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I thought they struggled to beat the first man last night. That might be because there wasn’t a target man/“big man” in the box though. When you’re aiming at Lawrence, Knight etc, playing it low and quick gives them a better chance to win the ball than a high cross that their tall CB’s could deal with. It was frustrating, but if that was the game plan then I can see why they tried it.

When CKR is on, he offers a different outlet and allows for higher crosses. Although I’ll agree, there were several played in last night that were either blocked at near post or sailed way over the players heads. Composure lacking

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3 hours ago, drgoodspeak said:

Have you ever seen it so bad? It’s shocking, surely they have identified it and work on improving it? Every new match would suggest not.

Inside the mind of any if our players in a crossing position (with the exception of Forsyth on a good day):




who do they have to cross to though?

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3 hours ago, David said:

Who are we meant to be crossing to? We have no aerial threat outside the centre backs who can't be expected to be at the end of them.

It’s not that they’re not crossing, they are crossing, but atrociously!

You could have Jimmy Krankie up front and stand some chance of scoring if you get a decent cross in. It’s the quality of crossing I have a beef with.

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8 hours ago, David said:

Who are we meant to be crossing to? We have no aerial threat outside the centre backs who can't be expected to be at the end of them.

I agree. This certainly doesn't help at all. Hopefully once CKR is fully fit and up running this will help. Having a focal point in open play and another for set pieces.

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Fozzie can cross pretty well.   Shinnie doesn’t do badly from a dead ball. Byrne is our best by a mile but we’ve not seen much of it this season. Last evening Knighty was awful and Byrd was only a little better. But you need to give them some slack given the wet surface 

Edited by kevinhectoring
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Can't believe there hasn't been mention of the worst of the lot..... Lawrence's dreadfully overhit attempt to a free CKR when 2-1 and would have won the match! He's supposed to be our best! Criticism of Knight and Bird I find a tad unfair when it is not supposed to be their strength, Knight shouldn't be in the wide position IMO anyway! And I'd rather Bird be on the edge of the area at dead balls for when it is cleared.....


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Crossing isn't just about delivery of the ball, it's about overloading the penalty area and getting in behind the defenders.

For the past two seasons, we've been terrible at committing players forward and forcing the opposition out of shape. Prime David Beckham's crossing would be useless if he's aiming at Sam Baldock marked by a rigid bank of four.

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15 hours ago, kevinhectoring said:

Fozzie can cross pretty well.   Shinnie doesn’t do badly from a dead ball. Byrne is our best by a mile but we’ve not seen much of it this season. Last evening Knighty was awful and Byrd was only a little better. But you need to give them some slack given the wet surface 

Agreed, Shinnies assist against Luton this week was perfectly weighted.

Unfortunately for the wrong team.

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We went through a purple patch last season that ultimately kept us up. We basically got Byrne and Shinnie to shoot from the corner and put it directly on the keeper whilst really crowding the 6 yard box. Can’t understand why we haven’t used it recently as we scored and came close to scoring a lot when we did that. One or two times Byrne almost caught the keeper out too. 

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