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  1. Haha
    ilkleyram got a reaction from Mucker1884 in DCFC Answer Smash.   
    I was trying to remember if Justin Edinburgh ever played for us ??
  2. Sad
    ilkleyram got a reaction from Ted McMinn Football Genius in Bristol City next to fail P and S ?   
    Yes you are. This is the EFL we're talking about
  3. Clap
    ilkleyram reacted to Ghost of Clough in The Administration Thread   
    Other than the large portion of our fan base who don't live in Derbyshire ?
  4. Like
    ilkleyram got a reaction from Rev in The Administration Thread   
    football fans are much the same ??
  5. Like
    ilkleyram got a reaction from Tamworthram in The Administration Thread   
    football fans are much the same ??
  6. Sad
    ilkleyram got a reaction from Alty_Ram in The Administration Thread   
    Isn’t it great to see the football family alive, well and self supportive? 
  7. Clap
    ilkleyram reacted to Crewton in The Administration Thread   
    TBF, when most of the owners are rapacious greed-mongers, it's hardly surprising.
  8. Haha
    ilkleyram got a reaction from Crewton in The Administration Thread   
    Isn’t it great to see the football family alive, well and self supportive? 
  9. Like
    ilkleyram got a reaction from angieram in The Administration Thread   
    There are other options.
    The new owners could take on the risk.  It might be why there have been delays and some complications - the prospective owners getting legal advice on how strong the cases are.  If Appleby really is 'ready to go' he's obviously come to some conclusion about the claim that allows him to be confident.  Kirchener too.
    As there is no current owner as such - the new buyers could have agreed with the outgoing owner that the final price paid would be adjusted after the conclusion of the cases - the prospective owner could insure themselves against any damages arising from the cases.  Again that might explain complications/delays as the insurers would have to be found and would then have to judge the level of risk to work out the premium.
    It would help no end if the EFL were to make public their dissatisfaction with the case - make a positive statement that the cases have no merit.  But they won't do that because they would effectively be acting as judge and jury without hearing the case which would be against their rules; would be taking sides in a dispute between 3 of their members each one of whom they should be treating equally.
    They could though help by publicly saying that the dispute will be heard by an independent panel within a set timetable.  Trouble is that they really don't want that - too much precedent will be set.  They are between a rock and a hard place through largely their own inefficiency in allowing our case to drag on originally. As @angieram has said - I bet they wish that this whole thing would go away and I would bet that behind the scenes they are trying very hard to do just that without p'ing off all three clubs and owners.  Certainly getting the new owners to slap a few quid the way of Boro and Wycombe would be a solution they would like - no hearing, no lawyers, no precedent, spinnable whichever way any party likes.   
  10. Like
    ilkleyram got a reaction from Tamworthram in The Administration Thread   
    Pearce did. And I would suspect that whoever the Boro rep is will have to as well.
    I don't think the EFL is fit for much but even they wouldn't be that bad
  11. Like
    ilkleyram got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in The Administration Thread   
    Pearce did. And I would suspect that whoever the Boro rep is will have to as well.
    I don't think the EFL is fit for much but even they wouldn't be that bad
  12. Like
    ilkleyram got a reaction from Ramarena in The Administration Thread   
    9,999,999 is also 7 figures 
  13. Like
    ilkleyram got a reaction from MaltRam in The Administration Thread   
    Nope. Maths.
  14. Like
    ilkleyram got a reaction from Tamworthram in The Administration Thread   
    Nope. Maths.
  15. Like
    ilkleyram got a reaction from i-Ram in The Administration Thread   
    9,999,999 is also 7 figures 
  16. Clap
    ilkleyram got a reaction from StarterForTen in The Administration Thread   
    9,999,999 is also 7 figures 
  17. Haha
    ilkleyram got a reaction from Ramifications in The Administration Thread   
    I see what you dung there
  18. Like
    ilkleyram got a reaction from CBRammette in The Administration Thread   
    I’m taking it as a huge step forward and cause for optimism that you think we’ll still be around this time next year. Primed and ready isn’t the same as going. Clearly you know something good that you’re not sharing.
  19. Haha
    ilkleyram got a reaction from JoetheRam in Things that annoy me but shouldn’t..   
    Happy new year @JoetheRam
  20. Like
    ilkleyram got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in The Administration Thread   
    Over two years I think. Or £30m this year. Maybe that’s about the going rate.  
