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27 minutes ago, Norman said:

And that right here is your problem. Despite numerous posts, from multiple posters, explaining their position on this, you've intentionally ignored them. Deciding instead to be ignorant and arrogant enough to making sweeping generalisations and pick on grammar. 

Keep your trolling to yourself.

Why should I trust people on a football forum to understand complex issues over pretty much every world government? Nobody has answered that. Not trolling anyone. And the grammar is relevant - it's pointing out it's just random football fans discussing it, vs the scientific community. We aren't known for being highly educated. 

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3 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

Why should I trust people on a football forum to understand complex issues over pretty much every world government? Nobody has answered that. Not trolling anyone. And the grammar is relevant - it's pointing out it's just random football fans discussing it, vs the scientific community. We aren't known for being highly educated. 

You don't have to. People have a difference of opinion on the lockdown measures. Everyone's varies.

You try and make out that anyone who doesn't support your version of a lockdown is a mad conspiracy theorist who has no grasp of grammar and is therefore stupid.

It's a forum, for opinions. An opinion that the long term problems caused by certain lockdown measures isn't really one you have to believe in. Nor is it one to try and twist into being the rantings of a mad person. 

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4 minutes ago, Norman said:

You don't have to. People have a difference of opinion on the lockdown measures. Everyone's varies.

You try and make out that anyone who doesn't support your version of a lockdown is a mad conspiracy theorist who has no grasp of grammar and is therefore stupid.

It's a forum, for opinions. An opinion that the long term problems caused by certain lockdown measures isn't really one you have to believe in. Nor is it one to try and twist into being the rantings of a mad person. 

Don't believe I did, but as you say it's a forum for differing opinions.

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4 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

Don't believe I did, but as you say it's a forum for differing opinions.

You did. 

You took a post from Facebook (lol) and tried to make out that it was a version of an opinion that multiple people on here believed. 

A conspiracy theory. Again.

Before sniping at poor grammar. 

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36 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

Why should I trust people on a football forum to understand complex issues over pretty much every world government? Nobody has answered that. Not trolling anyone. And the grammar is relevant - it's pointing out it's just random football fans discussing it, vs the scientific community. We aren't known for being highly educated. 

there are people on this forum, and I'm pretty sure you will know some of them, who will have more expertise in certain fields than people who work for government, sponsored by philanthrapists with vested interests! Simply people on this forum, if they wanted to, could well be voted into government positions. Would I trust Donald Trump's scientific opinion over 99% of this forum? no chance.

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2 minutes ago, Uptherams said:

Everyone who doesn't agree exactly with me thinks Covid is a grand conspiracy. 

...Brought to you by the guys who pre Covid, routinely espoused grand conspiracies. 

I personally blame the Russians. 


If it isn't a conspiracy, why has almost every world government misinterpreted the data. But a half dozen blokes on a football forum have seen the truth? 

I believe the governments have seen the risk and are trying to prevent mass deaths. You don't. If it isn't a conspiracy it's just everyone is wrong and you are right. 

The conspiracy sounds more realistic. Just. 

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1 minute ago, GboroRam said:

If it isn't a conspiracy, why has almost every world government misinterpreted the data. But a half dozen blokes on a football forum have seen the truth? 

I believe the governments have seen the risk and are trying to prevent mass deaths. You don't. If it isn't a conspiracy it's just everyone is wrong and you are right. 

The conspiracy sounds more realistic. Just. 

I think, just my opinion, that the governments are not interpreting the data at all, they are all listening to the same group of "interpreters"

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2 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

If it isn't a conspiracy, why has almost every world government misinterpreted the data. But a half dozen blokes on a football forum have seen the truth? 

I believe the governments have seen the risk and are trying to prevent mass deaths. You don't. If it isn't a conspiracy it's just everyone is wrong and you are right. 

The conspiracy sounds more realistic. Just. 

So do you think the British government has got everything spot on then do you? Oh no wait, you can't disagree, because the government says it and you're just a bloke on a football forum. Appealing to authority is clearly a bad way to argue here.

