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  1. Sad
    NottsRam77 got a reaction from Miggins in How's everyone feeling this morning?   
    Bloody terrible mate
    Was up til 1am just ploughing through everything in total disbelief
    woke up at 5 and half asleep genuinely thought id dreamt it… then it hit me 
    i dont have words to describe it other than what the duck
    and this is only the beggining this mess and the fall out could and will hamper us for years 
  2. Like
    NottsRam77 got a reaction from Ramarena in Notice to appoint administrators   
    Wassalls gone?? 
    tbh if we were retaining one person id keep him
    pop him in as manager get back to basics nigel clough style .. players with the right hunger and desire to learn .. anyhow i digress
    edit: sorry i quoted the wrong person 
  3. Like
    NottsRam77 got a reaction from joooools in How's everyone feeling this morning?   
    Thats the thing that gets me … theres talk of a 2 year embargo … have we not served 18 months of that sentence already ???
  4. Like
    NottsRam77 got a reaction from ramit in Notice to appoint administrators   
    Wassalls gone?? 
    tbh if we were retaining one person id keep him
    pop him in as manager get back to basics nigel clough style .. players with the right hunger and desire to learn .. anyhow i digress
    edit: sorry i quoted the wrong person 
  5. Like
    NottsRam77 got a reaction from Anon in Notice to appoint administrators   
    Wassalls gone?? 
    tbh if we were retaining one person id keep him
    pop him in as manager get back to basics nigel clough style .. players with the right hunger and desire to learn .. anyhow i digress
    edit: sorry i quoted the wrong person 
  6. Sad
    NottsRam77 reacted to Gaspode in How's everyone feeling this morning?   
    I just feel numb - and this afternoon feels more like I’ll be going to a wake than a football match……
  7. Sad
    NottsRam77 got a reaction from Chris_Martin in How's everyone feeling this morning?   
    Bloody terrible mate
    Was up til 1am just ploughing through everything in total disbelief
    woke up at 5 and half asleep genuinely thought id dreamt it… then it hit me 
    i dont have words to describe it other than what the duck
    and this is only the beggining this mess and the fall out could and will hamper us for years 
  8. Sad
    NottsRam77 got a reaction from IslandExile in How's everyone feeling this morning?   
    Bloody terrible mate
    Was up til 1am just ploughing through everything in total disbelief
    woke up at 5 and half asleep genuinely thought id dreamt it… then it hit me 
    i dont have words to describe it other than what the duck
    and this is only the beggining this mess and the fall out could and will hamper us for years 
  9. Like
    NottsRam77 reacted to AndyinLiverpool in How's everyone feeling this morning?   
    Nobody's died. My family are happy. The cats are keeping our raspberry bushes safe from the birds. The pears are nearly ripe.
    There is still beauty in the world. Mel Morris is not going to duck that up.
  10. Clap
    NottsRam77 got a reaction from Brammie Steve in Notice to appoint administrators   
    Great post… and yes your right any new owners need to see what an amazing and relentless fan base we are 
  11. COYR
    NottsRam77 reacted to CornwallRam in Notice to appoint administrators   
    A few thoughts from a fitful night's sleep:
    Mel wanted to push FFP/P&S to the limit. He also spent significantly on items that were FFP exempt, like the academy and the infrastructure. It seemed that he wanted to use his vast wealth to drive the club into the Premier League.
    That was fair enough; it was his money and his train set. Now he's walking away from the club he loves and putting its very existence in jeopardy, because he's having to put £1.5 million per month in? That is a very large u-turn. Why?
    Assuming the MSD thing comes to nothing and we go into administration, we get a 12 point penalty. I believe that's fair enough. It stops clubs from using it as a relatively easy way to walk away from debts, as has happened in the past.
    What I'm struggling to see the point of is a two year transfer embargo. You can't argue against an embargo whilst in administration; a club without the cash to pay its way can't be allowed to increase its costs. However, the key for the club to survive is that a buyer is found quickly. An ongoing embargo is going to make selling the club as a going concern far more difficult. Surely the embargo should be lifted as soon as the football and hmrc debts are paid and the CVA is in place? It seems to me that this EFL rule is one which could easily drive a founder member to extinction. 
    Finally, what we need now is a buyer. As fans, we need buyers to see our potential. Everyone knows that Rooney and the players are blameless here and deserve our support. I suspect that today's atmosphere will be excellent.  
    What I think would help secure the future of Derby County would be big home gates over the next couple of months. The administrators will need cash to pay the bills, otherwise the doors slam shut. But if we can pack the stadium,  it will also send a message that we are a club worth buying. So please, everyone who can, get yourselves to the next few games.
  12. Clap
    NottsRam77 reacted to S8TY in Notice to appoint administrators   
    An actual owner and so called fan taking our club into administration.....still can't quite believe it.....no one will change or stop my love for this club but agree with a few on here that football itself seems broken and am losing interest generally in the game....its not about football anymore it seems .....i grew up loving the game when it just seemed so much more in touch with the average working class fan ....now its about money and greed and what people can take out of the game....preferred the old days with no agents no bosman ruling where clubs got a fee for a player if he was valued and more honesty in the game .....sad times for our club and hardly slept a wink last night...._?
