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Posts posted by samtheram83

  1. 1 hour ago, ram59 said:

    I would imagine that with Rotherham being a much smaller outfit, it was easier for him to be more involved at all levels of the club. His priority at Derby, is first and foremost about first team affairs, as would most managers at the bigger clubs.

    In fairness it was only mentioned about how he was as a person. Always had time for a chat and lend an ear. Didn't mention coaching or anything.

    I agree on your point, bigger club, bigger prospects and more expected maybe than Rotherham's academy.

    First and foremost he's our first team manager. But good to hear his general attitude as a person stretches further than that.

  2. I've seen a lot of people talking about Paul Warne not being great bringing academy/youth team players through.

    I have a friend who's lad has been at Rotherham from a very young age and has gone on to make the bench a few times (he's still only 18 I think).

    He speaks very highly of Warne and said he was great with the youth teams and was often down watching them train/play.

  3. On 28/04/2024 at 13:40, BWFCNick said:

    Hi all,

    I just wanted to pop on and say congrats on a successful season and well deserved promotion. I know there's been some ill feeling between fans, mostly on the toxic social media platforms (not helped by a large number of idiots of which we at Bolton have f****** loads). I've scanned through your forum and a few others to regularly to check in on the thoughts of some of our promotion rivals over the season and as forums go, this one is generally positive and full of good and honest opinions. We have another fan called Wanderlust who often peruses the various forums and I feel he is a good fan for honest opinions too. I hope we can join you, I'm sure there's plenty of you hoping we stumble and end up stuck in L1 for at least another year, mainly for the fans who've been making stupid excuses for us not winning points this season. Reality is, you and Pompey were the most consistent teams over the season and thoroughly deserve your promotion, so well done and good luck in the championship next year. With your stadium and fanbase and what your fans have been through (trust me, I know what it feels like too), you deserve some good times now!


    All the best gents (and ladies)

    Not me! My grandad was a massive Bolton Wanderers fan, I still remember him shouting "BOLTON WANDERERS!" At the top of his voice when the scores came in. Scared my poor grandma to death! 😆

    So the last two seasons I've wanted a the Rams and Bolton for top two.

    I'll be rooting for you in the playoffs (good result last night 👍). Good luck!

  4. On 27/03/2024 at 07:53, Oldben said:

    Tanto Olaofe's with 20 goals at Stockport County.

    If we are promoted, I'd like to see him on our shopping list.


    I really want us to sign this guy. I know naff all about him other than he scores goals and there's a sticker in my local boozers gents that says he's "fast enough to catch a pigeon". 😂

  5. 23 hours ago, Srg said:

    It's 2024, are we still perpetuating this "bulk up" nonsense in football?

    Every time I read "bulk up" I think of Miles Addison. Dude was a tank before his injury nevermind afterwards!

  6. 7 hours ago, Wignall12 said:

    It goes back a good while

    But how long ago was it? It gets mentioned so regularly around transfer time I've lost any concept of when it first game up!

    Or do I really want to know? Will it just make me feel depressingly old?

  7. 4 hours ago, Ghost of Clough said:


    Smith   Rooney   Cashin   Roberts

    Mendez-Laing   Tommo   Bird   Barkhuizen




    Subs: Loach, Forsyth, Davies, Stearman, Hourihane, Sibley, Aghatise, Dobbin, McGoldrick

    What I like about this is changes have been made but the players that have been dropped are still on the bench. Seems an age since we were able to do that!

  8. On 20/11/2022 at 18:31, Gerry Daly said:

    I think we just introduced too many players all at once, many of which weren't all that experienced and some were a bit over rated. So for example Kitson, Johnson, Permbridge and Charles were all young players who had promise but didn't really fulfill it. I thought Craig Short was very overrated and a bit of a flop at the price we paid really. The 'partnership' between him and Wassall looked good on paper but didn't really work. We already had Gabbiadini who I thought was a pretty average player really and he didn't gel with Kitson and Johnson. Martin Khul was signed to give us some experience and toughness in the middle of the park and didn't really come off either. Paul Simpson was a good signing though and scored a lot of goals. Overall though it was a bit of a mess and a massive disappointment. I remember how exited we were when we signed Pembridge, Kitson, Johnson and Short  in particular. Arthur was much better when he was building a side on a shoestring   

    Absolutely destroying some of my childhood favourites ?

    although I was only about 8/9 and you could have put a rams shirt on a border collie and I’d have wanted it’s autograph!

    I even liked ian ormondroyd but that was mainly his funny name and the fact he was so gangly.

  9. I’m glad the “Collo” thread has been bumped cause quite frankly I like him.

    Seems like a hustle and bustle CF that’ll run through brick walls etc etc.

    But what really has made me like him is how he talks. Really liked his interview after Cambridge. Seems a good, honest, likeable footballer.

    I can understand why he’s Paul Warne’s cup of tea.

    I think he’ll be a good signing over the season. Shame he got the red but he’ll be alright I reckon.

  10. 5 minutes ago, Gerry Daly said:

    Basically he appeared not to know and was vague about it. But he said it in such a way that made me think he was suggesting we have a 35 year old who doesn't want to work as hard as everyone is being asked to 

    Yep, kind of got that impression. Particularly as his first response to the question of Mcgoldrick being injured was “is he?”. He seemed to try and back track a little with his explanation and gave credit to Mcgoldrick after that but definitely came across a bit disbelieving of the injury.

  11. 1 hour ago, kevinhectoring said:

    Thank you Rojo  Everyone should have a second team 

    our club’s PR team have overexposed him since he joined which was not the best idea (the break did not help) so we’re looking forward to seeing him on the touchline 

    He talks a lot about energy, ‘gas on’ and runners. It’ll be very interesting to see how he applies that to a squad where half of the best players are a long way from being spring chickens 

    I totally misread this as exposed ?

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