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Germany's forthcoming coronavirus contact-tracing app will trigger alerts only if users test positive for Covid-19.

That puts it at odds with the NHS app in the UK, which instead relies on users self-diagnosing via an on-screen questionnaire.

UK health chiefs have said the questionnaire is a key reason they are pursuing a "centralised" design despite privacy campaigners' protests, although Germany ditched that model in April.

Chancellor Angela Merkel said there would be a "much higher level of acceptance" for a decentralised approach, which is designed to offer a higher degree of anonymity.

Sensible fraulein

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39 minutes ago, Van Gritters said:

I saw a bit of it but isn’t it the same across the board in all walks of life. It may be something to do with them not absorbing as much vitamin D. 

No, Not at all, the NHS is an awful organisation . The fact that my wife and her colleagues are part of the 'snowy white peak' brigade means she shouldn't be a volunteer requested to measure up doctors for PPE who work on Covid wards. This is clearly an admin error based on this report and I'll get her to sort it out.

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46 minutes ago, Van Gritters said:

Made in the knicker factory I bet it’s like walking about with a pair of knickers in your face. Worth every penny.

Oooh, very German! When you say 'in your face' though, wouldn't you need three pairs to work as an effective barrier or would you seek out those made for a larger fraulein and fill all three cavities with the same pair? I can just see you now, strutting about, all facial cavities plugged, looking like ein hund mit zwei schwanz. 

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7 minutes ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

Oooh, very German! When you say 'in your face' though, wouldn't you need three pairs to work as an effective barrier or would you seek out those made for a larger fraulein and fill all three cavities with the same pair? I can just see you now, strutting about, all facial cavities plugged, looking like ein hund mit zwei schwanz. 

With my limited German I can get the dog with two, but tails I guessed.

Anything with a good gusset will do fine. Preferably second hand.

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23 minutes ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

No, Not at all, the NHS is an awful organisation . The fact that my wife and her colleagues are part of the 'snowy white peak' brigade means she shouldn't be a volunteer requested to measure up doctors for PPE who work on Covid wards. This is clearly an admin error based on this report and I'll get her to sort it out.

Think the crux of the report was not about who is volunteering for the more risk-inherent roles but rather the proportion of BAME workers being deployed in them. Are you saying categorically that there is no case to answer? 

On a separate note, massive respect to your Mrs. Hopefully one small mercy to derive from all this is ALL NHS workers will be seen for what they really are. NOT unskilled labour, but everyday heroes.

Who knows, the government might even start paying them what they are worth...

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Interesting today that they have asked the parents from the reception class at my daughters school about who intends to send their child in. So far it looks to be around 3-4 due to key worker status with their parents, 3-4 who are because they believe the social/structure/education outweigh the risks, 10-15 who are No’s because of A) risk or B) No point as they have older siblings who still need to stay and the rest who fall into undecided.

If this resembles the population at large, going to be a large number of parents with kids at home which will not allow people to go back to work.

I would say we live in an affluent village and I dare say a lot of the parents (mums) either don’t work or have jobs which allows the parents to be at home currently and this childcare isn’t too much of an issue.

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22 minutes ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

Think the crux of the report was not about who is volunteering for the more risk-inherent roles but rather the proportion of BAME workers being deployed in them. Are you saying categorically that there is no case to answer? 

On a separate note, massive respect to your Mrs. Hopefully one small mercy to derive from all this is ALL NHS workers will be seen for what they really are. NOT unskilled labour, but everyday heroes.

Who knows, the government might even start paying them what they are worth...

I am sure their pay will be properly considered once the 20 year pay freeze period has expired.

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16 minutes ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

Think the crux of the report was not about who is volunteering for the more risk-inherent roles but rather the proportion of BAME workers being deployed in them. Are you saying categorically that there is no case to answer? 

On a separate note, massive respect to your Mrs. Hopefully one small mercy to derive from all this is ALL NHS workers will be seen for what they really are. NOT unskilled labour, but everyday heroes.

Who knows, the government might even start paying them what they are worth...

Without seeing a clear and concise report, no . But that's the same with all things.   However I'm not a fan of sensational without clear evidence journalism of which this report seemed to be made up.   It just seemed to be generalised sound bites designed to stir up resentment, where from what I've been told everyone gets on with it together.

