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The Politics Thread 2020


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56 minutes ago, Archied said:

Well tin hat on but I’m about sick of the whole crap , from fudging figures to evasiveness to lying to the suppression of any opinion s that don’t fit the official narrative, to nonsensical rules for one thing at odds with others , I will be very happy for lock down to be done away with and take my chances

Take your chances of what - being culpable in the death of others whilst you 'take your chances'?


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10 hours ago, SchtivePesley said:

I dunno - so many to consider...

Did we start testing early enough?

Did we test enough people?

Did we do enough contact tracing?

Did we stop flights early enough?

Did we test people coming in on those flights?

Did we have enough PPE for frontline staff?

Did we close the schools early enough?

Did we go into lockdown early enough?

How many people have caught it?

How many people have died from it?

To be honest I'm struggling to think of a single meaningful measure where our government didn't royally balls it up

And I'm not asking you to critique my choice of suggested measures by the way (but I know you will)


I saw that internal flight from Belfast to London, last time I saw a small space that packed was a three hour bus ride I took from on side of Majorca to the other in the late eighties, I actually wound up sitting with two goats at one point. It appears passengers on Aer Lingus are magically immune from this virus as are people using drive thru at Burger King , queing at chip shops and tips, sweating and breathing heavy at gyms that are reopening.  The window cleaner I saw chatting to one of his customers on her doorstep - essential work- must be immune as must the gaggle of pensioners all 70 plus chatting outside the butchers. This is just a few things that are winding me up at the moment and I am seriously beginning to wonder why my arse has been sat at home for seven weeks whilst an inordinate of others can't sit there arse down for five minutes.  




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6 hours ago, Eddie said:

Take your chances of what - being culpable in the death of others whilst you 'take your chances'?


Don’t even dare to use such insulting accusations , my family like millions of others have stayed under house arrest whilst our lives and livelihood s are going down the pan watching and listening to jumbled up garbled instructions, figures , science and hypocrisy whilst scientists and medical people who disagree with the figures and Modeling are silenced in a game of whackamole,

you yourself recently posted how unfair the idea of the majority being able to be out of lockdown using measures/ advice to protect the vulnerable was mr if I have to be locked in so does everybody else no matter if it’s a working more sensible solution ,erm thanks mr selfish I suffer we all have to

now our leading scientist mr foot and mouth that steered the government to total lock down because he believes and modelled an absolutely lethal killer virus shows us just how lethal he actually thinks it is but it’s ok we are following the science 

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2 minutes ago, RamNut said:

Have the Police said whether it’s safe to buy paint yet?

Only if its essential...

...or needed to paint a broken fence panel

...or if you're passing a hardware shop on the way to work because you cant work from home 

...or if painting is part of your daily exercise

...or if you're on the way to Westminster Bridge to clap the NHS


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Prof Ferguson failed to follow social distancing rules himself. Just last week he warned lifting the lockdown too early could risk an additional 100,000 deaths.On at least two occasions, Ms Staats travelled across London to see the government scientist.

Her first visit, on March 30, coincided with a public warning by Prof Ferguson the lockdown measures would need to stay in place until June.She made a second trip on April 8 despite telling friends she suspected her husband - an academic in his thirties - had coronavirus symptoms.

Ok here’s another one to chew over....the leading government adviser warns against ending the lockdown, and suddenly every newspaper has very specific details of his secret ‘trysts’ with his married lover which took place weeks ago.....and he resigns. 
Looks like someone saved the release of that info until they wanted to throw him under the bus. 

it Just shows what happens if you’re no longer on message.


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8 hours ago, i-Ram said:

Please can you summarise the detail for me. Ideally in the next 10 mins before I go off to sleep. If that isn’t possible I wish you sweet dreams now.

The UK’s peak excess deaths was much later than the rest of Europe, with the peak for England lasting longer than any other Western European country*. 
However, the UK also had the worst end to the year (Nov/Dec) in Europe for excess deaths. Almost every week of saw the UK record a figure above the average, and it wasn’t until mid-Jan where we returned back to typical weekly figures. 

*Ireland and Germany the major exclusions from the figures. 

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5 hours ago, Bob The Badger said:

Brilliant point because Spain, Italy and Germany don't.

Nobody goes to any of those on holiday  


Maybe one of the factors is where they were coming from?

Italy, London and New York for example have all been hit hard by coronavirus and all three have large Chinese populations.

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5 hours ago, Bob The Badger said:

Brilliant point because Spain, Italy and Germany don't.

Nobody goes to any of those on holiday  




Try actually opening the links next time. The second one includes the likes of those countries. ??

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49 minutes ago, RamNut said:

Ok here’s another one to chew over....the leading government adviser warns against ending the lockdown, and suddenly every newspaper has very specific details of his secret ‘trysts’ with his married lover which took place weeks ago.....and he resigns. 
Looks like someone saved the release of that info until they wanted to throw him under the bus. 

it Just shows what happens if you’re no longer on message.


I wonder how many newspaper reporters were likewise abusing the lockdown, sneaking round, spying on virologists to find a nice 'dirty virologist' story so they could run a front page hypocrisy splash?

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23 minutes ago, maxjam said:

Maybe one of the factors is where they were coming from?

Italy, London and New York for example have all been hit hard by coronavirus and all three have large Chinese populations.

It's not as if i didn't reply that to them..

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57 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

I think other countries took their lockdown far more seriously than we did, and that's why now it's a mess in the UK. If it's not safe to go out, because the risk to vulnerable people makes it not wise, the rules should just keep us at home. There's been too much leeway to allow people to "use common sense". And when you start doing that, people take advantage. That just makes the sensible people angry and question what's the point of it all.

Look at Spain and how serious they were with the lockdown. If we wanted to keep the deaths to a minimum, we should have been equally serious. But we didn't, and weren't.

Your missing my point , I don’t believe the lock down is the right way ,I don’t believe it’s workable ,I don’t believe the people pushing it and forcing it on the public actually believe in it or at best believe it applies to them, I don’t believe the figures that are being put out are correct around infections and death rate percentages, I don’t believe that damage to people’s health and well being from this lock down are being considered and weighed properly and that includes deaths as a side effect of lock down lack of treatment, diagnosis and other ,I don’t believe in the validity of suppressing different medical, scientific and political opinions on the subject 

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50 minutes ago, RamNut said:

Ok here’s another one to chew over....the leading government adviser warns against ending the lockdown, and suddenly every newspaper has very specific details of his secret ‘trysts’ with his married lover which took place weeks ago.....and he resigns. 
Looks like someone saved the release of that info until they wanted to throw him under the bus. 

it Just shows what happens if you’re no longer on message.


"I accept I made an error of judgement and took the wrong course of action," he said.

"I have therefore stepped back from my involvement in SAGE.

"I acted in the belief that I was immune, having tested positive for coronavirus and completely isolated myself for almost two weeks after developing symptoms.

This makes my pi$$ boil ?, Unfortunately he's not on his own, Just a high profile fool that thought he was fine, As Archied said "I will be very happy for lock down to be done away with and take my chances" when as we see others of higher standing stick 2 fingers up to it, Why, Because there's millions of us and far fewer of them so less chance on spreading Covid-19.

We're doing our bit...but others just aint bovvered ?

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