  13. Sad
    NottsRam77 got a reaction from S8TY in Notice to appoint administrators   
    Uv nailed it i woke up at 5am and was like god that was a horrible dream…. Then it hit me again
  14. Sad
    NottsRam77 reacted to Kinder in Notice to appoint administrators   
    Is it true that we could go into a 2 year transfer embargo for going into administration? If so, I fear we’re far from rock bottom. That’s going to be League Two at best.
  15. Clap
    NottsRam77 reacted to Tyler Durden in Notice to appoint administrators   
    Still appalled by the total lack of morals and scruples of the owner to abdicate any responsibility for sorting the mess which in part he created. 
    Easier to run away. Coward. 
  16. COYR
    NottsRam77 reacted to Tombo in Notice to appoint administrators   
    Been waiting for rock bottom for months.
    Rock bottom is the point where you cannot sink any further and the only way is up. It's the beginning of the rebirth.
    If this is it, let's be reborn.
  17. Like
    NottsRam77 got a reaction from Miggins in Notice to appoint administrators   
    Have messages u mate, inbox is always open
  18. Like
    NottsRam77 reacted to plymouthram in Notice to appoint administrators   
    You need to get your facts right, Home park football ground is in Central park, the hookers are off the back of Union Street which stretches from the edge of the city centre to an area called Stonehouse (2 miles from the footie ground). Stonehouse is also the area where the druggies are (they go hand in hand with the prostitution). The shootings happened in the Wolseley Road area of the city, the last person shot was the murderer Jake Davison who killed himself in Henderson Place (approx 1.3 miles from the football ground). Jake Henderson was not a Plymothian, his family moved down from Scotland. You mentioned Union street in another ditty, yes that's a poohole to avoid. I have been in Plymouth since the 1970's, yes over 50 years, brought up and lived in Chaddesden(still have family there).
    If we do get relegated and have Plymouth to play, any fans want some info, i.e. which pubs to go to, where to avoid etc, I am willing to give you a write up on this forum.
  19. COYR
    NottsRam77 got a reaction from Miggins in Notice to appoint administrators   
    tell me this is rock bottom?
    for the last however long its been body blow after body blow And like many im tired of it 
    i know rock bottom is liquidation and no club which i hope to god doesnt happen
    if the absolute worst is avoided then at least we know where we are and can get on with rebuild no matter how long it takes
  20. Like
    NottsRam77 reacted to Ellafella in Notice to appoint administrators   
    And that is how I feel. Football has been trashed by the greedy. It’s now a broken mess. 
  21. Like
    NottsRam77 reacted to Angry Ram in Notice to appoint administrators   
    What can I say… So disappointed in the hierarchy at DCFC. 
    As people have said, some of my best days following this club have been in the old 3rd tier.. Different times I know but still great away days.  There are some BIG clubs in League 2, it could be good for us fans.
    We are in a mess, we’ve been in a mes before.. Hopefully we can survive and put Morris well behind us.. No more, he’s local, he’s one of our own bollx.. Means nothing, absolutely nothing.. 
    Ive said before, my love for football is declining quickly. Not just because of our situation but the PL, Champions League, money oriented bull poo. It’s not about us anymore, it’s about money. I suppose that is the world nowadays but to be honest, you can keep it.. Players kiss the badge, owners show up when time are good and disappear when it gets tough.. No honesty in pro football now.. It’s all false and I hate it..
    I read this forum and feel for those who are starting out, those who it still means a lot to.. Even David, who runs a great forum but still has to make a living from it.. I see the DCFC adds have gone now, I hope it’s not too much of a hit for him. B4, absolutely gutted for him. It’s not the end mate, just a new chapter.. I know you will keep the faith but this is going to hit him hard. It’s not so much the EFLs fault fella (although they have stuck the knife in), it’s Morris, end of. 
    60 years old and been through most things with this club. I wish I could say I’m numb, I have been through most of his reign but to be honest… I’m absolutely gutted for the staff, the fans, the creditors and anyone else who truly love this poxy club.. 
  22. Like
    NottsRam77 got a reaction from Big Al in Notice to appoint administrators   
    Have messages u mate, inbox is always open
  23. Clap
    NottsRam77 reacted to jcidaho in Notice to appoint administrators   
    Seen some comments against Ed Dawes.. just leave off will you.
  24. Like
    NottsRam77 got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in Embargo.   
    I read that as New ownership ? Not administration
  25. Like
    NottsRam77 reacted to JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta in Embargo.   
    That's been a case from almost every outlet that has had anything to say about this process from start to finish a couple of years ago. It also, at least in my mind, is one of the reasons that so many fans of other clubs carry the perception that we are guilty beyond all possible doubt.
    Not one news agency has taken a step back, done any reasonable analysis and published something close to the actual situation, at least not from what I have seen.
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