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30 minutes ago, Norman said:

You don't have to. People have a difference of opinion on the lockdown measures. Everyone's varies.

You try and make out that anyone who doesn't support your version of a lockdown is a mad conspiracy theorist who has no grasp of grammar and is therefore stupid.

It's a forum, for opinions. An opinion that the long term problems caused by certain lockdown measures isn't really one you have to believe in. Nor is it one to try and twist into being the rantings of a mad person. 

I can remember now why I used to get fed up with the politics thread every so often ?

Over the past 24 hours I'm one of a number that have been blocked by a user for daring to question the economic impact of covid instead of meekly prostrating myself at the alter of the almighty lockdown and now we're having conspiracy theories thrust upon us that without going through all 480 pages highly doubt that anyone has even bought up.

I would say you can't make this crap up, but you obviously can ?

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6 minutes ago, Mostyn6 said:

I think, just my opinion, that the governments are not interpreting the data at all, they are all listening to the same group of "interpreters"

You think the UK, Bangladesh, Azerbaijan, Botswana, El Salvador, India, Czech Republic, Mongolia, New Zealand and Oman all use the same advisors? Well, you have to if your theory holds water. 

Or maybe, just maybe, lockdown makes sense? 

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Oh screw this. My grand conspiracy.

Lab in Wuhan has scientists that had been working with bats for decades. The lab in question has had photos leaked showing lack of basic protection. Including a frozen seal on a freezer. 

The scientists weren't making weapons for germ warfar. Some were genuine world leading experts in their fields. That bat lady. Due to the poor state if the lab, someone contracted a virus. 

Lot's of people in Wuhan got it and lots of people in China too. It even travelled the world. No one knows it exists. People are getting sick, even dying. But it's too similar to everything else for anyone to even go I wonder if this isn't X,Y,Z. 

In the meantime at ground zero, 250 meters away from the lab is a wet market. We then get multiple people coming into contact with the now mutated virus. 

Few weeks pass and people start dying. People are starting to drop dead in the streets of Wuhan. No one knows what is happening. Chinese officials think they've got a SARS outbreak. They panic. Start locking up people, disinfecting streets, building hospital's and mass dead body burning sites. 

The rest of the world is like or you guys okay. China dies what communist states always do. Yes we are fine says China. Are you guys okay says China. Leave us alone says China. 

Rest of the world okay. Is there something we need to know though. China says no there isn't. 

This mutation left China weeks ago already. Things get really bad. So many people are dying. Everyone thinks this is going to kill tens of millions, even hundreds of millions of people. China starts to do a bad job at a cover up. They remove stuff from the Wuhan Lab website. Cache catches them out. 

We then take measures, go in to lockdown, etc. Completely understandable. 

Virus turns out not to be so bad. China lifts restrictions. Even live concerts in Wuhan. Western world has especially lost their minds. Fear is the new virus. Politicians don't want to be blamed for any more deaths. We continue the same fear driven nonesense. 

Where is China's second wave? Are they hiding it? How on Earth can you hide a second wave that is supposed to be as bad as the first? 

They aren't. What we saw was the second wave and what we experienced in April ourselves was too. 

Virus not manmade and not genetically modified by man. 

Bill Gates says I can save you all. Thanks Bill, we get you wanted to, genuinely, but it's like showing up late to a party with more booze after everyone has already had enough or has left. 

Some big companies and rich people. Change is always good for us. Gives us an opportunity to make some money. 



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1 hour ago, GboroRam said:

Why should I trust people on a football forum to understand complex issues over pretty much every world government? Nobody has answered that. Not trolling anyone. And the grammar is relevant - it's pointing out it's just random football fans discussing it, vs the scientific community. We aren't known for being highly educated. 

My grammar is shocking. I know. But I'm in the 97th percentile for pattern recognition. ?


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15 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

You think the UK, Bangladesh, Azerbaijan, Botswana, El Salvador, India, Czech Republic, Mongolia, New Zealand and Oman all use the same advisors? Well, you have to if your theory holds water. 