Thanks for the nice comment re the wife . To be honest it's like a military ritual of shoes at the door, cleaning car gear stick, handles and wheels, clothes straight in the washer, showering , hair drying , cleaning the bathroom floor and kitchen floor every night, I think after all this she gets a bit disillusioned that things have come back into play such as showing strangers around houses for sale and lack of transport organisation when people have worked very hard to try and get this under control.  Anxiety increases the longer you do it. Everyone wants things back to normal of course, but the mad rush to get everything up and running over the course of a week is wearing a bit thin after you've been at the end of it for two months.  I don't think the wife fancies doing this again in another month now things are calming down. There in lies the problem, a lot of people volunteering to do these additional duties and those deployed to do it as part of there job are getting tired. and you can't work at an increased level of stress infinitum. so let's hope it doesn't all go tits up.

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24 minutes ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

Without seeing a clear and concise report, no . But that's the same with all things.   However I'm not a fan of sensational without clear evidence journalism of which this report seemed to be made up.   It just seemed to be generalised sound bites designed to stir up resentment, where from what I've been told everyone gets on with it together.

Thanks for the nice comment re the wife . To be honest it's like a military ritual of shoes at the door, cleaning car gear stick, handles and wheels, clothes straight in the washer, showering , hair drying , cleaning the bathroom floor and kitchen floor every night, I think after all this she gets a bit disillusioned that things have come back into play such as showing strangers around houses for sale and lack of transport organisation when people have worked very hard to try and get this under control.  Anxiety increases the longer you do it. Everyone wants things back to normal of course, but the mad rush to get everything up and running over the course of a week is wearing a bit thin after you've been at the end of it for two months.  I don't think the wife fancies doing this again in another month now things are calming down. There in lies the problem, a lot of people volunteering to do these additional duties and those deployed to do it as part of there job are getting tired. and you can't work at an increased level of stress infinitum. so let's hope it doesn't all go tits up.

Fair one on the report. I've a few friends working in the health sector and none have mentioned this to me. The fact that both Hancock and the Chair of the Doctors Association say it's something that needs looking at does give me pause for thought but I didn't like the report either. The way it was couched could easily foster ill feeling amongst NHS workers too and that's not surely not a good thing at any time, let alone now. Journos have leapt to the top of my poo-list recently, even usurping bankers and that's saying something.

Interesting what you say about the rituals your lady has to go through and yourself too. It's not just the stress of hospitals workers are facing during their shifts, but the nagging fear of their partners and families being affected too. It's nice that we step outside and applaud them from time to time and I know it's appreciated, but I hope there are more tangible 'rewards' afoot once this thing is under control. I'd like to see ALL staff financially rewarded even if by a one off payment if no pay rise is deemed possible. I'd also like to see non-UK national NHS staff offered permanent citizenship. Hopefully the government will do the right thing. Even a raging Trot like me could respect that.

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5 hours ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

Fair one on the report. I've a few friends working in the health sector and none have mentioned this to me. The fact that both Hancock and the Chair of the Doctors Association say it's something that needs looking at does give me pause for thought but I didn't like the report either. The way it was couched could easily foster ill feeling amongst NHS workers too and that's not surely not a good thing at any time, let alone now. Journos have leapt to the top of my poo-list recently, even usurping bankers and that's saying something.

Interesting what you say about the rituals your lady has to go through and yourself too. It's not just the stress of hospitals workers are facing during their shifts, but the nagging fear of their partners and families being affected too. It's nice that we step outside and applaud them from time to time and I know it's appreciated, but I hope there are more tangible 'rewards' afoot once this thing is under control. I'd like to see ALL staff financially rewarded even if by a one off payment if no pay rise is deemed possible. I'd also like to see non-UK national NHS staff offered permanent citizenship. Hopefully the government will do the right thing. Even a raging Trot like me could respect that.

That’s something I said a while ago when the issue of extending visa s to stay during this was an issue, along with the paying and respecting our health workers properly after this I really think we could be highlighting the positives around immigration far more during this to counter the years of false stereotypical easy journalism fed to the public from tabloids on the issue, there are hero’s who have come to live and work in this country who could really do with the respect and acceptance they deserve

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1 hour ago, Archied said:

That’s something I said a while ago when the issue of extending visa s to stay during this was an issue, along with the paying and respecting our health workers properly after this I really think we could be highlighting the positives around immigration far more during this to counter the years of false stereotypical easy journalism fed to the public from tabloids on the issue, there are hero’s who have come to live and work in this country who could really do with the respect and acceptance they deserve

Read something the other day about how Enoch 'Rivers of Blood' Powell had previously invited Caribbean nurses to this country as we had a shortage. Attacking people who are different for political gain is the oldest trick in the book. 

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10 hours ago, Van Gritters said:

Made in the knicker factory I bet it’s like walking about with a pair of knickers in your face. Worth every penny.

I tried that with a pair of Muckerette's the other day, but the hole in the centre lined up with my mouth, so I gave it up as a bad idea!


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