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Rate the last film you saw partie deux

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Sith Happens
3 hours ago, AndyinLiverpool said:

Some men are threatened by women who think for themselves. 

incredibly that does still seem to be true.

Amazes me how many people i know quite well that still think a mans job is to earn money and a womans job to housekeep, especially some in the older generation.

I had a discussion with my barber a week or so ago, we were talking about football commentary and pundits, and I mentioned i happened to think Alex Scott is good, it was like a red rag to a bull, absolutely not, in his opinion, should women be allowed anywhere near football...its just not right!!

Needless to say the conversation quickly changed from football pundits.

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9 hours ago, dcfc the 1 4me said:

The new live action Dumbo, not bad 7/10 

Was told to take the kids to see it, rather than waste an evening watching it just me and my wife. Good call.

Dumbo was a good film to watch with children, magical and emotional.

my wife and I went to see Shazam! instead. Funny, well made superhero film.

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John Wick Parabellum 5/10

First film got a 9/10 and the second film 8/10 from me, Parabellum was more of the same, but lots more of the same to the point it became desensitizing.  It also clumsily built on the assassins world they live in and made John Wick immortal.

Great visuals and fight sequences but I was kinda bored half way through which was a shame as I was really looking forwards to it.

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The Machine

Watched it on Prime Video last night. Never heard of this low budget British SciFi film before but enjoyed it.

Similar to Ex-machina in its intelligent themes of AI & androids.

Worth 90 mins of your life if you like this sort of thing.

Solid 7/10

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On 26/03/2019 at 08:15, Chester40 said:

The Dirt. 

4/10. Never before has such a grimey, seedy story seemed more like a teen movie ala Porkies.  Light, frothy...and injecting drugs...bizarre feel to it. 

Disappointing with the material it had to use.

Like Porkies? Gets my vote...will watch.

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On 14/04/2019 at 10:59, Paul71 said:

incredibly that does still seem to be true.

Amazes me how many people i know quite well that still think a mans job is to earn money and a womans job to housekeep, especially some in the older generation.

I had a discussion with my barber a week or so ago, we were talking about football commentary and pundits, and I mentioned i happened to think Alex Scott is good, it was like a red rag to a bull, absolutely not, in his opinion, should women be allowed anywhere near football...its just not right!!

Needless to say the conversation quickly changed from football pundits.

Tbh I think its good for a woman to have a job or a craft, so if god forbid something happens to you, there is still a source of income. But if I was married (not gonna happen anyway) and wasnt the main breadwinner- I would feel like less of a man , but thats just my opinion.

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Sith Happens
6 minutes ago, dcfcfan1 said:

Tbh I think its good for a woman to have a job or a craft, so if god forbid something happens to you, there is still a source of income. But if I was married (not gonna happen anyway) and wasnt the main breadwinner- I would feel like less of a man , but thats just my opinion.

Of course its opinion. My view is its an outdated one but as you say opinion.

My wife is currently paid more than me. Doesn't worry me at all. 

We haven't got kids, but have considered fostering.  I would have no issue if that meant i worked less to 'house husband '

I am as capable of cooking,  cleaning etc as my wife.


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On 29/05/2019 at 20:38, Paul71 said:

Of course its opinion. My view is its an outdated one but as you say opinion.

My wife is currently paid more than me. Doesn't worry me at all. 

We haven't got kids, but have considered fostering.  I would have no issue if that meant i worked less to 'house husband '

I am as capable of cooking,  cleaning etc as my wife.


Fair enough 


My views on women working at  doesn't make a difference that much anyway, as I'm not the one who has to live with women and kids anyway .But I agree one great thing feminism did do , was putting women in the workplace! 



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Rocket Man 8.5/10

I would point out that I REALLY don't like 'musicals' so I approached this with huge caution and only went for someone else, but attempting to have an open mind.

Somehow, (in a way for me I can remember only Gene Wilder/Charlie and the Chocolate Factory managed ?!) it successfully walked the fine line between being very much a musical whilst the story still stayed central and the songs were enjoyable and part of the tale without feeling forced. 

Really well handled all round. Clever, funny, a thought provoking romp which didn't shy away from serious issues without being exploitative or too preachy.  

Some great portrayals of characters. Just all-round a bloody good film. If this is your thing anyway you will absolutely love it. 

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The Mummy (Universals Dark Universe)

Is this the first and only film in the ‘Dark Universe’? They certainly set ideas up with some big name actors, but this came out 2 years ago and no other films have been announced...

Anyway, not sure I’m that fussed as film was ok. I remember the Brendan Fraser one being silly, light hearted fun which didn’t take itself seriously. This had some of that, but also got stuck trying hard at times. Cruise plays someone who’s not perfect for the first time in a while well, and Crowe is interesting as a spoiler character I won’t mention in case some want to watch on Netflix. 

Interested to see what they would do with future films and crossovers (they’ve set it up for more characters and crossovers), but Frankenstein’s Bride was due to be released early in 2019 but no noise yet. 


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I went to the UK premiere of the Diego Maradona doc last night (it opened up the Sheffield Doc Fest, I wasn’t invited or anything) and got to say I really enjoyed it. The theme running through it is about him having two very split personalities and how one took over the other during his time at Napoli, which eventually leads to his downfall. Worth a watch, from the same guy who did ‘Amy’ and ‘Senna’

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