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The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread


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3 hours ago, TexasRam said:

There’s a simple explanation, they (MSM) use what ever number they want to make it look as bad possible to create a sense of fear leading to mass hysteria. There are loads who have fallen for it left, right and centre. You can see a sample of them on this forum, and they’re quick to mock those who can see right through it.

What does the MSM have to gain from creating this sense of fear and mass hysteria?

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5 hours ago, QuitYourJibbaJivin said:

It’s certainly not just a 1 in 50 chance of catching and dying from Covid. There’s actually a a risk calculator designed by The university of Oxford, turns out mine is 1 in 500,000.


More worryingly the WHO found that the chances of suffering from vaccine related myocardartis are around 25,000 to 1 ?



Aye, from the ONS

'In England, the percentage of people testing positive for coronavirus (COVID-19) decreased in the week ending 6 November 2021; we estimate that 925,400 people in England had COVID-19 (95% credible interval: 875,200 to 975,100), equating to around 1 in 60 people.'

36,015 was the average 7 day figure for testing positive for Covid on November 6th.

I will let those who are so amazing at math(s) and using calculators to work out roughly how many positive cases there was that week. 

It's nowhere near the estimated amount of people walking around with Covid. 1 percent of an estimated 925400 is 9254. Lots of deaths coming in the next 28 days. 

So how can you make the calculation? You can't. And yet still people will use the same figures and call everyone else out for not believing them. 

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6 hours ago, Bris Vegas said:

What does the MSM have to gain from creating this sense of fear and mass hysteria?

Well we have a massive spend on vaccination for those that don’t need it which will expand to children even younger who are far better off to catch it and have natural immunity, we have a massive industry in throw away masks that at this rate will clog the planet with waste. Pretty dam quick, we have massive spend on tests for those that don’t need one again with a throw away waste plastic problem , we have money spinning vaccine passport, test and quarantine industry let alone the control issue , we have massive spend on track and trace ,we have the small independent s being driven out of business leaving the field for the big boys in lots of the economy and we have divided people on a scale not seen for years , just for a start

yet next to no will to spend on the actual NHS

Edited by Archied
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9 hours ago, GboroRam said:

That's a really interesting tool and you see what effect the vaccine has straight away. With the vaccine my risk of death if I'm infected is 1 in 2000. Without it my risk is 1 in 300. I'm lucky my age isn't high enough to put me at serious risk. 

For poops and giggles I put my mother's details in, as I obviously can pass it on to her. Thank god she's had her vaccine, as her risk is 1 in 4 without it.

I’m certainly not advocating that everybody shouldn’t have this vaccine. This vaccine has obviously been fantastic for people in a higher risk bracket, the death toll since the vaccine speaks for itself. My “gripe” has been the coercion of younger generations to have something it’s highly unlikely to benefit and does carry certain risks. The constant changing of the goalposts by the gov has only fuelled hesitation as well in my eyes, let’s not forget the time between jabs has been moved several times, only now we’ve apparently found “the sweet spot”, let’s not forget we only need to vaccinate the vulnerable before we return back to normal, let’s not forget Matt Hancock standing in the House of Commons saying “this vaccine will not be used on children, it’s a vaccine for adults, it’s only been tested on adults”.

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8 hours ago, Archied said:

Not really when you consider it’s very skewed data ,, average age of death from covid in U.K. is above average life expectancy, deaths are calculated on the stated basis of dieing from ANY cause within 28 days of a positive covid test 

Using skewed data, brilliant analogy. Still well played. Imo.

Never let facts get in the way of a good story. Been done for 1000 of years, check the holy books as a solid reference.

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7 hours ago, Bris Vegas said:

What does the MSM have to gain from creating this sense of fear and mass hysteria?

Seriously Bris? fear sells (which they have actually admitted, on this thread there is a video of the chief editor of a leading American news channel actually saying exactly that) 

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20 minutes ago, EtoileSportiveDeDerby said:

Using skewed data, brilliant analogy. Still well played. Imo.

Never let facts get in the way of a good story. Been done for 1000 of years, check the holy books as a solid reference.

Well just one of the undisputed facts is that a death from ANY CAUSE within 28 days of a positive test has been counted as a covid death and mainly in a group old and frail with an average death age above the national life expectancy, don’t see much fact searching there 

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Look at the front of every newspaper this morning,  all top stories calling the new Covid strain ultra infectious and vaccine resistant! They are using language like ‘worst ever strain, however the South Africans say it’s a storm in a teacup and all cases have been mild. And people are actually asking why would the MSM push that agenda, unbelievable. 

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21 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

Look at the front of every newspaper this morning,  all top stories calling the new Covid strain ultra infectious and vaccine resistant! They are using language like ‘worst ever strain, however the South Africans say it’s a storm in a teacup and all cases have been mild. And people are actually asking why would the MSM push that agenda, unbelievable. 

I made a post earlier in the week we have a new strain in the UK atm the moment making up over 10% of all new cases in the past month - 4.2, and its symptomless.  Barely caused a ripple in the media.  Strange that.

