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The UEFA European Championship 2020 Thread


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Just now, Coconut said:

More to the point he had the ball in good positions 5-6 times and cocked up every forward pass or cross aside from a couple of square balls.

Yeah it wasn't a good outing. 

And, even though I don't 'support' Poland; Its a lot more frustrating to watch when the player he's failing to find is Robert Lewandowski, instead of whichever journeyman Derby have upfront. ?

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22 minutes ago, Coconut said:

The much lauded Chelsea women's .manager is starting to get on my wick now tbh. It's not really her fault, what she's saying is fine but it's just the voice, the grating Camden accent.

You can switch over to ally mccoist, if you fancy learning what it takes to score a hattrick versus Moreton.... ?

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14 minutes ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

You can switch over to ally mccoist, if you fancy learning what it takes to score a hattrick versus Moreton.... ?

My Dad took a Hat-trick against Morton. Took 9 for 1 as Blackwell bowled them out for 10. 

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2 hours ago, David said:

Can’t believe I’m about to watch another Spain game. By far the most boring team in the Euro’s, the most boring team that I drew in the mates sweepstake ??‍♂️

I like money, but then I like football so want these lot knocked out. 

There's no point in watching Spain unless you have to

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Well looking at the tournament structure now, the Last 16 is getting even more important for England. We're almost certainly in for a very tough game regardless of if it's Portugal, Germany or France. If Hungary win and Portugal don't, then it's Hungary in the last 16, but that's pretty unlikely.

The other sides in our half of the draw are now Wales/Denmark, Netherlands/Czechs and then Sweden and almost certainly Ukraine. There's absolutely nothing to fear if we make it past the next round, we should be every side listed there. Whoever it is, I hope our home advantage can make the difference. Remarkably, Belgium, Italy, Spain the teams that finish in first and third in Group F will all be avoided until the final should we get there. And to think some people were arguing that finishing second for an "easier" route would be better for us.

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