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5 hours ago, GboroRam said:

I imagine it's solely down to what practically the police can break up. The BLM marches were far too large to stop, and any attempt to try would probably have made it worse. The crackpots marching now are in small enough numbers that they can be countered.

Look what's happening in Poland. Some things are more important than the virus, in the public's eye. Like loss of your rights.

When you say the crackpot s marching now , do you mean that those all those marching in BLM protests were also crackpots marching in a pandemic or those marching now are crackpots because of why they are marching?

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2 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

I don't want a pint of that, thanks!

I think its a sign that some people (not just the nut jobs) are genuinely concerned at the way the government are dealing with this.

Shutting perfectly safe businesses while keeping schools open does not make any sense whatsoever. No politician or scientist will ever convince intelligent people that is a sensible way to deal with it.

I have been drinking in a small village up til lockdown. The pubs have complied exactly with shutting at 10, table service, 2 metres, masks etc. There has been no outbreak, no surge in cases in the village, no evidence whatsoever that these type of pubs have spread Covid.

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1 hour ago, uttoxram75 said:



The owners of a popular country pub have vowed to ‘take a stand’ and open the venue today - in defiance of the new lockdown rules.

Nick and Lucy Clowes run The Reform Inn, at Thorncliffe, near Leek, and last night posted a video on social media in which they said they will fight ‘tooth and nail’ against the Government shutdown of the leisure industry.

In the emotional four-minute film, they said it had been ‘heart-breaking’ to close their doors for a second time on Wednesday night, ahead of the four-week lockdown.

Now the licensees say their pub will reopen at midday on Friday, November 6.

In the social media post, Nick said: “Despite following all the Government guidelines to the best of our ability we had to close our business that we have put blood, sweat and tears in to grow.

“During the other lockdown we knew another one was going to come and we thought, 'we are not going to lie down. We are fighting this tooth and nail. Fear is no longer an excuse. We need to do the right thing.”

I do feel for them in some respects.  Sadly having witnessed it with my own eyes, not all pubs followed the guidelines,  and also not everyone going in the pubs did. 

they are victims of those who thought they knew better or couldn't be bothered. 

That said opening during lockdown does make them as bad as any other pub that broke or bent the rules. 

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1 minute ago, uttoxram75 said:

I think its a sign that some people (not just the nut jobs) are genuinely concerned at the way the government are dealing with this.

Shutting perfectly safe businesses while keeping schools open does not make any sense whatsoever. No politician or scientist will ever convince intelligent people that is a sensible way to deal with it.

I have been drinking in a small village up til lockdown. The pubs have complied exactly with shutting at 10, table service, 2 metres, masks etc. There has been no outbreak, no surge in cases in the village, no evidence whatsoever that these type of pubs have spread Covid.

I totally agree. but they shouldn't lower themselves to the same level as those that didn't follow the rules. 

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1 hour ago, Sith Happens said:

Farage on good morning Britain was comedy gold, despite piers Morgan showing several times trump discussing bleach and disinfectant he continued to deny it had ever been mentioned. 


Watched that and farage said trump never said bleach , Morgan insisted he did , showed the clip twice which clearly showed trump never said bleach but still insisted he did ??‍♂️

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35 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

The BLM marches did take place after a couple of months of lockdown, when infections were clearly down as everyone had been locked up for ages. I also don't think the police went onto the packed beaches and arrested anyone either.

We've just gone into lockdown and these freedom fighters are clearly increasing the risk of infection.

It's not their fault though. It's Labour's for not asking the government to refute alternative science/opinion from people trying to increase their number of followers on social media. David Icke has been removed from most places now for spreading lies, there is gap for his next successor to make some proper wedge if they take that market.

I think we should start our own crazy theories on here and peddle them round the world. We could make enough money to buy the club. Make them football related and they would get shared endlessly by all those football rumour site...

Man City are linked to a doctor who was researching Covid 2 YEARS AGO. They also built their own secure bio-unit to keep players healthy in the advent of a Coronavirus pandemic. Pepe refused to be involved though, possibly because of his link to a Catalonian agent who works for the Chinese Communist Party.


