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17 minutes ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

Not sure if this should be in here or the politics thread as it's a bit of both (I've excluded myself from it). This is from the Sunday times.


Yep imagine that is spot on.

I imagine that Boris Johnson is taking all of his advice on this one from Dominic Cummings.

I doubt he has even considered listening to any scientific or medical advice.

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2 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Yes you're missing something.

I went to get some flowers for my kids to give to their mum.

I still don't know what your point is though....are you saying those people shouldn't have been there in those numbers?

But then you're saying you were also adding to the congestion by turning up yourself 

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19 minutes ago, Tyler Durden said:

I still don't know what your point is though....are you saying those people shouldn't have been there in those numbers?

But then you're saying you were also adding to the congestion by turning up yourself 

Yes I am saying that.

I go most Sunday mornings, pick up a newspaper and bread/milk if needed. I have never come across people queuing with trolleys in the car park.

If you think these people are following Government guidance and following their usual shopping habits then fair enough, not much point in discussing the point.

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1 minute ago, G STAR RAM said:

Yes I am saying that.

I go most Sunday mornings, pick up a newspaper and bread/milk if needed. I have never come across people queuing with trolleys in the car park.

If you think these people are following Government guidance and following their usual shopping habits then fair enough, not much point in discussing the point.

That's the issue though isn't it people can't be allowed to rely on their own discretion much the same as the seaside resorts were stacked yesterday when the message about social distancing has been quite clear.

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1 minute ago, Tyler Durden said:

That's the issue though isn't it people can't be allowed to rely on their own discretion much the same as the seaside resorts were stacked yesterday when the message about social distancing has been quite clear.

Which is what I said in my first post, so not really sure where you're going?

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Hearing from relatives in Dublin they have it down to a fine art in supermarkets there .  Counter staff have masks and gloves and plastic particians .  Customers are given a pre disinfected trolley/basket on arrival and plastic gloves. Hands are sanatized on leaving and gloves binned.  markers in the lines to pay to create a full safe distance.  restricted management of people in aisles.  Sounds better than the trip I had out yesterday with increased levels of anxiety as people flocked around me with trolleys of wine and boxes of lager and no protection for the poor bugger serving everyone in the middle.

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57 minutes ago, philmycocu said:

Which page on this thread does Smiths_tavrn become public enemy number one? 

Amazingly, as like the virus itself he seems to have been around a lot longer, he didn’t join the debate until page 35. So, I’d say, roughly page 35.

Where is he with his startling revelation? I miss him. I may have to start an argument with the wife in order to fill the void he’s left behind.

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39 minutes ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

Hearing from relatives in Dublin they have it down to a fine art in supermarkets there .  Counter staff have masks and gloves and plastic particians .  Customers are given a pre disinfected trolley/basket on arrival and plastic gloves. Hands are sanatized on leaving and gloves binned.  markers in the lines to pay to create a full safe distance.  restricted management of people in aisles.  Sounds better than the trip I had out yesterday with increased levels of anxiety as people flocked around me with trolleys of wine and boxes of lager and no protection for the poor bugger serving everyone in the middle.

I need to move to Ireland.

My wife is a doctor here in Orlando and down to her last two masks.

Rather ironically, she does have 3 testing kits though.


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5 minutes ago, smiths_tavrn said:

No I was a bit aled up last night. What's one to do now the Boozers are shut? I'll just repeat what I've said previously and see if the penny begins to drop.

I have a strong hunch that this is staring everyone slap bang in the face. Virtually 100 % of the deaths have two things in common. Coronavirus and the as it is referred to "underlying health issues". Every single time the cause is given as coronavirus, never ever the underlying health issues. Never ever once is it the underlying health issues. 

So why are people with underlying health issues dying. Maybe it's the toxic anti-viral drugs used to treat them. Maybe this is what's killing so many and not the virus. Think about it. The theory holds. What's more because you're encouraged to get yourself tested the number of cases classified as coronavirus  will shoot through the roof adding to the panic and the slow descent in martial law. The number of people with existing health problems receiving anti-virals will shoot through the roof. They've got to take the anti-virals don't you know because this virus is a killer. But what if the virus isn't the killer? What if its the anti-virals given to people with less than optimal health that's killing people. Think about it again. This would explain the spikes in Spain and Italy. It would explain rapid rise in numbers everywhere. The awful thing here is what if they hadn't been diagnosed with coronavirus, not been given anti-virals. Maybe they'd still be alive. If this is the case then current medical policy isn't saving lives, it's taking them away. 

