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The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread


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17 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

You obviously watch much more tv news than me, but do you really think the piece you posted earlier is doing any good? You've been massively critical of the media, GB News just seems to be more of what you accuse the other news channels of.

That video wasn't giving another voice to the debate. It was deliberately trying to divide people to create controversy.

The other video I've seen of GB News of was Andrew Neil saying "Boris bottles it" on the previous lockdown extension, whilst saying he agreed with the decision and it was prudent.

I'd have thought you'd have been disappointed with this trashy tabloid style of media.

But people are already divided as you have made abundantly clear whilst taking the moral high ground for your side of the divide ,you clearly seem to only want one sided reporting of that divide

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1 minute ago, maxjam said:

I just thought the clip I posted last night was interesting as it highlighted the 2 factions that were becoming very apparent on this forum yesterday.

The 2 factions on here seem to be a) probably won't wear masks anymore and b) will probably wear masks when indoors with other people.

The video you posted put that in rather more extreme terms.

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2 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

The 2 factions on here seem to be a) probably won't wear masks anymore and b) will probably wear masks when indoors with other people.

The video you posted put that in rather more extreme terms.

Personally I see the 2 factions as;

- people that want to be left alone to use their own judgment

- people that call others covidiots for no longer masking up

The video I posted was an exact comment on the forums yesterday, but that post got removed quickly so it probably wasn't seen by many.

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21 minutes ago, ramsbottom said:

i feel very conflicted when it comes to JHB.  Like Katy "Horse Faced ****" Hopkins, 90% of the reactionary crap she spouts is done for shock value and clicks/listens as she tries to stay relevant and employed.  But unlike Hopkins, she's got a definite MILF thing going on.  Definitely confuses both my heads...

JHB should have more people on who don't agree with her viewpoint but I think she got to the point of bullying them so much none of them dared come onto her show.

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5 minutes ago, maxjam said:

Personally I see the 2 factions as;

- people that want to be left alone to use their own judgment

- people that call others covidiots for no longer masking up

The video I posted was an exact comment on the forums yesterday, but that post got removed quickly so it probably wasn't seen by many.

Ah I must have missed those posts. I still think nearly everyone is fairly moderate on the masks questions.

Hopefully the number of mask extremists remains low, even with an irresponsible media fanning the flames.

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31 minutes ago, Archied said:

Playing devils advocate here it’s not that long ago that people wearing masks and face coverings DID make people uncomfortable,walk into a bank without removing your crash helmet and see what happened or a face covering come to that ??‍♂️,we are now being guided to a world where we all wear face coverings which anybody with a lick of sense knows are bits of paper the do next to nothing against a virus and in very short time will clog the world with discarded waste,

I don’t want a world where our children and grandchildren spend all day sitting in masks so yes people needlessly wearing masks and normalising it does make me feel uncomfortable 

There is a clear difference between helmets/hajibs/hoodies and face masks.

Agree with your point but that is where it comes down to personal responsibility. 

I have been telling my kids, throughout, that wearing masks (or face nappies as we call them) is not normal and I will never force them to wear them.

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50 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

But if the cases/hospitalisation ratio is now close to flu (I don’t know if it is or isn’t) then why don’t we measure and communicate flu cases? I just think living with Covid means it doesn’t have to be measured and promoted at on every media channel going. 
Doesn’t the data also show the effects of Covid don’t negatively effect the under 40s (obviously there are some unfortunate cases) and those it does effect eg the vulnerable under 40 should of been protected by the vaccinations.  


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3 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:


I wonder what the cases per deaths ratio for flu is and how comparable it is now to Covid (with the number vaccines now administered). If it’s similar then why are we still measuring and communicating (I mean in the media etc) Covid cases. 

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1 hour ago, G STAR RAM said:

There is a clear difference between helmets/hajibs/hoodies and face masks.

Agree with your point but that is where it comes down to personal responsibility. 

I have been telling my kids, throughout, that wearing masks (or face nappies as we call them) is not normal and I will never force them to wear them.

I can go along with the difference short term but what we are seeing is a push to make face covering long term and even permanent,

there’s a multitude of reasons that face coverings have not been adopted or seen as the the norm for centuries in most societies , they still stand and have value and merit ,, what’s next ? We all wear space suits ,better safe than sorry ??‍♂️,

now people can poo hoo the above but people are now advocating the use of face covering for people in close proximity to become the norm and from a stance of being somehow virtuous ,it wouldn’t be so bad if we were seeing covid spread being wiped out by the wearing of these paper thin joke tokenism symbols but we are clearly not??‍♂️

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2 minutes ago, Archied said:

I can go along with the difference short term but what we are seeing is a push to make face covering long term and even permanent,

there’s a multitude of reasons that face coverings have not been adopted or seen as the the norm for centuries in most societies , they still stand and have value and merit ,, what’s next ? We all wear space suits ,better safe than sorry ??‍♂️,

now people can poo hoo the above but people are now advocating the use of face covering for people in close proximity to become the norm and from a stance of being somehow virtuous ,it wouldn’t be so bad if we were seeing covid spread being wiped out by the wearing of these paper thin joke tokenism symbols but we are clearly not??‍♂️

That might be the narrative that certain media outlets are plying for clicks but I really don't see that. Nobody I've spoken to is of the view that coverings should be required or widely mandated.

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7 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

That might be the narrative that certain media outlets are plying for clicks but I really don't see that. Nobody I've spoken to is of the view that coverings should be required or widely mandated.

