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The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread


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3 minutes ago, QuitYourJibbaJivin said:

Aren’t mount and chillwell having to isolate now? There’s a picture of them hugging Gilmore after the game, there’s also loads of pictures of Scotland’s players doing the same and they lived with him for 2 days after but they’re fine ?

There's a bit that in this article with Southgate wondering why the Scottish players aren't isolating.;


Maybe its cos Scotland need the win more than England ?

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10 minutes ago, QuitYourJibbaJivin said:

Aren’t mount and chillwell having to isolate now? There’s a picture of them hugging Gilmore after the game, there’s also loads of pictures of Scotland’s players doing the same and they lived with him for 2 days after but they’re fine ?

Southgate says they MAY NOT be available to play ,, the whole thing is beyond stupid 

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15 minutes ago, Archied said:

Southgate says they MAY NOT be available to play ,, the whole thing is beyond stupid 

It’s the world that’s now been created and we’ve lapped it up, rolled over and accepted it. 

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22 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

It’s the world that’s now been created and we’ve lapped it up, rolled over and accepted it. 

Yep upside down thinking , rather than questioning why footballers , politicians, celebs , the rich ect aren’t forced to do like schools , workplaces and the like just stop this bloody madness , 

As we progress it seems more and more like this whole thing has been a ghastly experiment on how quickly , easily and completely the masses can be convinced to give up control of their lives and the lives of their families and children to the few??‍♂️

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59 minutes ago, Eddie said:

I'm not disagreeing with the professor at all - I'm stating that the next 'crisis' - whether that's a new variant, a completely new virus or space aliens (or anything) will be responded to in exactly the same way with exactly the same approach and with exactly the same results. Too little, too ineffective, too late, too bad.

Blimey, that's a bit depressing to think. Even I believe the Govt (of which ever persuasion) will have learnt something from this pandemic.

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12 minutes ago, Angry Ram said:

I'm beginning to think this Govt a revelling it their moment in history. Look at us, we saved the country and will be in the history books for ever. 

Get it sorted and quick. I've had enough.

150k people and their families may disagree.

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41 minutes ago, Archied said:

As we progress it seems more and more like this whole thing has been a ghastly experiment on how quickly , easily and completely the masses can be convinced to give up control of their lives and the lives of their families and children

You may be right - after all, this is nothing compared to the changes we're going to have to swallow in the coming years to stop us making the planet uninhabitable for an ever-growing number of people . The problem there is that by the time we see the type of real impact which will scare us into taking action - it will already be too late

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1 minute ago, Archied said:

Yeah right ?????,,, just mistakes easily made by people from the top of our educational system 

Come on buddy, if we're going to have to endure another round of your 'global Covid conspiracy' theories, whereby every country systematically brings it's own economy to it knees, crashes stock markets and reduces both the public and private sectors to rubble, would you mind at least giving us less enlightened folk the benefit of a credible reason for this cunning masterplan? Something other than some vague, 'follow the money' schtick? Is Jeff Bezos actually Megamind? Will there be a Scooby Doo type reveal...

Also, please don't try to assign upper strata levels of intelligence to the likes of Johnson, Gove, Patel, Hancock and the other ministers purportedly managing the Covid crisis. They are rank second-raters. I'm sorry, but if your whole premise is based on ministers like the terminally stupid Priti Patel being some sort of criminal and conspiratorial masterminds, I'm calling ********. The reason these people appear not to have a clue is precisely because they don't. At best they do their master's bidding.

By way of an example, here's a gentle reminder as to the depth of our current Home Secretary's critical thinking capabilities. 


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54 minutes ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

Come on buddy, if we're going to have to endure another round of your 'global Covid conspiracy' theories, whereby every country systematically brings it's own economy to it knees, crashes stock markets and reduces both the public and private sectors to rubble, would you mind at least giving us less enlightened folk the benefit of a credible reason for this cunning masterplan? Something other than some vague, 'follow the money' schtick? Is Jeff Bezos actually Megamind? Will there be a Scooby Doo type reveal...

Also, please don't try to assign upper strata levels of intelligence to the likes of Johnson, Gove, Patel, Hancock and the other ministers purportedly managing the Covid crisis. They are rank second-raters. I'm sorry, but if your whole premise is based on ministers like the terminally stupid Priti Patel being some sort of criminal and conspiratorial masterminds, I'm calling ********. The reason these people appear not to have a clue is precisely because they don't. At best they do their master's bidding.

