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  1. Angry
    Curtains got a reaction from Comrade 86 in Tactics. Warne vs Rosenior   
    Maybe it was already in motion though by then 
  2. Like
    Curtains got a reaction from FlyBritishMidland in Radio Derby all in for Warne tonight   
    All about systems and organization.
    I simply don’t believe we have the players to play Warnes  preferred 3-5-2 at the moment .
    Maybe he could go back to it when injuries have cleared and he has filled a few gaps in January.
    The 4-2-3-1 worked well against Bristol as it allows players to be more creative going forward .
    Smith  and Roberts did well in the 4  and Forsyth and Cash looked comfortable.
    Might need to adapt the system to 4-3-3 or 4-4-2 ie extra midfielder for Tuesday though .
    Well done Saturday to Players and Management team 
  3. Like
    Curtains got a reaction from lrm14 in Radio Derby all in for Warne tonight   
    All about systems and organization.
    I simply don’t believe we have the players to play Warnes  preferred 3-5-2 at the moment .
    Maybe he could go back to it when injuries have cleared and he has filled a few gaps in January.
    The 4-2-3-1 worked well against Bristol as it allows players to be more creative going forward .
    Smith  and Roberts did well in the 4  and Forsyth and Cash looked comfortable.
    Might need to adapt the system to 4-3-3 or 4-4-2 ie extra midfielder for Tuesday though .
    Well done Saturday to Players and Management team 
  4. Like
    Curtains got a reaction from angieram in Radio Derby all in for Warne tonight   
    All about systems and organization.
    I simply don’t believe we have the players to play Warnes  preferred 3-5-2 at the moment .
    Maybe he could go back to it when injuries have cleared and he has filled a few gaps in January.
    The 4-2-3-1 worked well against Bristol as it allows players to be more creative going forward .
    Smith  and Roberts did well in the 4  and Forsyth and Cash looked comfortable.
    Might need to adapt the system to 4-3-3 or 4-4-2 ie extra midfielder for Tuesday though .
    Well done Saturday to Players and Management team 
  5. COYR
    Curtains reacted to therams69 in Radio Derby all in for Warne tonight   
    I still believe it was the case. When you are told to play a certain way and you recruit the players to play that way its very hard to change overnight.
    A hangover. Good to see Saturday though.
  6. Like
    Curtains got a reaction from Crewton in Radio Derby all in for Warne tonight   
    All about systems and organization.
    I simply don’t believe we have the players to play Warnes  preferred 3-5-2 at the moment .
    Maybe he could go back to it when injuries have cleared and he has filled a few gaps in January.
    The 4-2-3-1 worked well against Bristol as it allows players to be more creative going forward .
    Smith  and Roberts did well in the 4  and Forsyth and Cash looked comfortable.
    Might need to adapt the system to 4-3-3 or 4-4-2 ie extra midfielder for Tuesday though .
    Well done Saturday to Players and Management team 
  7. Like
    Curtains got a reaction from Grimbeard in Tactics. Warne vs Rosenior   
    It’s a simple poll. 
    You either like Roseniors tactics or Warnes.  
     Sorry if it annoys some but that’s the question 
    David isn’t happy by looks of it 
    I don’t think I’ve done many or any polls before .
  8. COYR
    Curtains got a reaction from Tyler Durden in Derby County v Bristol Rovers Saturday 29 October 2022   
    Good win yesterday with 4-2-3-1 .
    Well done to players and Management team 
  9. Like
    Curtains got a reaction from Comrade 86 in Derby County v Bristol Rovers Saturday 29 October 2022   
    Good win yesterday with 4-2-3-1 .
    Well done to players and Management team 
  10. Like
    Curtains got a reaction from lrm14 in Derby County v Bristol Rovers Saturday 29 October 2022   
    That’s because of system change.  It’s not rocket science 
  11. COYR
    Curtains got a reaction from jimbo jones in Derby County v Bristol Rovers Saturday 29 October 2022   
    All down to Warne lol
  12. COYR
    Curtains reacted to IslandExile in Questions for our saviour Mr. David Clowes   
    Just to clarify...I am not criticizing David Clowes for anything, including communication. I will forever be grateful for what he's done.
    Nor am I expecting a direct response from him to those questions.
    The reason for my original post was, and it's clear to anyone reading this forum, there is a lack of agreement or even understanding on the managerial appointment.
    Surely, it would be nice for everyone to have a better idea of the club's overall strategy and direction. I do not think that's too much to ask. And asking it does not diminish my gratitude to DC for saving the club.
