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The Politics Thread 2020


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14 minutes ago, Anon said:

I'd warn against dragging Obama's name into this. There is a lack of transparency, but that's mainly to do with the multitude of alphabet soup agencies that seem to exist mainly to serve themselves at this point. Obama probably did have people looking into the Trump campaign, but he's smart enough to have kept several degrees of separation between himself and any actual snooping, and honestly he'd have been remiss not to keep a very close eye on a billionaire entering the political system. I say this a someone who is generally supportive of Trump's presidency. Don't forget that the Republicans, especially the tea party, had plenty of conspiracy theories about Obama that were just as insane as the stuff the Trump derangement syndrome crowd come out with.

Give me a conspiracy that the Democrats have started that is remotely close to bertherism.

There literally aren't any that have gained any traction.

There's a huge difference between most stuff being thrown at Trump versus Obama.

The former is laregly true and there are verifiable facts to support it. Usually Trump's own mouth.

The latter is mostly untrue such as Obama giving billions to Iran (he just unfroze assets that the Iranians already owned to help seal the nuclear deal) and being born in Kenya and he was born in Hawaii.

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3 minutes ago, Anon said:

Yeah, apologies. I'd only read the post I quoted.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to go and teach my grandma how to suck eggs.

If guilty of anything personally, I'd like to think he was being a bit daft and not quite grasping what 'might' have been requested or the opportunity to make it stop. It's important this all becomes publicly available and foreign money leaves US politics altogether. 

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6 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:

Give me a conspiracy that the Democrats have started that is remotely close to bertherism.

There literally aren't any that have gained any traction.

There's a huge difference between most stuff being thrown at Trump versus Obama.

The former is laregly true and there are verifiable facts to support it. Usually Trump's own mouth.

The latter is mostly untrue such as Obama giving billions to Iran (he just unfroze assets that the Iranians already owned to help seal the nuclear deal) and being born in Kenya and he was born in Hawaii.

Sorry, i don't care about any of that. This tactic of guilty by association to discredit isn't going to work with me. Enjoy your lockdown ?

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1 hour ago, Bob The Badger said:

Give me a conspiracy that the Democrats have started that is remotely close to bertherism.

They spent years investigating "m'Russia election tampering". They attempted an utterly ham-fisted impeachment process that was doomed to fail since day 1. Not the politicians themselves, but large tracts of their support genuinely believe Trump paid prostitutes to piss on a bed because the Obamas once slept in it.

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2 minutes ago, Anon said:

They spent years investigating "m'Russia election tampering". They attempted an utterly ham-fisted impeachment process that was doomed to fail since day 1. Not the politicians themselves, but large tracts of their support genuinely believe Trump paid prostitutes to piss on a bed because the Obamas once slept in it.

Of course it was doomed to failure, because the Republican party are almost as corrupt as Trump.

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6 hours ago, SchtivePesley said:

Here's a good UK-based timeline if any one is still blinkered enough to think we have done a good job here

December 31st China alerts WHO to new virus.

January 23rd Study reveals a third of China’s patients require intensive care.

January 24th Boris Johnson misses first Cobra meeting.

January 29th Boris Johnson misses second Cobra meeting.

January 31st The NHS declares first ever ‘Level 4 critical incident’ Meanwhile, the government declines to join European scheme to source PPE.

February 5th Boris Johnson misses third Cobra meeting.

February 12th Boris Johnson misses fourth Cobra meeting. Exeter University published study warning Coronavirus could infect 45 million people in the UK if left unchallenged.

February 13th Boris Johnson misses conference call with European leaders.

February 14th Boris Johnson goes away on holiday. Aides are told keeps Johnson’s briefing notes short or he will not read them.

February 18th Johnson misses fifth cobra meeting.

February 26th Boris Johnson announces ‘Herd Immunity’ strategy, announcing some people will lose loved ones. Government document is leaked, predicting half a million Brits could die in ‘worse case scenario’

February 29th Boris Johnson retreats to his country manor. NHS warns of ‘PPE shortage nightmare’ Stockpiles have dwindled or expired after years of austerity cuts.

March 2nd Boris Johnson attends his first Cobra meeting, declining another opportunity to join European PPE scheme. Government’s own scientists say over half a million Brit’s could die if virus left unrestrained. Johnson tells country “We are very, very well prepared.”

March 3rd Scientists urge Government to advise public not to shake hands. Boris Johnson brags about shaking hands of Coronavirus patients.

March 4th Government stops providing daily updates on virus following a 70% spike in UK cases. They will later U-turn on this amid accusations they are withholding vital information.

March 5th Boris Johnson tells public to ‘wash their hands and business as usual’

March 7th Boris Johnson joins 82,000 people at Six Nations match.

March 9th After Ireland cancels St Patrick’s day parades, the government says there’s “No Rationale” for cancelling sporting events.

March 10th - 13th Cheltenham takes place, more than a quarter of a million people attend.

March 11th 3,000 Atletico Madrid fans fly to Liverpool.

March 12th Boris Johnson states banning events such as Cheltenham will have little effect. The Imperial College study finds the government’s plan is projected to kill half a million people.

March 13th The FA suspends the Premier League, citing an absence of Government guidance. Britain is invited to join European scheme for joint purchase of ventilators, and refuses. Boris Johnson lifts restrictions of those arriving from Coronavirus hot spots.

