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29 minutes ago, smiths_tavrn said:

They're not pulling random people off the street. They are asking you never mind how trivial a fever you have to go and get tested. Therefore because so many people are complying, this is racking the figures up enormously. If you test positive for CV then it's off to hospital or self isolation. The fact is not that many people were tested for flu or a cold. They were mainly asked what the symptoms were and maybe given medicine of some form. Now they're tested for CV.

Seriously? So now you're suggesting that anyone that admits to displaying any sort of symptoms that may also be seen if they catch CV are being whisked off, tested and then given a drug that may be killing them? 

Do you have any evidence or knowledge to support this suspicion or are you just guessing rather than concede that this virus may actually be dangerous?

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Sith Happens

Have been giving some serious thought to smiths_tavrn posts and has made me want to post some questions for him/her

1. Flat or round earth?

2. Kennedy, who shot him?

3. Diana,  who killed her?

4. Moon landings?!???

Just for starters


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1 hour ago, smiths_tavrn said:

One point before I shuffle off. If restaurants are to close, then you're allowed in the supermarket but not in the supermarkets restaurant I presume. How bizarre.

Don’t go, I like your logic 

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20 minutes ago, Paul71 said:

Have been giving some serious thought to smiths_tavrn posts and has made me want to post some questions for him/her

1. Flat or round earth?

2. Kennedy, who shot him?

3. Diana,  who killed her?

4. Moon landings?!???

Just for starters


A few years ago I sat down to watch a documentary on the JFK assassination.

TBH, I have been a bit obsessed with it over the years reading pretty much anything I could get my hands on.

I *think* it was on the BBC, but not entirely sure and they announced it by saying there was new evidence.

I was so excited.

Imagine my dismay when the evidence (computer generated modeling) proved unequivocally that the magic bullet theory was indeed possible.

I was crestfallen, but thought, 'ok I may have got it wrong' the contrary evidence was rather compelling.

@smiths_tavrn would have watched that and presumed that meant the BBC was in on it.

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9 minutes ago, smiths_tavrn said:

Erm. I've already given you the article. Here it is again.


As for your comment  about me suggesting people are being whisked off. Check the post. I quite clearly stated that people are being asked to to get tested even if they have the mildest of fever. Your words are whisked off. They aren't mine. 

Yes, and if you read my response again you'll see that I said "if they display any of the symptom...." Only a small, and not particularly relevant, difference between the phrases "being whisked off" and "being asked to test". 

Thank goodness I don't live in Italy where the doctors seem to be so incompetent that they are continuing to issue a drug to treat CV that may actually be killing patients. Or so you seem to be suggesting. 

Have you considered offering your services to the WHO? 

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34 minutes ago, smiths_tavrn said:

I have been quite interested in the JFK assassination. Not overduly mind. Do you believe Lee Harvey Oswald was responsible?

I didn't for 20 years, I was sure it was a cover up.

But the theory of the cover up was built around the magic bullet theory and that it was impossible for Oswald to have hit JKF and John Connally the way he did.

That meant there must have been a second shooter, therefore there was some form of cover up.

When computer simulation showed it was possible for the bullet to track like it did, then it becomes way more likely he acted alone because all the other evidence was circumstantial.

JFK is still one of my favorite films, but Oliver Stone played fast and loose with the truth to fit his own political agenda.

I still think it's possible others were involved, I'm just not convinced anymore.

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Her indoors went shopping today. Apparently they let the  pensioners in first for a happy hour, and it was like locusts had been through the place. 

She said that all the bog rolls were gone. All the beans and chick peas were gone. All the pasta was gone. I'm struggling to believe that pensioners eat chick peas. They'll be lying on their death beds, suffering from corona, yet bosting for poo because they're all bunged up with pasta and chick peas.

What a way to go. Worse than elvis. 

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48 minutes ago, smiths_tavrn said:

You will make a veiled threat like that and get away with it scot free. I  guarantee the mods on here will condone it. 

You clearly don't actually know what a threat is, which to be perfectly honest is pretty clear from your posts thus far. Clearly you also don't know what a light-hearted comment poking a little fun at your choice of words is either.

You've pointed out in the past that the medical profession have made mistakes before as a reason not to buy into what they're saying now, so why stop at current events? Let's take things back to how they were  50 years ago and see how many more people we can kill off.

Forget all the children who's lives have been saved from vaccinating against tuberculosis, smallpox, diphtheria, whooping cough and whatever else, should have just just let them die.

You're only alive today because people in history didn't have the same attitude as you have now!

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