually  will get, stands to diminish rapidly if doesn’t get done before our great young players have to seek work elsewhere because they don’t have a contract and therefore have no sell on value. 
  9. COYR
    RAM1966 reacted to Eatonram in The Administration Thread   
    Good for you b4 happy new year to a fellow Ram. 
  10. COYR
    RAM1966 reacted to B4ev6is in The Administration Thread   
    Come on people a deal will  be done just dont panic and I do feel a take over will be done soon.
  11. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to PistoldPete in Mel, did he really eat my hamster?   
    The winding up order in January 2020 was withdrawn after a few days. The bill was settled, so that's a non-issue. The current bill is due to the lack of income during the pandemic lockdown and reduction in income ever since. The admin team have estimated a funding gap due to COVID of between £30m and £40 m. are they rewriting history?
    The notes to the accounts in 2016 made it clear we had changed the amortsiation method and if anything EFL thought we were using a more non-compliant method than were actually were ..using non zero values for players who coudl leave on Bosmans .  So if they were misled they were misled into thinking we were very non-compliant when we were not. So why didn't they bring action earlier? There really is no excuse for the EFL to be ducking us around like that. Your stuff in bold is itself very misleading and wrong.
    Also the EFL redid the accounts for us , we accepted their redone accounts just to bring it to a close doesn't mean their accounts were any more right than ours. They do not have a duty to seek  penalties for potential breaches (or even actual breaches, necessarily) , they were just throwing mud and hoping some would stick. And they were seeking to relegate us if they possibly could any which they could.  
    So that's why the fans are still singing "duck the EFL" and really hoping that we can overturn the 21 point deduction, stay in the Championship and really stick two fingers at them.     
  12. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to EtoileSportiveDeDerby in Mel, did he really eat my hamster?   
    He thought he was clever. He wasn't (In this instance). Simple as that.
  13. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to Red Ram in Mel, did he really eat my hamster?   
    Mel Morris inherited a squad panistakingly built on a shoestring budget by Nigel Clough over a number of seasons. It came within a whisker of getting promoted under Steve McClaren. That side could have survived and prospered in the Prem with a few key additions.
    Once that squad missed out in the play-off final against QPR, Mel spent upwards of £50 million over the next 5 years or so, making it progressively weaker. He tripled the wage bill in the process, to the point where the annual wage bill was in excess of the club's annual turnover. Basically he gambled, lost and then did the classic gambler's fallacy thing - kept gambling to try and recover his losses. We ended up in breach of FFP in 3 of the 4 rolling three year windows within this period - hence the points deduction, which was actually significantly lower than the maximum tartiff that could have been imposed by the ELF. The HMRC winding up order was filed in January 2020 which was before COVID had hit the UK so it's literally rewriting history to try and blame COVID.
    Mel, quite simply, massively overspent and then tried every trick in the book to massage the figures, including, and this keeps getting overlooked, changing the amortisation method without making it sufficiently clear to the EFL what the changes were. By the way, the EFL do not sign off accounts - this is another often repeated misconception. The club and then it's auditors sign off their own accounts. However the EFL do  have a duty to investigate and penalise any potential breaches of the rules that come to their attention. All the EFL have done is enforce the rules agreed on by all it's members including Derby. They had no choice but to do so. Blaming the EFL is like blaming the iceberg rather than the captain of the titanic.
    Add to the above the decision to put us into administration which has, at best, more or less guaranteeed relegation to League One and, at worst, put the very survival of the club at risk. This, despite repeated previous assurances that he would continue to fund the club until it got a buyer.
    I'm sure Mel geniunely wanted the best for the club and was desperate to suceed but the end result of his tenure is that Derby County may not exist in it's current form by this time next year. So yes, he ate your hamster.
  14. Haha
    RAM1966 reacted to ck- in Mel, did he really eat my hamster?   
    And if my Aunty had balls, she’d be my Uncle
  15. Haha
    RAM1966 reacted to Derbados in Mel, did he really eat my hamster?   
    Go to bed Mel, you’re drunk
  16. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to RadioactiveWaste in Mel, did he really eat my hamster?   
    Mel gambled big and lost.
    His response was to continue to gamble and come up with what he thought were nifty manouvers to try and cover it off until he got a big win.
    He didn't get his big win, he got his comeuppance for the accounts, couldn't sell the club because of his previous shennanigines............
    Hard to feel sorry, hard not to conclude it's his fault...............
  17. Haha
    RAM1966 reacted to Foreveram in Mel, did he really eat my hamster?   
    Will you accept £1.25
  18. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to mrdave85 in Mel, did he really eat my hamster?   
    You are Mel Morris and I claim my £5
  19. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to i-Ram in Mel, did he really eat my hamster?   
    He ate your hamster, shat it out, and now owns its wheel.
  20. Haha
    RAM1966 reacted to Boycie in Mel, did he really eat my hamster?   
  21. Haha
    RAM1966 reacted to i-Ram in Mel, did he really eat my hamster?   
  22. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to Ram1988 in Mel, did he really eat my hamster?   
    Well said, what fan of our club would put us into administration and risk the club being liquidated?
  23. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to RoyMac5 in Mel, did he really eat my hamster?   
    Because he's put us into administration. This even has the possibility of liquidation, that is NO club.
    Guilty as charged.
  24. Haha
    RAM1966 reacted to MackworthRamIsGod in The Administration Thread   
    Don't post things like this, the bed wetters on here will be having kittens, no negativity please, all upbeat! Ebosele, 6 months left, what could possibly go wrong.
    These admins have everything in hand. Remember, they have our interests at heart.
  25. Like
    RAM1966 reacted to Crewton in The Administration Thread   
    You think that but, to allot of other people, it looks pessimistic considering the search for a buyer is clearly still 'live'.
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