March 14th Government is still allowing mass gatherings, as Stereophonics play to 5,000 people in Cardiff.

March 16th Boris Johnson asks Britons not to go to pubs, but allows them to stay open. During a conference call, Johnson jokes that push to build new ventilators should be called ‘Operation Last Gasp’

March 19th Hospital patients with Coronavirus are returned to care homes in a bid to free up hospital space. What follows is a boom of virus cases in care homes.

March 20th The Government states that PPE shortage crisis is “Completely resolved” Less than two weeks later, the British Medical Association reports an acute shortage in PPE.

March 23rd UK goes into lockdown.

March 26th Boris Johnson is accused of putting ‘Brexit over Breathing’ by not joining EU ventilator scheme. The government then state they had not joined the scheme because they had ‘missed the email’

April 1st The Evening Standard publishes that just 0.17% of NHS staff have been tested for the virus.

April 3rd The UK death toll overtakes China.

April 5th 17.5 million Antibody tests, ordered by the government and described by Boris Johnson as a ‘game changer’ are found to be a failure.

April 7th Boris Johnson is moved to intensive care with Coronavirus.

April 16th Flights bring 15,000 people a day into the UK - without virus testing.

April 17th Health Secretary Matt Hancock says “I would love to be able to wave a magic wand and have PPE fall from the sky.” The UK has now missed four opportunities to join the EU’s PPE scheme.

April 21st The Government fails to reach its target of face masks for the NHS, as it is revealed manufactures offers of help were met with silence. Instead millions of pieces of PPE are being shipped from the UK to Europe.

April 23rd - 24th Government announces testing kits for 10 million key workers. Orders run out within minutes as only 5,000 are made available.

April 25th UK death toll from Coronavirus overtakes that of The Blitz.

April 30th Boris Johnson announces the UK has succeeded in avoiding a tragedy that had engulfed other parts of the world - At this point, The UK has the 3rd highest death toll in the world.

May 1st The Government announces it has reached its target of 100,000 tests - They haven’t conducted the tests, but posted the testing kits.

May 5th The UK death toll becomes the highest in Europe.

May 6th Boris Johnson announces the UK could start to lift lockdown restrictions by next week.



What was red Jez doing during this time? Was he with his brother denying the coronavirus exists and blaming 5G?

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36 minutes ago, Anon said:

large tracts of their support genuinely believe Trump paid prostitutes to piss on a bed because the Obamas once slept in it.

I follow politics over here very closely, and I have NEVER heard that.

I did hear that he paid hookers to do pee on each other, but it was never mainstream (pun intended) and came from the supposed Steele dossier.

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17 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:


I did hear that he paid hookers to do pee on each other, but it was never mainstream (pun intended) and came from the supposed Steele dossier.

Every November the 5th I like to see Golden Rain.


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59 minutes ago, Van Gritters said:

What was red Jez doing during this time? Was he with his brother denying the coronavirus exists and blaming 5G?

Does it make any difference what his brother thinks? Does Johnson's father being anti Brexit somehow invalidate Johnson's Brexit argument?

FWIW, it sounds to me like Corbyn's brother is on another planet. 

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1 hour ago, G STAR RAM said:

Bloody hell has anyone else seen the clip where Nicola Sturgeon says 'I dont know what stay alert means'?

How the hell can she run a political party if she is that stupid?


That is called the Milton Model of language (or cold reading) and phrases like that are used a lot.

It's a generalization because 'staying alert' literally has no literal meaning because it can mean so many thing in so many circumstances.

She was totally correct to say that.

Whereas you gave it a literal meaning that made sense to you within your map of the world.

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9 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

Does it make any difference what his brother thinks? Does Johnson's father being anti Brexit somehow invalidate Johnson's Brexit argument?

FWIW, it sounds to me like Corbyn's brother is on another planet. 

No but during Schtives time line he doesn’t mention he was screaming that we needed to do something about this.

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What do people make of Rishi Sunak?

In my eyes he's making a pretty good fist of it so far, certainly better than I think his predecessor would have done.

Not bad for someone the media told us would be Cummings patsy, he looks the most competent of all ministers, despite his political inexperience.

Impressively for a politician, he seems able to resist the outside forces clamouring one way or the other, and actually listen to and address the issues that the people he serves have.


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1 hour ago, G STAR RAM said:

Bloody hell has anyone else seen the clip where Nicola Sturgeon says 'I dont know what stay alert means'?

How the hell can she run a political party if she is that stupid?


Personally I think it's a stupid choice of words and I think what she said is fair enough. 'Take care' would have made a lot more sense to me. Still don't get the removal of 'Protect the NHS' either.

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1 hour ago, Anon said:

Yes, I know, Orange man bad.

The impeachment was entirely justified.  Yes, it was doomed to fail as soon at it became clear that the Senate didn't want to hear from witnesses, but the fact remains, he fully deserved his impeachment. 

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It seems @G STAR RAM that your default reaction to somebody saying something you clearly don't understand, or haven't taken the time to think through or research, is ?

On behalf of the great British minds of our time I'd like to thank you for your contribution to open minded and critical thinking. 

You truly are, a breath of fresh air.

I await your laughing emoji with eager anticipation so that I can add it to my collection. 

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