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    ilkleyram got a reaction from Betty Swollocks in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on Scottish/Malaysian Billionaire Bid   
    I don't think a reason has been given, nor has there been any complaint or comment (positive or negative from either party) which would lead me to conclude that both parties have agreed to it (rather than the EFL adjourning it for their own reasons without Derby's agreement). In turn it might be reasonable to conclude from that that discussions with the EFL are reaching a point which make the hearing unnecessary.  Any agreement reached will be a compromise of course so both sides will win, and lose.
    God knows that the EFL haven't covered themselves in glory with their processes which have been amateurish at best, equally though I find it very hard to believe that they genuinely want us to go under.  They might want to use us as an example to bring others into line, they might want us punished enough that we go down (which they anticipated the earlier DC would achieve), they might be in thrall to certain of their members and 'run' an incompetent  organisation that really isn't fit for purpose any more, but I struggle to believe that they want us out of business completely. So I would take the adjournment of the hearing, which by definition can be restarted, as the EFL helping to remove some of the obstacles to a quicker deal.
    The unacceptable timelines comment is an easy excuse/reason to give.  Maybe they weren't in a real position to proceed.  We would have all been moaning loudly if this had dragged on 6 months to allow the Easdales the time they wanted.
    Who knows though?! 
  2. Cheers
    ilkleyram got a reaction from Mucker1884 in What made today a special day?   
    I don’t know how it is. But I do hope that the mine clearing goes very well for everyone involved, if not well for the mines.
  3. Clap
    ilkleyram reacted to Mucker1884 in What made today a special day?   
    You know how it is...
    You come home from war... your thoughts, nightmares, mental torture, and guilt over not keeping your mate alive, despite them only being feet apart when the Afghan sniper hit... all firmly bottled away for 4 years in an army issue camo travel-flask... before finally coming clean (read "failed to hide it any longer"!) to your superiors, army doctors, shrinks, and... eventually... family!
    A further 5 years pass by (on Civvy Street) with mainly ineffective help, advice and treatment (not for the lack of trying!), whilst the meds, the waking nightmares, the endless sleepless nights, the guilt, and the suicidal tendencies continue apace... until finally, along comes a seemingly successful (fingers crossed!) bout of EMDR therapies, slowly but surely making for a massive upturn in all things mood related.  (Still early days, mind!  Taking nothing for granted, here!)
    And then... with almost perfect timing... the chance of a new start.  A new focus.  A new purpose in life. 
    As of this very morning... confirmed!
    Some folk... particularly parents, I would imagine... may see the fact that their son is about to head off clearing the planet of landmines (starting with 6 months in Cambodia in the new year) as a bit of a bummer!
    But with what we have all been through for the last five years (Plus the secret four, for him!) and with the smile finally back on his face, and a renewed zest for the future, I'm putting today down as being one of the best... despite the natural parental trepidation... because quite simply, it's what he wants... what he needs... and what he deserves.
    Just need to get through this coming Sunday, as we'll be with him when he heads homeward from his Cornish Hideaway, and goes for a long awaited* chat and a catch-up with the aforementioned mate's name-on-the-Camp Bastion Wall, at The National Memorial Arboretum, then it really is time to move onwards, upwards, and forwards!
    (*It was an annual thing, until Covid scuppered last year's visit)
    I may delete this any time soon... for obvious reasons... but right now, with tears in my eyes... I just want to scream out in unashamed relief!
    I think he... and we... might just have turned a very long, slow corner.  Who knows... we may even have made it out through the other side!
    Good day?  Hell yeah!
    For The Fallen.
    For Matt.
    And for those still with us.

  4. Like
    ilkleyram got a reaction from 2tups in Red Roses   
    It’s called Rugby League. Rather popular in these parts. Very good sport too. Much better than Union nowadays.
  5. Like
    ilkleyram got a reaction from I know nuffin in Shinniesta   
  6. Like
    ilkleyram got a reaction from Mucker1884 in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on Scottish/Malaysian Billionaire Bid   
    Give a little love @Mucker1884, give a little love
  7. Haha
    ilkleyram got a reaction from Grimbeard in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    I hate it when they refer to us as country 
  8. Like
    ilkleyram got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    I hate it when they refer to us as country 
  9. Haha
    ilkleyram got a reaction from archram in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    I hate it when they refer to us as country 
  10. Haha
    ilkleyram reacted to Van der MoodHoover in Red Roses   
    Come a long way since it was 13 tubs of lard chugging slowly round the pitch doing something that resembled formation mugging.... ?