Or maybe, just maybe, lockdown makes sense? 

lockdown doesn't make sense unless it's a proper lockdown. I was on a plane, forced to wear a mask, except when eating or drinking, so where is the sense in that? Does the virus not infect those eating or drinking?

my opinion is based on my own experience of having it. a lad in the office I worked had it, I then got it, but nobody else within the zone I was working showed symptoms. Believing the information at the time, on how this virus was transmitted, I thought that everyone around me would have it, and start showing symptoms within days, especially those older and in worse health than me. But three weeks later, I was over most symptoms (was couple of months before sense of smell returned, and if I coughed once, it triggered a fit for ages), but nobody else in my office showed a single symptom. Then we were made to WFH. 

My opinion right now is that nobody knows what it is, or how it's transmitted, or how to deal with it, or if you can catch it twice or more. On that basis, how can I trust finger in the air guesstimations that have cost me my livelihood and mental health, and impacted millions of people.

Natural selection is a theory that has existed forever. If this thing is here to thin out the world, it's brutal.

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26 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

If it isn't a conspiracy, why has almost every world government misinterpreted the data. But a half dozen blokes on a football forum have seen the truth? 

I believe the governments have seen the risk and are trying to prevent mass deaths. You don't. If it isn't a conspiracy it's just everyone is wrong and you are right. 

The conspiracy sounds more realistic. Just. 

It isn't a conspiracy to want less mental health illness, more hospital appointments met, operations to be performed, less economic crisis, less unemployment, more oppurtunites in life.

Or for kids to have vital education, life skills, job opportunities, social skills..... 

We all know this virus kills. We all know that it is very dangerous to those over 65 or those who have underlying health conditions. I'm not advocating throwing them into crowds of sweaty university students. 

I'm advocating an extensive shielding system for those that need it, whilst those of us who don't, can help this country carry on. 

We are sat here waiting for a vaccine. We don't even know if we will get one, or how long it will before it reaches us masses. 

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32 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

If it isn't a conspiracy, why has almost every world government misinterpreted the data. But a half dozen blokes on a football forum have seen the truth? 

I believe the governments have seen the risk and are trying to prevent mass deaths. You don't. If it isn't a conspiracy it's just everyone is wrong and you are right. 

The conspiracy sounds more realistic. Just. 

Round about way of saying they are motivated by fear. I agree. Said this yesterday to crickets after I was a acssued of being some mad lizard people hating conspiracy theorists. 

Today, you start it up again. 

Fear, they are motivated by fear. 

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5 minutes ago, Norman said:

It isn't a conspiracy to want less mental health illness, more hospital appointments met, operations to be performed, less economic crisis, less unemployment, more oppurtunites in life.

Or for kids to have vital education, life skills, job opportunities, social skills..... 

We all know this virus kills. We all know that it is very dangerous to those over 65 or those who have underlying health conditions. I'm not advocating throwing them into crowds of sweaty university students. 

I'm advocating an extensive shielding system for those that need it, whilst those of us who don't, can help this country carry on. 

We are sat here waiting for a vaccine. We don't even know if we will get one, or how long it will before it reaches us masses. 

I think you will find Hospital staff in the Derby and Burton hospital trust on the front line have died of this virus unfortunately at least 4 trying to save people or do other just as Important jobs  

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21 minutes ago, Curtains said:

Just to let you know me and the Wife have suffered with this virus for 3.5 weeks.  

We are both 68 and I can assure anyone who doubts how bad this virus is to think again .

There for the grace of god go I 

Sorry to hear that hope you both get well soon.  I do think you are probably on the wrong thread though given you have a real knowledge of it?

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33 minutes ago, Mostyn6 said:

I think, just my opinion, that the governments are not interpreting the data at all, they are all listening to the same group of "interpreters"

I completely agree with this. They are in the bunker, all saying the same stuff. Any voice that says something different is immediately chucked out of the bunker. 

I genuinely think Hancock needs to resign, not only for our sakes, but his own health. 

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