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Gotta love Extinction Rebellion

Bob The Badger

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45 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

You see, that's blatantly not true. 

When Insulate Britain were arguing for a national insulation program you argued against it. Although it would be better for all, you didn't agree because personally you wanted something different. 

When ideas are floated to reduce miles driven you disagree because personally you want to carry on doing what you always have done. 

If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got. 

You see that’s blatantly not true , I never argued against insulating homes ( why would you??‍♂️) I argued against insulate Britain loons and you totally make my point for me , extreme people , single issue fixation , over simplification of what’s involved , what other issues it creates , the cost , the timescales demanded and the self righteous self entitlement these people feel they have to make other peoples lives a misery ,

let’s get this straight hopefully for the final time but I’m sure it won’t be ,,,,, if there was a magic wand where we lived in airtight fully insulated homes that ran on cheap totally self sufficient energy and we all had totally un polluted clean air to breath , where we all could afford to live decent fair lives I WOULD BE THE FIRST TO WAVE IT 

there isn’t and it’s not that simple , sense and balance has to be applied and it never bloody is , tell you what , if the gov turn up with an electric van to replace the one I have then I’m happy to drive it,

and make no mistake, in my local area idiots who consider themselves experts in traffic reduction are and have created much more traffic backlogs and pollution than there was before they started imposing stupid changes that local resident s didn’t and don’t want

Edited by Archied
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On 08/12/2022 at 22:27, Carl Sagan said:

What doesn't make sense is that this is claimed it's being introduced to stop people using cars for short trips, but under the scheme there is no penalty whatsoever for doing that. It's only if you need to go on a longer journey, outside of your local zone, that you get fined. When surely that is a more sensible use of a car? I was there over the weekend and discussing it with friends. Apparently this is being imposed on the city by the Tory county council because they "own" the road network, even though they don't have a singular councillor in the city. Madness! 

Turns out my anti-Tory friends were hopelessly ignorant, and I unwittingly passed this on. Looking into it, the scheme is indeed Oxfordshire County Council but with full support of the City Council. And it transpires the County Council is run by the LibDems in coalition with Labour and the Greens, while the City Council is Labour-controlled. 

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10 hours ago, Archied said:

like or loath Johnson but make no mistake he was got rid of when chosen to get rid of ( the same way he was gotten in to power ) 

like or loath truss but make no mistake a clearer case of things running the government rather than the government running things you will not see , a matter of days and the democratic chosen one was out 

I need to know more about these people that are secretly running things. 

They got rid of Johnson who was relitavely pro-green issues and was happy to spend lots of money.

They then installed Truss (in a process you laughably call democratic), who wanted to spend big, cut taxes, start fracking and roll back on green issues.

But no, the secret club decided this was no good either, so got rid of her by...erm...manipulating the markets maybe and crashing the pound? 

So now they presumabley have got their wish with Sunak right? Who basically has no policies apart from trying to stready the economy?

Are our hidden masters pro or anti the environment? Do they want high or low taxes, high or low spending?

It's very difficult to keep up with what is going on.

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33 minutes ago, Carl Sagan said:

Turns out my anti-Tory friends were hopelessly ignorant, and I unwittingly passed this on. Looking into it, the scheme is indeed Oxfordshire County Council but with full support of the City Council. And it transpires the County Council is run by the LibDems in coalition with Labour and the Greens, while the City Council is Labour-controlled. 

A nice vision of the future under PR, where a small group of right wing Tories are unable to hold the country to ransom.

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1 hour ago, ariotofmyown said:

I need to know more about these people that are secretly running things. 

They got rid of Johnson who was relitavely pro-green issues and was happy to spend lots of money.

They then installed Truss (in a process you laughably call democratic), who wanted to spend big, cut taxes, start fracking and roll back on green issues.

But no, the secret club decided this was no good either, so got rid of her by...erm...manipulating the markets maybe and crashing the pound? 

So now they presumabley have got their wish with Sunak right? Who basically has no policies apart from trying to stready the economy?

Are our hidden masters pro or anti the environment? Do they want high or low taxes, high or low spending?

It's very difficult to keep up with what is going on.

Who do you reckon kept then leaked the Johnson stuff when suited ? Nobody?

