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  1. Clap
    MadAmster reacted to Curtains in Have Derby County been treated unfairly by the EFL   
    Best post ever. 
    Good to see you from “Come on you Rams” mate. 
  2. Like
    MadAmster got a reaction from BramcoteRam84 in Have Derby County been treated unfairly by the EFL   
    A 2 year business plan is an EFL requirement for all clubs coming out of Administration. The EFL has a sort of skeleton, the club puts the meat on the bones and then it's down to the EFL whether they accept the plan or ask for amendments. To the best of my knowledge, DCFC's plan was accepted first time. They didn't write it, we did.
  3. Clap
    MadAmster got a reaction from Jackal in Have Derby County been treated unfairly by the EFL   
    The amortisation (player depreciation) issue. It's a weird one. Under UK Government accounting rules (FRS102), the methodology used by DCFC under MM (he told the EFL he was going to use that method in 2015, why did it take them 4 years to decide it was "illegal" under EFL rules?) is 100% legal and used by many firms. In 2019 there wasn't a specific EFL rule disallowing its use. 
    The first tribunal, which contained some accountants (logical when it's an accounting issue) found the club not guilty. The EFL decided to appeal, on the very last day they could lodge an appeal. The appeal committee contained ZERO accountants to adjudge this accounting issue. They found DCFC guilty. We had to amend and resubmit several years accounts and the end result was we were seen to have broken FFP limits in, IIRC, 3 seasons. That led to the 9 point deduction.
    Several months later, the EFL introduced a new rule disallowing the methodology DCFC had used. Yes, that's right. They made a rule to stop anyone else doing it. So, why did we get found guilty. The answer is that they have, alongside the specific rules, a catch all get out clause to the effect that they can decide something is wrong if they feel like it. In this case DCFC was using a different amortisation methodology to the rest of the Championship sides and that was, somehow, despite being legal, unfair to the other clubs.
    Did we get shafted? IMO most definitely. Why were we shafted? Again, this is a personal opinion. MM had ruffled too many EFL feathers and was involved in a spat with another SBC club chairman and together they saw a way to "get their own back".
    Move to 2023 and it seems Chelsea are doing the same, or something very similar. UEFA will be changing their rules next season to stop anybody else doing it. Chelsea have got in first and will get away with it.
    Strangely enough, I'm glad someone got burnt, unhappy it was us but I sincerely hope that the EFL and PL (hopefully UEFA and FIFA too) change the rules in order to ensure no other club can get into the situation we were in.  
  4. Like
    MadAmster got a reaction from I know nothing in Morecambe (H) Sat 4th Feb   
    Morecambe have a very good home record and a poor away record. I see that away record not improving on Saturday.
  5. Clap
    MadAmster got a reaction from lrm14 in Have Derby County been treated unfairly by the EFL   
    The amortisation (player depreciation) issue. It's a weird one. Under UK Government accounting rules (FRS102), the methodology used by DCFC under MM (he told the EFL he was going to use that method in 2015, why did it take them 4 years to decide it was "illegal" under EFL rules?) is 100% legal and used by many firms. In 2019 there wasn't a specific EFL rule disallowing its use. 
    The first tribunal, which contained some accountants (logical when it's an accounting issue) found the club not guilty. The EFL decided to appeal, on the very last day they could lodge an appeal. The appeal committee contained ZERO accountants to adjudge this accounting issue. They found DCFC guilty. We had to amend and resubmit several years accounts and the end result was we were seen to have broken FFP limits in, IIRC, 3 seasons. That led to the 9 point deduction.
    Several months later, the EFL introduced a new rule disallowing the methodology DCFC had used. Yes, that's right. They made a rule to stop anyone else doing it. So, why did we get found guilty. The answer is that they have, alongside the specific rules, a catch all get out clause to the effect that they can decide something is wrong if they feel like it. In this case DCFC was using a different amortisation methodology to the rest of the Championship sides and that was, somehow, despite being legal, unfair to the other clubs.