  11. Clap
    ilkleyram reacted to Sufferingfool in Red Roses   
  12. Like
    ilkleyram got a reaction from Phoenix in Time wasting   
    No, blaming the refs is the correct option for two reasons. Firstly because they are the solution and secondly because they are allowing the teams, including us though we’re not as bad as others, to get away with it. 
    If we wanted all the gamesmanship that is time wasting stopped then the refs have to clamp down on it. I doubt they see it as a problem. 
  13. Like
    ilkleyram got a reaction from Malty in Time wasting   
    No, blaming the refs is the correct option for two reasons. Firstly because they are the solution and secondly because they are allowing the teams, including us though we’re not as bad as others, to get away with it. 
    If we wanted all the gamesmanship that is time wasting stopped then the refs have to clamp down on it. I doubt they see it as a problem. 
  14. Clap
    ilkleyram got a reaction from Ram-Alf in Time wasting   
    Weak, scared referees accurately describe most of the officials we see - the referee on Saturday escorted a Blackburn player being substituted when he should have been pointing him towards the nearest touchline 10 yards away to speed things up; they’ve completely given up on foul throws or taking the throw from where the ball goes out; I’ve seen one indirect free kick for obstruction in 10 seasons; and the worst thing they ignore is the sly kicking the ball away or interference to stop the opposition taking a quick free kick or to slow the game down
    Referees today are fitter, better looked after, better trained and equipped, have less to do and are twice as incompetent as the well meaning amateur of yesteryear (apart from the crook in Madrid) - nothing to do with them making individual errors because they're human and largely honest but everything to do with their inability to do their job properly ie run the match according to all the laws of the game not just some of them.
  15. Clap
    ilkleyram got a reaction from uttoxram75 in Time wasting   
    Weak, scared referees accurately describe most of the officials we see - the referee on Saturday escorted a Blackburn player being substituted when he should have been pointing him towards the nearest touchline 10 yards away to speed things up; they’ve completely given up on foul throws or taking the throw from where the ball goes out; I’ve seen one indirect free kick for obstruction in 10 seasons; and the worst thing they ignore is the sly kicking the ball away or interference to stop the opposition taking a quick free kick or to slow the game down
    Referees today are fitter, better looked after, better trained and equipped, have less to do and are twice as incompetent as the well meaning amateur of yesteryear (apart from the crook in Madrid) - nothing to do with them making individual errors because they're human and largely honest but everything to do with their inability to do their job properly ie run the match according to all the laws of the game not just some of them.
  16. Clap
    ilkleyram got a reaction from Ellafella in Time wasting   
    Weak, scared referees accurately describe most of the officials we see - the referee on Saturday escorted a Blackburn player being substituted when he should have been pointing him towards the nearest touchline 10 yards away to speed things up; they’ve completely given up on foul throws or taking the throw from where the ball goes out; I’ve seen one indirect free kick for obstruction in 10 seasons; and the worst thing they ignore is the sly kicking the ball away or interference to stop the opposition taking a quick free kick or to slow the game down
    Referees today are fitter, better looked after, better trained and equipped, have less to do and are twice as incompetent as the well meaning amateur of yesteryear (apart from the crook in Madrid) - nothing to do with them making individual errors because they're human and largely honest but everything to do with their inability to do their job properly ie run the match according to all the laws of the game not just some of them.
  17. Like
    ilkleyram got a reaction from Crewton in Time wasting   
    Weak, scared referees accurately describe most of the officials we see - the referee on Saturday escorted a Blackburn player being substituted when he should have been pointing him towards the nearest touchline 10 yards away to speed things up; they’ve completely given up on foul throws or taking the throw from where the ball goes out; I’ve seen one indirect free kick for obstruction in 10 seasons; and the worst thing they ignore is the sly kicking the ball away or interference to stop the opposition taking a quick free kick or to slow the game down
    Referees today are fitter, better looked after, better trained and equipped, have less to do and are twice as incompetent as the well meaning amateur of yesteryear (apart from the crook in Madrid) - nothing to do with them making individual errors because they're human and largely honest but everything to do with their inability to do their job properly ie run the match according to all the laws of the game not just some of them.