I don’t call laughably democratic as personally I believe an election should be called but that’s not the rules in our country, the proper rules were followed whether I think they are right , wrong or properly democratic ,

the secret club ? Perhaps as stated the masters are not so secret or the donate or the lobbying corporate s who the green investors and receivers of big subsidies im sure are included ,

Pound crashed ? what a day or two , markets are never manipulated right ?, the cost of truss policies whether you like or don’t like them are a minuscule fraction of the covid spend/ money print , the net zero spend , ect ect ect ect spend and suddenly crash ???

You believe the government are running the country and play silly games asking who they are serving , let’s start with who they clearly aren’t serving and that’s the electorate , the people /of this country ,

you carry on smelling roses , or if you really do need to know then look,

Edited by Archied
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1 hour ago, Archied said:

You believe the government are running the country and play silly games asking who they are serving , let’s start with who they clearly aren’t serving and that’s the electorate , the people /of this country ,

Ok, so who are they serving then?

You've got literally nothing. It's like a new breed of conspiracy theory, which doesn't actually even contain a vaguely coherhent conspiracy.

If you believe things are so bad, then do something about it.

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1 hour ago, ariotofmyown said:

Ok, so who are they serving then?

You've got literally nothing. It's like a new breed of conspiracy theory, which doesn't actually even contain a vaguely coherhent conspiracy.

If you believe things are so bad, then do something about it.

And you have nothing , point after point you ignore , cover your eyes and ears tell yourself and others that unless they can tell you exactly who and what the problem is then there isn’t a problem , you must be in a very few who don’t believe that our so called democracy is at the lowest it’s ever been , follow the yellow brick road and look behind the curtain ,

when you say do something about it I presume you mean vote sir kier ??? or are you suggesting I glue myself to a motorway gantry and hurt others

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14 hours ago, Archied said:

There can be no middle ground you say ,,, erm spot on and you are the other side of the more extreme so called conspiracy theorists ,

oh how easy and intellectually smug to post the stuff above 

mystery ruling elite you say , there’s no such thing unless you can point them out , oh how comforting, there is no erosion of democracy oh how comforting , perhaps those mystery sinister people / powers you smugly dismiss if you can’t put a name on them are simply corporate entities (;people behind them who gradually seem to own / control more ) , the banking world , established long standing wealth holders who lobby , donate , threaten , reward , exert a measure of control over whichever party is elected or being set up to be elected , gather all the dirt ready to use as leverage or released/ leaked at the time best suite and chosen to either out or in who serves them best ,

like or loath Johnson but make no mistake he was got rid of when chosen to get rid of ( the same way he was gotten in to power ) 

like or loath truss but make no mistake a clearer case of things running the government rather than the government running things you will not see , a matter of days and the democratic chosen one was out 

you see you don’t convince me any more than the full on extreme so called conspiracy theorists , it’s a bit like when you’ve been out with the family walking the dogs over the park and you get in the car and you can smell poo , you can all smell poo but some are not sure they can , your checking shoes and can’t seem to find it , but you know what , you can smell it , you know it’s there,

if it’s all the same to you I will put more faith in those who question this poo show and direction of travel that invariably leads to the poorer being poorer , having less power over they’re lives and less and less freedom whilst those elites go in the opposite direction despite the fact that these people are meant to be representing the people who elected them ,

your lack of questioning over covid is laughable, just as a one off tell me who behind who does it suit to pump vaccines into babies as young as 6 months in the USA and here when Scandinavian countries won’t give boosters to under 50 s after looking properly at the data , perhaps they have no real financial skin in the game , that’s just one of multiple issues that clearly makes no sense but I’m sure that no matter what transpires , YOU WONT QUESTION 


Why do you always accuse those who don’t agree with you of not questioning, when the reality is that they probably have (I do) and just come to different & more rational conclusions than you?

Accusing everyone else of being blind sheeple is what the crackpot conspiracy theorists do. Stop it if you don’t want to come across as one of them. 

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1 hour ago, Archied said:

And you have nothing , point after point you ignore , cover your eyes and ears tell yourself and others that unless they can tell you exactly who and what the problem is then there isn’t a problem , you must be in a very few who don’t believe that our so called democracy is at the lowest it’s ever been , follow the yellow brick road and look behind the curtain ,

when you say do something about it I presume you mean vote sir kier ??? or are you suggesting I glue myself to a motorway gantry and hurt others

You never actually make a point though. You just go on and on saying things like yellow brick road and look behind the curtain. 