    Did we get shafted? IMO most definitely. Why were we shafted? Again, this is a personal opinion. MM had ruffled too many EFL feathers and was involved in a spat with another SBC club chairman and together they saw a way to "get their own back".
    Move to 2023 and it seems Chelsea are doing the same, or something very similar. UEFA will be changing their rules next season to stop anybody else doing it. Chelsea have got in first and will get away with it.
    Strangely enough, I'm glad someone got burnt, unhappy it was us but I sincerely hope that the EFL and PL (hopefully UEFA and FIFA too) change the rules in order to ensure no other club can get into the situation we were in.  
  6. Like
    MadAmster got a reaction from Inverurie Ram in West Ham (H) FACR4 Mon 30th Jan   
    Flights, hotels et al make more than half a dozen games a season unaffordable. 2 home games thus far. Barnsley away is booked for 4 of us. Just hope now we can get tickets. It's an expensive trip too. Booked the flights with Flybe who have gone belly up so had to book with KLM now. 300 for the flight each. Put a claim in to get the Flybe money back from the credit card company... no guarantee though. Doing FGR away too. Flights and hotel booked. Again 4 of us. I know someone in the heirarchy there so we are already in. Other games this season? Possibly Wendy away and maybe Fleetwood at home. My finances will be happy to see the closed season arrive. ;)
  7. Cheers
    MadAmster got a reaction from angieram in West Ham (H) FACR4 Mon 30th Jan   
    Flights, hotels et al make more than half a dozen games a season unaffordable. 2 home games thus far. Barnsley away is booked for 4 of us. Just hope now we can get tickets. It's an expensive trip too. Booked the flights with Flybe who have gone belly up so had to book with KLM now. 300 for the flight each. Put a claim in to get the Flybe money back from the credit card company... no guarantee though. Doing FGR away too. Flights and hotel booked. Again 4 of us. I know someone in the heirarchy there so we are already in. Other games this season? Possibly Wendy away and maybe Fleetwood at home. My finances will be happy to see the closed season arrive. ;)
  8. Like
    MadAmster got a reaction from 48 hours in West Ham (H) FACR4 Mon 30th Jan   
    Flights, hotels et al make more than half a dozen games a season unaffordable. 2 home games thus far. Barnsley away is booked for 4 of us. Just hope now we can get tickets. It's an expensive trip too. Booked the flights with Flybe who have gone belly up so had to book with KLM now. 300 for the flight each. Put a claim in to get the Flybe money back from the credit card company... no guarantee though. Doing FGR away too. Flights and hotel booked. Again 4 of us. I know someone in the heirarchy there so we are already in. Other games this season? Possibly Wendy away and maybe Fleetwood at home. My finances will be happy to see the closed season arrive. ;)
  9. Like
    MadAmster got a reaction from Ram@Lincoln in West Ham (H) FACR4 Mon 30th Jan   
    Flights, hotels et al make more than half a dozen games a season unaffordable. 2 home games thus far. Barnsley away is booked for 4 of us. Just hope now we can get tickets. It's an expensive trip too. Booked the flights with Flybe who have gone belly up so had to book with KLM now. 300 for the flight each. Put a claim in to get the Flybe money back from the credit card company... no guarantee though. Doing FGR away too. Flights and hotel booked. Again 4 of us. I know someone in the heirarchy there so we are already in. Other games this season? Possibly Wendy away and maybe Fleetwood at home. My finances will be happy to see the closed season arrive. ;)
  10. Sad
    MadAmster got a reaction from SKRam in West Ham (H) FACR4 Mon 30th Jan   
    We would have qualified for the UEFA Cup that season in 5th.
  11. Clap
    MadAmster got a reaction from RoyMac5 in West Ham (H) FACR4 Mon 30th Jan   
    We would have qualified for the UEFA Cup that season in 5th.