  18. Like
    ilkleyram got a reaction from Malty in Time wasting   
    Weak, scared referees accurately describe most of the officials we see - the referee on Saturday escorted a Blackburn player being substituted when he should have been pointing him towards the nearest touchline 10 yards away to speed things up; they’ve completely given up on foul throws or taking the throw from where the ball goes out; I’ve seen one indirect free kick for obstruction in 10 seasons; and the worst thing they ignore is the sly kicking the ball away or interference to stop the opposition taking a quick free kick or to slow the game down
    Referees today are fitter, better looked after, better trained and equipped, have less to do and are twice as incompetent as the well meaning amateur of yesteryear (apart from the crook in Madrid) - nothing to do with them making individual errors because they're human and largely honest but everything to do with their inability to do their job properly ie run the match according to all the laws of the game not just some of them.
  19. Clap
    ilkleyram reacted to VulcanRam in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    Good points, I'm also not a fan of a single bid because we will have to accept it and it might not be right, but because its the only one we have to go with it.
  20. Like
    ilkleyram got a reaction from Kathcairns in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    I’m not so sure that multiple bids are necessarily in DCFC's (and our) best interests for a couple of reasons. Firstly more complicated negotiations potentially slow the process down - and the different bids will inevitably have different benefits for different creditors. And, secondly, multiple bids will drive the price up (in theory). That means possibly less money for the successful candidate to spend on the club after their success
    The downside of limited (one) numbers of bidders is that it only takes the person to drop out for us to be in a real mess.
  21. COYR
    ilkleyram got a reaction from Carnero in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    Thank you. 
  22. Like
    ilkleyram got a reaction from r_wilcockson in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    I’m not so sure that multiple bids are necessarily in DCFC's (and our) best interests for a couple of reasons. Firstly more complicated negotiations potentially slow the process down - and the different bids will inevitably have different benefits for different creditors. And, secondly, multiple bids will drive the price up (in theory). That means possibly less money for the successful candidate to spend on the club after their success
    The downside of limited (one) numbers of bidders is that it only takes the person to drop out for us to be in a real mess.
  23. Like
    ilkleyram got a reaction from VulcanRam in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    I’m not so sure that multiple bids are necessarily in DCFC's (and our) best interests for a couple of reasons. Firstly more complicated negotiations potentially slow the process down - and the different bids will inevitably have different benefits for different creditors. And, secondly, multiple bids will drive the price up (in theory). That means possibly less money for the successful candidate to spend on the club after their success
    The downside of limited (one) numbers of bidders is that it only takes the person to drop out for us to be in a real mess.
  24. Clap
    ilkleyram reacted to Day in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    Feel for him not getting the credit here, no fault of his own but the Reach business model is killing him out there.
    I don't follow him on social media, nothing personal, nor do I even have Derbyshire Live even bookmarked anymore.
    It's now quantity over quality repeated throughout the day and let's be honest, the layout of these websites are truly awful now.
    We have ads here, we need them to survive and have no problem with them, but when an article is broken up that many times it becomes unreadable.
    This isn't just Derbyshire Live, it's all of the Reach network, barely even check our own local site up here now for news as it's full of advertorials and national celebrity tosh scraped from the papers in their network.
    Steve Nicholson would have been great at The Athletic, not even great but perfect, I'm sure they still have targets to hit with subscriptions, but could focus more on quality, not turning tweets and he she said this into articles. 
    Kinda sad to see journalists have to play the game now.
  25. Like
    ilkleyram got a reaction from Crewton in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    Dead right.  Didn't we effectively have a 'pre-back' deal with the three amigos when we were bought out of 10 minutes of administration for a quid, or whatever it was?  But otherwise what the hell has it to do with Sunderland who are apparently well funded.
    What was interesting was the photo that illustrated the article of a match at PP with no fans.  There's the problem - Covid = no fans = no income (or hugely reduced). QED, force majeure.
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