Actually you did make a point, the Ulez extension idea, which I broadly agreed with. However, I see it is as a imperfect solution to a complicated problem, decided by a democratically elected mayor of London.

You see it as the death of democracy, driven by some huge evil conspiracy, dictated by secret forces who seem to have a different agenda for each specific situation.

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57 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

Why do you always accuse those who don’t agree with you of not questioning, when the reality is that they probably have (I do) and just come to different & more rational conclusions than you?

Accusing everyone else of being blind sheeple is what the crackpot conspiracy theorists do. Stop it if you don’t want to come across as one of them. 

Apologies, it’s not meant to come across as that , over the past two / three years my experience has been that asking questions and or disagreeing with what has been put in front of us has been met with all sorts of slurs , accusations , name calling and attempted Ridicule and it’s very frustrating, if someone address s points and says they see it differently then fair play but not to address anything and just lazily infer you are some kind of conspiracy theorist is something I now choose to respond to, there has been so so much over the last three years that just blatantly makes not a jot of sense it’s hard to put it down to incompetence and mistakes??‍♂️

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10 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

You never actually make a point though. You just go on and on saying things like yellow brick road and look behind the curtain. 

Actually you did make a point, the Ulez extension idea, which I broadly agreed with. However, I see it is as a imperfect solution to a complicated problem, decided by a democratically elected mayor of London.

You see it as the death of democracy, driven by some huge evil conspiracy, dictated by secret forces who seem to have a different agenda for each specific situation.

Made lots of points over the last few posts that you ignore but hey ho ,, you really don’t know what I see you decide what you think I see , put a label on it and box it up ,

here’s the thing , I worry for my children far more about the kind of life the will have the way things are going than I do about the threat to them from doom laden end of the human race claims 

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  • 3 weeks later...
2 minutes ago, Ghost of Clough said:

Weird. Some on here said it was a good tactic ?

Not seen anyone stating that matey. Seen one or two explain the thinking behind their actions and discuss the nett effect, but that's rather different from what you're suggesting.

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23 minutes ago, Ghost of Clough said:

Weird. Some on here said it was a good tactic ?

Disrupting others lives is never a good tactic.

Doesn't matter what the message you're trying to send, if you're preventing someone from getting to work or dropping kids off at school, that message will not get through.

It's also targeting the wrong people, even your biggest celebrity climate activist like Gary Lineker won't sacrifice his exotic holidays abroad in the summer, jobs over in Qatar that could easily be done from London.

You have to target the government, which is not easy when money talks. Left or right, they are in it for their own careers and expenses.

Not sure what the answer is, but creating traffic jams during rush hour and chucking orange paint around will do nothing but alienate any support they could gain in their campaigns.

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Just now, David said:

Disrupting others lives is never a good tactic.

Precisely. The actions of SOME of their membership seemed very arbitrary means to garner support. However noble the philosophy, some of the tactics employed were clearly counter-productive and this undermined both their argument and their credibility with those who needed little excuse to dismiss ALL of them as attention seeking loons. Very much a case of shooting the messenger, but I can understand why it happened. Likewise, I can also comprehend the frustration that led to their behaviour too.

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20 minutes ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

Precisely. The actions of SOME of their membership seemed very arbitrary means to garner support. However noble the philosophy, some of the tactics employed were clearly counter-productive and this undermined both their argument and their credibility with those who needed little excuse to dismiss ALL of them as attention seeking loons. Very much a case of shooting the messenger, but I can understand why it happened. Likewise, I can also comprehend the frustration that led to their behaviour too.

To be expected, look at England fans when they go abroad, we have a bunch that are only going for the punch up.

The London protests turned into mass looting.

Any opportunity to cause mayhem and some will latch on and take it.

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4 hours ago, David said:


It's also targeting the wrong people, even your biggest celebrity climate activist like Gary Lineker won't sacrifice his exotic holidays abroad in the summer, jobs over in Qatar that could easily be done from London.

You have to target the government, which is not easy when money talks. Left or right, they are in it for their own careers and expenses.

Not sure what the answer is, but creating traffic jams during rush hour and chucking orange paint around will do nothing but alienate any support they could gain in their campaigns.


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