  21. Like
    ilkleyram got a reaction from r_wilcockson in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    The EFL probably are putting pressure on, to some extent.  But they are also limited in what they can do in the sense that they cannot actually stop one club making a claim against another nor from taking legal action.  And any compromise inevitably ends up with us (or the new owners) paying some money to the two to make them go away, on the basis that they're unlikely to settle for nothing.  Why would they?  It's no skin off their noses that our change of ownership is delayed.
    Unfortunately the claims show no public signs of going away.  I think we have three options - 1) we get Rooney's media contacts to start a public shame campaign 2) the Administrators negotiate or facilitate a deal with the two plus the preferred buyer, effectively treating them as creditors without the title so they get paid when the takeover happens 3) the preferred buyers accept the possible liability as part of the deal and insure against it (if they can) or play their own game of 'see you in court'. No takeover ever happens without there being any problems to sort out. 
    I wonder if today's story is a result of option 3) with the preferred buyers more confident of their ability to win?  If I were the buyers I would be champing at the bit to get the deal done whilst there is still a chance of us staying up and when results have been going well.
  22. Clap
    ilkleyram got a reaction from GB SPORTS in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    Not sure it has been all that different in my lifetime - most clubs have operated at a loss most of the time.  Where it is different is in the size of the numbers, from players and staff wages to cost of running stadia and training facilities, from income to the cost of watching.
    Where it is hugely different is the disparity between the top few clubs and the lower majority caused by the unequal distribution of (largely) TV money. That unequal distribution is what has ruined football and made it the unequal contest it currently is. 60 years ago it was a much more equal contest that allowed dreams to be realised.  Now it is biased against anyone from outside a select group wanting to break up the cartel.
    And where it is even more different  is in the competence at world, european and country level of football administrators. The people of vision, leadership and love of the game have been replaced by incompetent money men full of self interest. So it ain't going to change any time soon.
  23. Clap
    ilkleyram reacted to Comrade 86 in This Club of Ours   
    Just about scraped myself off the ceiling - ooh, err matron!
    Great team selection tonight, another fantastic blood and guts performance from the lads, laced with no small amount of good football too. Further credit to Wayne and the coaches; the right subs made at precisely the right time. Full kudos, they got it absolutely spot on tonight in every regard. 
    For my part, I can't help but love this squad. For years now, even under Mac1 when we had a seriously good footballing side, we always had something of a soft centre. These lads, however, are tough as teak and are showing just the kind of gritty resolve we've so often lacked. In an era when most players seem to be all about themselves, these lads play for each other and the fans. Just watch how they react to every challenge, every save, every goal and every point secured. We talk about pride in the shirt and rightly so. These lads have it in spades. And what about those fans of ours! Our lot are now indisputably the most rabidly fervent collective of madheads anywhere in the EFL. No contest! 
    All these elements combined have topped off a wonderful festive period for me and mine and I really hope for yous lot too. With another 4 days before I even consider doing any work again and the chance to pop another 3 points on the board in the interim, this has been a holiday I'll not forget for a long while and I'm bursting with pride for this maddening, yet wonderful club of ours. Folks have espoused the opinion that suitors would be mad to invest in Derby County FC. Personally, I think they'd be mad not to. 
  24. Like
    ilkleyram got a reaction from jono in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    Agree with the vast majority of this @jono.
    The moment though that you have any system that limits the budget an owner can spend, however you might create that, is the moment that people will try to find a way around it - it's human and sporting nature which nothing will change. In the 'old' days gate receipts and numbers were 'adjusted'; gatemen took backhanders to let fans in free; brown envelopes of cash helped transfers happen. 
    And because the limitation is purely and artificially financial the sponsorship deals and financial games will continue.
    Football has two choices - either go back to a free for all in which owners can spend what they like as per almost any other business or find a way to limit expenditure and try to close loopholes as they arise, but accept that people will always try to find ways around it and accept that the system, any system, is imperfect and has unintended (or intended) consequences
  25. Clap
    ilkleyram got a reaction from leroyoftherovers in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    Not sure it has been all that different in my lifetime - most clubs have operated at a loss most of the time.  Where it is different is in the size of the numbers, from players and staff wages to cost of running stadia and training facilities, from income to the cost of watching.
    Where it is hugely different is the disparity between the top few clubs and the lower majority caused by the unequal distribution of (largely) TV money. That unequal distribution is what has ruined football and made it the unequal contest it currently is. 60 years ago it was a much more equal contest that allowed dreams to be realised.  Now it is biased against anyone from outside a select group wanting to break up the cartel.
    And where it is even more different  is in the competence at world, european and country level of football administrators. The people of vision, leadership and love of the game have been replaced by incompetent money men full of self interest. So it ain't going to change any time soon.
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