  13. Clap
    Curtains got a reaction from Gerry Daly in Derby County v Bristol Rovers Saturday 29 October 2022   
    Still love Max 
  14. Like
    Curtains got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in The Administration Thread   
    In some ways we are probably being slightly unfair on Paul because to be honest we have no idea what his ethos is regarding the academy and bringing players through.  He has been complimentary to Bird and Thompson and several young players.
    Time will tell what happens from now on regarding this and it’s early days 
  15. Clap
    Curtains got a reaction from LeedsCityRam in Derby County v Bristol Rovers Saturday 29 October 2022   
    Still love Max 
  16. Cheers
    Curtains got a reaction from angieram in Questions for our saviour Mr. David Clowes   
    No I think David Clowes should talk to the press that’s all.
    I do appreciate efforts from fan groups and attendees of the Charter Meetings to inform people but that doesn’t get widely read even though it’s published.
    I believe you attended the last one for DCFCFANS   ie this forum and you did report on it as did Punjabi Rams etc.
    Open and honest is what we need .
    Why was Rosenior replaced !
  17. Clap
    Curtains got a reaction from leroyoftherovers in Derby County v Bristol Rovers Saturday 29 October 2022   
    Still love Max 
  18. Clap
    Curtains got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Tactics. Warne vs Rosenior   
    It’s a simple poll. 
    You either like Roseniors tactics or Warnes.  
     Sorry if it annoys some but that’s the question 
    David isn’t happy by looks of it 
    I don’t think I’ve done many or any polls before .
  19. Like
    Curtains got a reaction from Kathcairns in Radio Derby all in for Warne tonight   
    Basically I started this thread because Nick Webster (flag man and nice guy ) was sticking up for Warne and Derby County whilst discussing situation with Radio Derbys Dave Fletcher.
    Of course I would agree with him regarding the club recovering from administration turmoil and the quality of players Liam Rosenior was able to sign late on due to EFL restrictions due  to business plan. 
    I still think wa are allowed as fans though to discuss team performance manager and tactics like for instance who should play RB and what system Paul employs say against Bristol tomorrow.  
    I know Paul and his staff working with the players will be doing this and I for one liked his interview pre Bristol on RamsTV.
    End of day it’s all about opinions 
  20. Cheers
    Curtains reacted to Day in Questions for our saviour Mr. David Clowes   
    Also, the SCG meetings are an EFL requirement, talking to the press isn’t. 
    In general you very rarely hear from owners in the press, so if you have questions, get involved, join a supporters club and voice your concerns and ask questions through them.
  21. COYR
    Curtains reacted to ThePrisoner in Questions for our saviour Mr. David Clowes   
    I’d rather we never heard from the man writing the cheques in the press to be honest. 
  22. COYR
    Curtains reacted to Ram-Alf in Questions for our saviour Mr. David Clowes   
    If he had to go to the press and explain why, Where, When and who then the games up for him, Fans will dissect every word and use the negatives against him. 
  23. COYR
    Curtains reacted to Day in Questions for our saviour Mr. David Clowes   
    Angie represented RamsTrust at the last meeting, we no longer have a representative on the SCG.
  24. COYR
    Curtains reacted to FlyBritishMidland in Questions for our saviour Mr. David Clowes   
    I hope we hardly ever hear from him in the press.  I think we’ve had enough from an owner talking to the media.  I’d rather he just went about his business in private and delivers a long-term sustainable plan.
    As fans, we won’t like every decision, as we’re seeing with the manager debates.  That’s no different to working for a company.  But we’re all emotionally invested in a football club from when we were kids, which makes us want answers, even though we may never get them.
    I think DC alluded to an answer for LR leaving at the last forum.  @angieram will know better than me - I find most people do - but he said something along the lines of they owed LR a duty of care to protect his managerial career.  An interesting statement and not one you hear when a manager leaves a club.  Maybe they felt that LR had been affected by the last couple of years, and who wouldn’t be?  Maybe they felt a fresh start might do him good in the long-term?  We’ll never know, but I’m sure it wasn’t a decision taken likely and, in DC’s view, the best for the long-term.
  25. Clap
    Curtains got a reaction from RoyMac5 in Questions for our saviour Mr. David Clowes   
    Very pertinent questions that need answering IMO as it shouldn’t be a closed shop for the Charter Group meetings which involve certain groups only. 
    I think the fans should be kept informed especially after what has happened regarding administration etc 
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