  12. Clap
    MadAmster got a reaction from Reggie Greenwood in West Ham (H) FACR4 Mon 30th Jan   
    We would have qualified for the UEFA Cup that season in 5th.
  13. Clap
    MadAmster got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Port Vale (A) Tues 24th Jan   
    That young Vale lad posts his videos on youtube. I, for one, will be following him to see how he develops.
  14. Like
    MadAmster got a reaction from Reggie Greenwood in Port Vale (A) Tues 24th Jan   
    That young Vale lad posts his videos on youtube. I, for one, will be following him to see how he develops.
  15. Cheers
    MadAmster got a reaction from kevinhectoring in Port Vale (A) Tues 24th Jan   
    My understanding of "punishment" is something someone else decides, unilaterally, do to you. 6 of the best, detention, prison, fine etc. We are currently operating under a business plan put together by DCFC and agreed to by the EFL. I see it as insurance against repeating the same mistakes.
  16. Like
    MadAmster got a reaction from archram in Port Vale (A) Tues 24th Jan   
    My understanding of "punishment" is something someone else decides, unilaterally, do to you. 6 of the best, detention, prison, fine etc. We are currently operating under a business plan put together by DCFC and agreed to by the EFL. I see it as insurance against repeating the same mistakes.
  17. Like
    MadAmster got a reaction from therealhantsram in Wouldn't It Be Good...   
    Win our game in hand, which is the rearranged Cheltenham game, and we are just 1 point behind Ipswich so, if we win all 7 Ipswich would need to average around 2.8 points per game to stay ahead.
    If PW had been here last summer?, would he have signed Barkhuizen, Hourihane, NML and McGoldrick? We don't know.
    Too many fans thinking vaguaries are facts.
    Me? LR did a great job with recruitment. Wanted the players to be more adventurous going forward, take risks, look for the forward pass. He said so in several interviews. Players like Sibs corroborated that in interviews. I think we would have now been higher up the League than we were when LR left. I am also of the opinion that we wouldn't be as high as PW has got us. I will, however, be eternally grateful for LR's recruitment job. I expected midtable at the start of the season and thought anything better would be a very acceptable bonus. To be where we are is amazing. Barring accidents, playoffs is looking good and top 2 will be hard but not impossible. Let's enjoy the ride.
  18. Like
    MadAmster got a reaction from Kathcairns in Wouldn't It Be Good...   
    Win our game in hand, which is the rearranged Cheltenham game, and we are just 1 point behind Ipswich so, if we win all 7 Ipswich would need to average around 2.8 points per game to stay ahead.
    If PW had been here last summer?, would he have signed Barkhuizen, Hourihane, NML and McGoldrick? We don't know.
    Too many fans thinking vaguaries are facts.
    Me? LR did a great job with recruitment. Wanted the players to be more adventurous going forward, take risks, look for the forward pass. He said so in several interviews. Players like Sibs corroborated that in interviews. I think we would have now been higher up the League than we were when LR left. I am also of the opinion that we wouldn't be as high as PW has got us. I will, however, be eternally grateful for LR's recruitment job. I expected midtable at the start of the season and thought anything better would be a very acceptable bonus. To be where we are is amazing. Barring accidents, playoffs is looking good and top 2 will be hard but not impossible. Let's enjoy the ride.
  19. Like
    MadAmster got a reaction from Foreveram in Bolton Wanderers (H) Sat 21st Jan   
    I stand corrected. thank you
  20. Clap
    MadAmster reacted to Foreveram in Bolton Wanderers (H) Sat 21st Jan   
    Morecambe away was the game postponed when the Queen died, Cheltenham was because of international call ups.
  21. Like
    MadAmster got a reaction from Steve How Hard? in Wouldn't It Be Good...   
    Win our game in hand, which is the rearranged Cheltenham game, and we are just 1 point behind Ipswich so, if we win all 7 Ipswich would need to average around 2.8 points per game to stay ahead.
