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Is our budget any bigger than last year?


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Back to the original question... Probably. We'll have similar or better crowds, IMO. We have the income from a shirt sponsor which we didn't have last season. We will have whatever profit we made last season as well to dip into. If I've gauged it correctly, that would be in excess of £6M. We're not allowed to pay big fees, they have to be "moderate" at most which, in L1, is probably around half a million max. 

PW saying he can't spend 300K on a player or that would reduce him to just the 1 rather than loans/freebies which would see more players incoming. IMO, that is kidology on his part, trying to convince clubs we are still penniless so they don't try to apply the DCFC "surcharge" to any fees.

Of course, we will only know for sure when the accounts are published around March 2024.

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55 minutes ago, swadieram said:

You have to factor in that hopefully we agree extensions to 

Bird , Cashin & Sibley ! 

But, virtually all of that will come out of future season's budgets with maybe a modest addition to this year's salary as a sweetener.

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23 hours ago, FlyBritishMidland said:

You do remember the restrictions being eased?  This is from the BBC website on 10 May……”It was reported by BBC Radio Derby that the League One club will be able to operate without restrictions when the transfer window opens in the summer, and that they will instead be monitored by the EFL against their own budget and business plan.”

It goes on to say that transfer and loan fees can now be paid.  Warne obviously can spend money, he’s choosing how to spend it, as others have said.  He could spend a fee on a player but add on the agents fee, wages, etc he’ll be limiting the number of players he can bring in.  No doubt we’ve incurred agents fees with our signings so far as there’s no such thing as a free transfer.  Plus, I expect any loans will incur a fee, therefore widening our choice.

This is very sensible approach.  And I suspect he’ll want to leave a proportion of his budget for January so he can strengthen further a recruit a loan if we get a serious injury.

yeah i know they are being "eased" but just think they are less eased than the club / media are letting on

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23 hours ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

I’m not saying they’ve had better careers, that wasn’t the point you originally made. You said our signings are “much more league one than championship” which in my opinion is another nonsense generalisation on your part. 

Bradley and Nelson have spent 4 years playing championship football and captaining sides at that level, they must have something about them that multiple football managers have seen so I’ll trust their judgement over yours. They’re also younger than Stearman, Chester and Davies so much closer to their peak years. 
Elder was a key figure in the dressing room at Hull and contributed to their promotion from league one and establishing themselves back in the championship. 

You’ve also misremembered or reinvented last summer. We only had 5 contracted players at the point the club was saved, the club then re-signed those willing to stay and signed other players still available having started the recruitment process later than all other sides. A good, but imbalanced squad was put together lacking depth and with an age disparity present between the younger and senior pros. There’s now more balance, less of an age difference within the squad, and depth in some areas with an intent to address the depth we still need. It simply is not the disastrous situation you seem repeatedly keen to invent. 

much more league one in ability than championship and i stand by that point whatever stats about apperences you put forward.


how many of them had you heard of before we signed them this summer?


the players last summer we targeted were highly quality and pedigree than this summers i am not sure why thats a contravercial take

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2 minutes ago, alram said:

much more league one in ability than championship and i stand by that point whatever stats about apperences you put forward.


how many of them had you heard of before we signed them this summer?


the players last summer we targeted were highly quality and pedigree than this summers i am not sure why thats a contravercial take

It’s not a controversial take if you phrase it that way, I agree that SOME of our additions last summer, such as Hourihane and McGoldrick have had better careers than SOME of our additions this season. However the stats I’ve presented disprove your generalised comment that they’re much more league one. How can you dismiss 4 years playing at championship level as not being evidence that they are championship standard players? That simply doesn’t make sense. If they’ve been playing consistently in the championship for 3 or 4 years they are by definition championship standard players. 

As for how many I’d heard of, not sure of the relevance to your argument, but if it helps you in any way…all of them bar Wilson. 

However, I’ve got nothing to gain by challenging your opinion and it’s quite clear you don’t want to see any potential positives so I’ll leave you to your views and hope you see the best of the signings we’ve made eventually. 

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1 hour ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

It’s not a controversial take if you phrase it that way, I agree that SOME of our additions last summer, such as Hourihane and McGoldrick have had better careers than SOME of our additions this season. However the stats I’ve presented disprove your generalised comment that they’re much more league one. How can you dismiss 4 years playing at championship level as not being evidence that they are championship standard players? That simply doesn’t make sense. If they’ve been playing consistently in the championship for 3 or 4 years they are by definition championship standard players. 

As for how many I’d heard of, not sure of the relevance to your argument, but if it helps you in any way…all of them bar Wilson. 

However, I’ve got nothing to gain by challenging your opinion and it’s quite clear you don’t want to see any potential positives so I’ll leave you to your views and hope you see the best of the signings we’ve made eventually. 

It’s not playing 4 years regularly nor making a meaningful contribution at that level for teams that are generally bottom half 

Edited by alram
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40 minutes ago, alram said:

It’s not playing 4 years regularly nor making a meaningful contribution at that level for teams that are generally bottom half 

 Generally bottom half in which league again? Bradley made a big contribution with mostly a lot of appearances. 40 and 37 in the first two championship seasons, 22 and 19 in the last two. The latter he had a big injury IIRC. Nelson made 116 Championship appearances for Cardiff over 4 years and half a season for Blackpool. That is playing regularly. Find a different angle, that point is invalid. 

Edited by Andicis
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12 hours ago, MadAmster said:

We will have whatever profit we made last season as well to dip into. If I've gauged it correctly, that would be in excess of £6M.

There has never been, and never will be, a team that's made a profit in excess of £6m playing 3rd division football. 




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9 hours ago, Rev said:

There has never been, and never will be, a team that's made a profit in excess of £6m playing 3rd division football. 




Our budget last season was based on gates of 17K. We didn't overspend on the budget based on that size of crowd. Our actual average gate was 27295. That's 10295 extra tickets per game. Take £20 a pop as an average and that's £6M over and above the budget.

If there's a mistake in my arithmetic, I'd be pleased to hear what it is.

I am extrapolating some things here but using known fact as the baseline. Based on that 17K gate based budget, part of the business plan, agreed to by the EFL, was a maximum spend of, IIRC, £8M. Now, I am sure that if we had gone over that spend the EFL would NOT have relaxed the restrictions on fees etc. If we had overspent the budget, the EFL would not have relaxed a single thing. That leaves the circa £6M on the "extra" ticket sales. The only guess I used was the average ticket price of £20. Even if the average was £15, that's still £4.5M over and above budget.

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