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12 hours ago, Bris Vegas said:

I’ve seen lots of people quote this 2% and brush it off like it’s nothing. It’s so weird. 2% chance is one in 50, that’s ridiculously high in terms of a percentage considering you are likely to get COVID at some point.

I have a friend who bats it off like nothIng. Yet he’s afraid of flying. The chances of you dying in a fatal airplane crash is one in 1000000. Chances of you dying of COVID by the 2% rule is one in 50. 

Would you get on an airplane if one in 50 flights suffered a fatal crash? Of course you wouldn’t.

So why do people brush off the chance of dying from COVID like it’s nothing...

So you agree that even with the vaccine that you have a 1 in 50 chance of dying if you catch Covid?

Do you also agree that the vaccine neither stops you from catching it or spreading it?

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15 hours ago, Archied said:

That’s the thing , I don’t know anyone who has been seriously I’ll with it let alone died , none of my circle of friends , work colleagues have had anybody close seriously I’ll or died , now that’s not saying that it’s not a dangerous virus for some but two years in it’s pretty bizarre if this virus is all it’s been portrayed as in terms of the fear and engendered in people and the policies carried out , let alone the money that’s been made by many many and the money and freedom lost by many many more ??‍♂️


My experience is the same as yours in this respect but I've put it down partly to the fact that as I am older, so is my circle of friends and my (remaining!) family. As for colleagues, well, I'm not at work anymore so I wouldn't know. We have no school children amongst our friends or family or the situation might be different. I guess we are all that bit more cautious amongst crowds, given our age and the age of those around us and that has helped to keep us from getting ill or worse. If I was 30 years younger working in a busy school and living in a city with lots of young friends and plenty of entertainment venues it might sadly be very different.

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13 hours ago, Bris Vegas said:

No idea. People use the 98% survival rate quite often. Probably another quote from David Icke which has been picked up by the masses and spread like wildfire without any evidence.

Among my favorite being the only ones to benefit are big pharma. Yeah, along with the millions who hold shares and options in those companies. 

So if the 98% figure is used, its by people like David Icke but when the 2% figure is used it goes completely unchallenged?

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13 hours ago, Norman said:

It comes from a calculation using positive tests. Ignoring all those who have had it but never got tested due to never showing symptoms. Which at the moment, according to the ONS, is 3 times the number of people. 

And all those uncounted people who have had it, spent a few days in bed, isolated and then gone back about their business when they were better. Surely this must be the majority of people who have had it and yet they are not part of the official statistics because they haven't been hospitalized or sought medical advice. 

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as I said I know from many people I have spoke to and personal instances the 'covid death' wasnt a covid death.

A relative very ill (terminal) and they said it was covid pneumonia that killed him, the reality he was very ill more than likely going to die very soon and covid may have tipped him over the edge,


LIke I said from the beginning, if you are a fit and healthy person under the age of 60 I dont see what you have to worry about vaccinated or not.

Yes there has been some very tragic circumstances of young people dying, but people die every day and I dont see an uptick in that being covid.


How many people have died from flu / pneumonia that hasnt been blamed on covid for the last few years


The vaccine appears to do nothing, in the vast majority of people along with most of the other crap,


on either side of the argument is an equally qualified scientist or chemist to argue either point.

I just see that all this fear and blame is causing more issues than good, our doctors have basically shut up shop in littleover its terrible

alot of GPS should be ashamed of themselves and the service they provided

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6 minutes ago, Eddie said:

Idiocy is why people fall for conspiracy theories.

I dont know about conspiracy theories and I dont know if I think of all this hidden agenda stuff



Something doesnt feel right, and for all the suffering and pain going on there certainly seems to be some very clear winners in all of this!!!


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11 minutes ago, Eddie said:

Idiocy is why people fall for conspiracy theories.

One reason Eddie, another might be that the amount of wrongdoing by the Pharma corporations

Fines and settlements paid under the US False Claims Act include, and these are just the highest of the individual fines NOT the total......

GlaxoSmithKline $3b

Pfizer $2.3b

Johnson & Johnson $2.2b

AstraZeneca came in at a rather amateurish $0.52b.


A modicum of cynicism is to be expected.

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10 minutes ago, uttoxram75 said:

One reason Eddie, another might be that the amount of wrongdoing by the Pharma corporations

Fines and settlements paid under the US False Claims Act include, and these are just the highest of the individual fines NOT the total......

GlaxoSmithKline $3b

Pfizer $2.3b

Johnson & Johnson $2.2b

AstraZeneca came in at a rather amateurish $0.52b.


A modicum of cynicism is to be expected.


And you didn't even bring up whistle blowers questioning the data integrity of Pfizers vaccine trial (BMJ article and several Project Veritas videos) nor the fact that despite approving the Pfizer vaccine in just 108 days the FDA want to wait until 2076 to release documents regarding its approval.  



If they want to tackle vaccine hesitency in people maybe why not be clear upfront?

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