By way of an example, here's a gentle reminder as to the depth of our current Home Secretary's critical thinking capabilities. 


Jesus wept, she is one of the most powerful people in the country.

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1 hour ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

Come on buddy, if we're going to have to endure another round of your 'global Covid conspiracy' theories, whereby every country systematically brings it's own economy to it knees, crashes stock markets and reduces both the public and private sectors to rubble, would you mind at least giving us less enlightened folk the benefit of a credible reason for this cunning masterplan? Something other than some vague, 'follow the money' schtick? Is Jeff Bezos actually Megamind? Will there be a Scooby Doo type reveal...

Also, please don't try to assign upper strata levels of intelligence to the likes of Johnson, Gove, Patel, Hancock and the other ministers purportedly managing the Covid crisis. They are rank second-raters. I'm sorry, but if your whole premise is based on ministers like the terminally stupid Priti Patel being some sort of criminal and conspiratorial masterminds, I'm calling ********. The reason these people appear not to have a clue is precisely because they don't. At best they do their master's bidding.

By way of an example, here's a gentle reminder as to the depth of our current Home Secretary's critical thinking capabilities. 


It’s about the only thing left that makes sense of this farce 

I see your tin foil hat wearers and raise you the mortar board hat wearers

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54 minutes ago, Bald Eagle's Barmy Army said:

At least more and more people are waking up to this nonsense. The amount of times the goal posts have been shifted is unreal, talk about misle us with rubbish so we believe anything they say.

There's a big difference between

a) waking up to nonsense (of which there is plenty), and

b) getting frustrated that things have gone on as long as they have, looking to lash out but in concentrating where your fists are aiming forgetting to check your footing and subsequently falling down a rabbit-hole of counter-nonsense, having your emotions played on by  any old ******** 'opinion-dressed-as-news' article that seeks to stoke the fires of discontent, and partaking in social media echo-chambers where you get dragged deeper and deeper into giving credence to conspiracy theories.

Obviously I'm not seeking to tar everyone who's unhappy (who's happy, exactly?)  with the b) brush because that would be a gross generalisation, and most people (I assume, I hope) are smarter than that, but there are plenty of people who've well and truly been suckered by the very same brand of ******** they'll tell everyone else is the 'truth' they've closed their eyes to.

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48 minutes ago, Coconut said:

There's a big difference between

a) waking up to nonsense (of which there is plenty), and

b) getting frustrated that things have gone on as long as they have, looking to lash out but in concentrating where your fists are aiming forgetting to check your footing and subsequently falling down a rabbit-hole of counter-nonsense, having your emotions played on by  any old ******** 'opinion-dressed-as-news' article that seeks to stoke the fires of discontent, and partaking in social media echo-chambers where you get dragged deeper and deeper into giving credence to conspiracy theories.

Obviously I'm not seeking to tar everyone who's unhappy (who's happy, exactly?)  with the b) brush because that would be a gross generalisation, and most people (I assume, I hope) are smarter than that, but there are plenty of people who've well and truly been suckered by the very same brand of ******** they'll tell everyone else is the 'truth' they've closed their eyes to.

You only need to look at full year groups from school being sent home because 1 person has tested positive and then look at the whole farcical situation with Billy Gilmour testing positive and the two England players self-isolating. Are you telling me that nobody from his own squad has not gone anywhere near him in the changing room after the final whistle.

There's pictures of Steve Clarke hugging him so what is the difference. How can anybody not get frustrated with that when you've got a 12 year old sat at home who isnt in any of the same lessons as a child who has tested positive but now has to stay at home for 10 days. 

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33 minutes ago, Bald Eagle's Barmy Army said:

You only need to look at full year groups from school being sent home because 1 person has tested positive and then look at the whole farcical situation with Billy Gilmour testing positive and the two England players self-isolating. Are you telling me that nobody from his own squad has not gone anywhere near him in the changing room after the final whistle.

There's pictures of Steve Clarke hugging him so what is the difference. How can anybody not get frustrated with that when you've got a 12 year old sat at home who isnt in any of the same lessons as a child who has tested positive but now has to stay at home for 10 days. 

Not disputing that, it would be covered by "nonsense (of which there is plenty)"!

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So two footballers spend time with an opposition player after the game who subsequently tested positive for Covid. The said player also spends time after the game in the changing rooms, on the coach and in the hotel with his own team. The two opposition players now have to self isolate for 10 days although they have had negative Covid tests. However the players from his own team who he spent time with don’t have to self isolate?

Nobody now surely can still be taking these restrictions seriously? 

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