    If PW had been here last summer?, would he have signed Barkhuizen, Hourihane, NML and McGoldrick? We don't know.
    Too many fans thinking vaguaries are facts.
    Me? LR did a great job with recruitment. Wanted the players to be more adventurous going forward, take risks, look for the forward pass. He said so in several interviews. Players like Sibs corroborated that in interviews. I think we would have now been higher up the League than we were when LR left. I am also of the opinion that we wouldn't be as high as PW has got us. I will, however, be eternally grateful for LR's recruitment job. I expected midtable at the start of the season and thought anything better would be a very acceptable bonus. To be where we are is amazing. Barring accidents, playoffs is looking good and top 2 will be hard but not impossible. Let's enjoy the ride.
  22. Like
    MadAmster got a reaction from Comrade 86 in Wouldn't It Be Good...   
    Win our game in hand, which is the rearranged Cheltenham game, and we are just 1 point behind Ipswich so, if we win all 7 Ipswich would need to average around 2.8 points per game to stay ahead.
    If PW had been here last summer?, would he have signed Barkhuizen, Hourihane, NML and McGoldrick? We don't know.
    Too many fans thinking vaguaries are facts.
    Me? LR did a great job with recruitment. Wanted the players to be more adventurous going forward, take risks, look for the forward pass. He said so in several interviews. Players like Sibs corroborated that in interviews. I think we would have now been higher up the League than we were when LR left. I am also of the opinion that we wouldn't be as high as PW has got us. I will, however, be eternally grateful for LR's recruitment job. I expected midtable at the start of the season and thought anything better would be a very acceptable bonus. To be where we are is amazing. Barring accidents, playoffs is looking good and top 2 will be hard but not impossible. Let's enjoy the ride.
  23. Like
    MadAmster got a reaction from May Contain Nuts in Wouldn't It Be Good...   
    Win our game in hand, which is the rearranged Cheltenham game, and we are just 1 point behind Ipswich so, if we win all 7 Ipswich would need to average around 2.8 points per game to stay ahead.
    If PW had been here last summer?, would he have signed Barkhuizen, Hourihane, NML and McGoldrick? We don't know.
    Too many fans thinking vaguaries are facts.
    Me? LR did a great job with recruitment. Wanted the players to be more adventurous going forward, take risks, look for the forward pass. He said so in several interviews. Players like Sibs corroborated that in interviews. I think we would have now been higher up the League than we were when LR left. I am also of the opinion that we wouldn't be as high as PW has got us. I will, however, be eternally grateful for LR's recruitment job. I expected midtable at the start of the season and thought anything better would be a very acceptable bonus. To be where we are is amazing. Barring accidents, playoffs is looking good and top 2 will be hard but not impossible. Let's enjoy the ride.
  24. Like
    MadAmster got a reaction from Tamworthram in Bolton Wanderers (H) Sat 21st Jan   
    I thought it was out, in first instance. However, Foz didn't complain and if anybody would have known for sure it is him.
  25. Like
    MadAmster got a reaction from archram in Wouldn't It Be Good...   
    Win our game in hand, which is the rearranged Cheltenham game, and we are just 1 point behind Ipswich so, if we win all 7 Ipswich would need to average around 2.8 points per game to stay ahead.
    If PW had been here last summer?, would he have signed Barkhuizen, Hourihane, NML and McGoldrick? We don't know.
    Too many fans thinking vaguaries are facts.
    Me? LR did a great job with recruitment. Wanted the players to be more adventurous going forward, take risks, look for the forward pass. He said so in several interviews. Players like Sibs corroborated that in interviews. I think we would have now been higher up the League than we were when LR left. I am also of the opinion that we wouldn't be as high as PW has got us. I will, however, be eternally grateful for LR's recruitment job. I expected midtable at the start of the season and thought anything better would be a very acceptable bonus. To be where we are is amazing. Barring accidents, playoffs is looking good and top 2 will be hard but not impossible. Let's enjoy the ride.
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