Call me a loon but show me how my logic is faulty. As I've said before, join the dots.

News from Italy.

More than 99% of Italy’s coronavirus fatalities were people who suffered from previous medical conditions. Average age of death 79.5. Median age 80.5. More than 75% had high blood pressure, about 35% had diabetes and a third suffered from heart disease. These people will almost certainly be on anti-virals.


"Ribavirin may decrease the number of red blood cells in your body. This is called anemia and it can be life-threatening to people who have heart disease or circulation problems." See link below.

High blood pressure is a circulation problem. If you read the link below diabetes is covered too. That's all three conditions covered and there's many many more conditions where it can cause havoc.


You've said this already. What's the new bombshell you promised us?

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7 minutes ago, smiths_tavrn said:

No I was a bit aled up last night. What's one to do now the boozers are shut? I'll just repeat what I've said previously and see if the penny begins to drop.

I have a strong hunch that this is staring everyone slap bang in the face. Virtually 100 % of the deaths have two things in common. Coronavirus and the as it is referred to "underlying health issues". Every single time the cause is given as coronavirus, never ever the underlying health issues. Never ever once is it the underlying health issues. 

So why are people with underlying health issues dying. Maybe it's the toxic anti-viral drugs used to treat them. Maybe this is what's killing so many and not the virus. Think about it. The theory holds. What's more because you're encouraged to get yourself tested the number of cases classified as coronavirus  will shoot through the roof adding to the panic and the slow descent in martial law. The number of people with existing health problems receiving anti-virals will shoot through the roof. They've got to take the anti-virals don't you know because this virus is a killer. But what if the virus isn't the killer? What if its the anti-virals given to people with less than optimal health that's killing them. Think about it again. This would explain the spikes in Spain and Italy. It would explain rapid rise in numbers everywhere. The awful thing here is what if they hadn't been diagnosed with coronavirus, not been given anti-virals. Maybe they'd still be alive. If this is the case then current medical policy isn't saving lives, it's taking them away. 

Call me a loon but show me how my logic is faulty. As I've said before, join the dots.

News from Italy.

More than 99% of Italy’s coronavirus fatalities were people who suffered from previous medical conditions. Average age of death 79.5. Median age 80.5. More than 75% had high blood pressure, about 35% had diabetes and a third suffered from heart disease. These people will almost certainly be on anti-virals.


"Ribavirin may decrease the number of red blood cells in your body. This is called anemia and it can be life-threatening to people who have heart disease or circulation problems." See link below.

High blood pressure is a circulation problem. If you read the link below diabetes is covered too. That's all three conditions covered and there's many many more conditions where it can cause havoc.


What an anti-climax. Nothing new then?

You’re such a tease.

So Ribarivin MAY decrease the number of red blood cells in your body. Anemia CAN be life threatening. It CAN cause havoc. 

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1 hour ago, philmycocu said:

Which page on this thread does Smiths_tavrn become public enemy number one? 

It's a bit like asking, when does a piece of carbon turn into a diamond?

It's incredibly gradual and requires massive amounts of patience, pressure and perseverance. 

@smiths_tavrn has worked his tits off to reach such an exalted status but who knows when he became a diamond.


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58 minutes ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

Hearing from relatives in Dublin they have it down to a fine art in supermarkets there .  Counter staff have masks and gloves and plastic particians .  Customers are given a pre disinfected trolley/basket on arrival and plastic gloves. Hands are sanatized on leaving and gloves binned.  markers in the lines to pay to create a full safe distance.  restricted management of people in aisles.  Sounds better than the trip I had out yesterday with increased levels of anxiety as people flocked around me with trolleys of wine and boxes of lager and no protection for the poor bugger serving everyone in the middle.

Sounds like a nanny state. Us English hate a nanny state and finally we have a government who agrees. Slash the hideous sugar tax, bring back harmless tobacco advertising, smoking in public places is a human right. I'm sure @smiths_tavrn can make another totally convincing case that seatbelts kill more lives than they save. We won the war didn't we? We deserve to be free. If I want to go out and get infected with a virus, it's my choice. It's not hurting anyone else. Up yours Corybn. Bring on the revolution. We'll show Johnny Foreigner how to do it. 

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