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23 minutes ago, Sith Happens said:

I do feel for them in some respects.  Sadly having witnessed it with my own eyes, not all pubs followed the guidelines,  and also not everyone going in the pubs did. 

they are victims of those who thought they knew better or couldn't be bothered. 

That said opening during lockdown does make them as bad as any other pub that broke or bent the rules. 

If other pubs have flaunted the rules then the owners of those pubs should be dealt with by whatever law they've broken. 

If I drive irresponsibly I wouldn't expect you to be banned.

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54 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

The BLM marches did take place after a couple of months of lockdown, when infections were clearly down as everyone had been locked up for ages.

Ah that's ok then.

Assumed there would be some completely plausible reason that I missed.

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4 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Glad someone watched the same thing as me!

Yep , stunning how Morgan can play it back twice and still deny what’s undeniable in front of his own eyes and ears on national tv ,, the mans a total self obsessed prat, sad that anybody would use the said example on here , astounding really ,


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51 minutes ago, Archied said:

He perhaps seems more contrarian because from day one any view that did not fit the narrative has been deplatformed and buried or smeared as heartless granny killers 

it's some weird deplatforming that allows him to be a regular guest on national Talk Radio

He's no different to the Piers Morgan you are slating elsewhere. A guy having opinions for money and to gain public notoriety

Best ignored



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53 minutes ago, jimmyp said:

It is interesting that he made his comments on disinfectant whilst stood in front of this sign. 

Whatever he said, however he said it, he should of thought about it a bit more before he opened his mouth and said it. 


Not sure what is interesting about that?

I thought using disinfectant was good for killing the virus?

Has everybody over here been drinking hand sanitizer?

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7 minutes ago, SchtivePesley said:

it's some weird deplatforming that allows him to be a regular guest on national Talk Radio

He's no different to the Piers Morgan you are slating elsewhere. A guy having opinions for money and to gain public notoriety

Best ignored

The difference of course is that Yeadon is a leading expert in the field in which his opinion is being ignored.


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2 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

You said everyone was wearing masks?

Now you've changed to vast majority.

Which one is it?

Or was it just a guess?

Throwing Farage into the debate will not deflect away from the issue.

It was acceptable not to social distance and wear masks when BLM was the cause, but now it is an arrestable offence.



Man, give it a rest - it's becoming as pathetic and tedious now as pretty well any other windmill you have tilted at since I ever had the misfortune to read one of your posts.

You consistently wish to legitimise idiocy - why are you always taking the stupid side of any argument?

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2 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

No he didn't to be fair.

He said that Trump never mentioned bleach and never encouraged people to self administer injections of bleach into their body (which is what Piers Morgan said he did).

Both statements were true.


THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. So I asked Bill a question that probably some of you are thinking of, if you’re totally into that world, which I find to be very interesting. So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light — and I think you said that that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going to test it. And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way, and I think you said you’re going to test that too. It sounds interesting.

ACTING UNDER SECRETARY BRYAN: We’ll get to the right folks who could.

THE PRESIDENT: Right. And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that. So, that, you’re going to have to use medical doctors with. But it sounds — it sounds interesting to me.

So we’ll see. But the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute, that’s — that’s pretty powerful.

Source: Snopes


Christ, this is like taking candy from a baby.

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30 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

The difference of course is that Yeadon is a leading expert in the field

is he though? I can't find very much on him at all beyond lockdown sceptic websites who are obviously all over his claims

Which is why I suspect he is just a contrarian enjoying the attention.


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12 minutes ago, Eddie said:

Man, give it a rest - it's becoming as pathetic and tedious now as pretty well any other windmill you have tilted at since I ever had the misfortune to read one of your posts.

You consistently wish to legitimise idiocy - why are you always taking the stupid side of any argument?

I thought it was you that was legitimising the Black Lives Matter marches.

But you're also the same person that wants the whole country in lockdown.

Maybe you should get your argument straight before bashing your keyboard and being discourteous to absolutely everyone that has a different view to you.

Disclaimer: it may not be absolutely everyone but I will just call you stupid if you challenge me on that point anyway.

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