It’s being seen even on here??‍♂️

along with the idea of people with a cold and sniffles isolating going forward and all this for a virus that is serious to a tiny percentage which now by the government and scientists own blurb is reduced by 90 percent 

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28 minutes ago, Archied said:

I can go along with the difference short term but what we are seeing is a push to make face covering long term and even permanent,

there’s a multitude of reasons that face coverings have not been adopted or seen as the the norm for centuries in most societies , they still stand and have value and merit ,, what’s next ? We all wear space suits ,better safe than sorry ??‍♂️,

now people can poo hoo the above but people are now advocating the use of face covering for people in close proximity to become the norm and from a stance of being somehow virtuous ,it wouldn’t be so bad if we were seeing covid spread being wiped out by the wearing of these paper thin joke tokenism symbols but we are clearly not??‍♂️

A push by who?

Seemed quite clear to me from yesterdays Government press briefing that there is no push and it will be down to individuals to decide. 

I pretty much stopped wearing a mask 2 weeks ago and in that time have had 2 comments about it.


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If we are actually going to be getting over 500,000 new cases a week by August/September, I'm beginning to wonder if there'll be any football to watch. 

We've had ages with football being played with no crowd.

Maybe we'll have a season of crowds going in to watch no football, as most of either squad will have Covid.

Edited by ketteringram
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5 minutes ago, ketteringram said:

If we are actually going to be getting over 500,000 new cases a week by August/September, I'm beginning to wonder if there'll be any football to watch. 

We've had ages with football being played with no crowd.

Maybe we'll have a season of crowds going in to watch no football, as most of either squad will have Covid.

This all depends on what happens to the rules around isolation in the event of a positive test. Under the current rules yes - a good point, which people already started to report around hospitality places being closed when on holiday because they have no staff who aren't isolating. Extrapolate it out and you start to see the problem

This is why pre-vaccinations, the anti-lockdown idea of "leaving it to people's common sense" held no water. You would have ended up with the freedom to go to shops/go on holiday/go to the pub - but a huge chunk of the service staff required to enable these activities would be isolating


So what does the future look like? I think now that mass vaccination appears to have weakened the link between cases and deaths - then enforced/mandatory isolation of contacts has to be reconsidered. "Freedom" won't function otherwise

Maybe we're back to Boris Johnson's original comment over a year ago "do we just let it burn through the population to achieve herd immunity?"




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4 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

Maybe we're back to Boris Johnson's original comment over a year ago "do we just let it burn through the population to achieve herd immunity?"


I think that's exactly where we are and as long as the hospital numbers remain relatively low, then there's nothing to be gained IMO by trying to restrict the case numbers indefinitely, through restrictions which are themselves harmful.

Gaining herd immunity from now would hopefully put us in a much better position going into the winter. That's what they were on about yesterday with the timing issue.

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47 minutes ago, Archied said:

It’s being seen even on here??‍♂️

along with the idea of people with a cold and sniffles isolating going forward and all this for a virus that is serious to a tiny percentage which now by the government and scientists own blurb is reduced by 90 percent 

Well I think that all people should wear masks forever. And whilst by themselves at home. And if anyone doesn't feel absolutely 100% they should refuse to go to work. Only then we will be safe.

(I don't think this at all, but I can pretend I do if you want, so you have the argument you clearly want)

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12 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

So what does the future look like? I think now that mass vaccination appears to have weakened the link between cases and deaths - then enforced/mandatory isolation of contacts has to be reconsidered. "Freedom" won't function otherwise

Maybe we're back to Boris Johnson's original comment over a year ago "do we just let it burn through the population to achieve herd immunity?"

I personally think they have done pretty much all they can, re. the vaccine at least.  Everyone that wants it will have been double jabbed by September.

The vast majority of those that haven't been jabbed will achieve herd immunity over time with little medical intervention.  Assuming there is no 'uber variant' we're hopefully through the worst of it now and there is no justification to not lift all restrictions. 

Deaths might spike over winter, especially as flu will make a comeback but thats what we're going to have to live with year on year if we want our freedoms back.  The alternative is to remain in a perpetual cycle of locking down ? 

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23 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

A push by who?

Seemed quite clear to me from yesterdays Government press briefing that there is no push and it will be down to individuals to decide. 

I pretty much stopped wearing a mask 2 weeks ago and in that time have had 2 comments about it.


A push from people who chose to wear masks when they are no longer mandated ( fair play to those who do ,crack on ) ,

your seeing and hearing it all around , it can’t be denied that even on here we are seeing posts that those choosing not to wear them ( totally allowed ??‍♂️) are selfish morally bankrupt in comparison to those who are going to carry on wearing them because it makes them more comfortable 

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9 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

Well I think that all people should wear masks forever. And whilst by themselves at home. And if anyone doesn't feel absolutely 100% they should refuse to go to work. Only then we will be safe.

(I don't think this at all, but I can pretend I do if you want, so you have the argument you clearly want)

Forget the argument and just go back over your posts ??‍♂️

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21 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

Well I think that all people should wear masks forever. And whilst by themselves at home. And if anyone doesn't feel absolutely 100% they should refuse to go to work. Only then we will be safe.

(I don't think this at all, but I can pretend I do if you want, so you have the argument you clearly want)

Ok gone back over your posts , laced with sarcasm like the above 

so perhaps worth clarifying your position in case I’ve got it wrong

you believe anyone choosing not to wear a mask once no longer mandated is absolutely fine and should be left to go about their business without being pressured , shamed into wearing one , looked down on by those who want mask wearing to continue as somehow less virtuous? 
because if you feel that choosing not to wear one makes people morally inferior and open to thinly veiled jibes and sarcasm then surely you can’t expect not to be pulled up on it ??‍♂️

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