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v Forest (A) Carabao Cup Match Thread


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Not going to lie. Seeing Derby’s reserves lose convincingly to forests best squad in 35 years was hard to stomach. In all seriousness.. I’m fully behind cocu and understand why he did what he did tonight... but at the same time not playing to beat forest loses you a lot of brownie points with a lot of fans. He’s put himself on the back foot now. 

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1 minute ago, Bob The Badger said:


Russell is a friend of mine and I spent a lot of 'lost it' nights there.

Yes that was one of my haunt's.  Mostly going out there- used to get in for nothing as I knew one of the warm up DJ'S. Great club -till it went to the old paradise site - never had quite the same feel .   Used to be a DJ from Derby called Alistair Whitehead who I knew by proxy - that was handy for tickets as well. Did some promo work for Cream Amnesia/ Renaissance amongst others.  I can tell you that when Derby had Progress and Renaissance interspersed with a packed Sadler gate and it's other pubs and clubs it was the best place to go out anywhere, something for everyone.   I remember New years 94 they had to turn away over 100 people from Manchester, Birmingham and Nottingham at Renaissance who had turned up in mini buses on the off chance they would get in .  Coach parties from all over the place every weekend . It's a sad shell now.

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5 minutes ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

Yes that was one of my haunt's.  Mostly going out there- used to get in for nothing as I knew one of the warm up DJ'S. Great club -till it went to the old paradise site - never had quite the same feel .   Used to be a DJ from Derby called Alistair Whitehead who I knew by proxy - that was handy for tickets as well. Did some promo work for Cream Amnesia/ Renaissance amongst others.  I can tell you that when Derby had Progress and Renaissance interspersed with a packed Sadler gate and it's other pubs and clubs it was the best place to go out anywhere, something for everyone.   I remember New years 94 they had to turn away over 100 people from Manchester, Birmingham and Nottingham at Renaissance who had turned up in mini buses on the off chance they would get in .  Coach parties from all over the place every weekend . It's a sad shell now.

Was the warm up you knew Rob Webster? He was the only resident warm up I remember because I know they pulled in local dj's at every event to spread the word and to warm up.

I owned Play in Matlock at the time and out vinyl buyer Nick Morley warmed up there.

I'll not bore others with our memoirs, but in all honesty, Renaissance was never really Renaissance after it left Venue 44 in that sad sack of a town, Mansfield. Those early days were some of the best nights of my life.

I have never been in a club where so people were from the town it was in never even knew it existed - even though people were traveling to it from all over the UK.

It was incredible when Sasha and Digweed were there. Even Oakenfold kicked ass in those days. Amd Graeme Park was always my favorite.

Pete and Russell did a great job with Hot To Trot there, but it was never quite the same.

I met Allister(complete with weird spelling) a few times at Hot To Trot events, but whisper it quietly - he was actually from Nottingham. 


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Cocu treated this game as a run out for the kids. Never took it seriously enough. We were spoiled with Lampard an our cup runs. Not a fan of cocu from what I've seen so far this season. Cant say any youngsters have really impressed me either. Knight was tenacious vs brom but that's all I can say.

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Got back one hour ago, calmed down a bit after some ale, now I am always very positive, but tonight really upset me, I hate Forest with a passion, been following the Rams for 40 years and to lose in that manner was hard to take, but yes I am still behind Cocu and I hope he gets it right in the league games, but to have them Gumps taking the piss was bloody hard to take. Once A Ram Always A Ram.. 

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Just got back from the City Ground, expect a lot of negativity and pessimism in my rant below.

I'll preface this by saying I don't want Cocu out. 

However, I'm absolutely disgusted with his lack of respect for the fans, the cup tournament in general, and even Nottingham Forest. If you want to make changes, do what Forest did, tinker with some personnel, but keep the spine. What Phil did was stick two fingers up at all of us who attended the game and wasted our money buying tickets and said he didn't care.

I'm equally enraged by the pathetic, mealy mouthed interview in which he gave after when he said it was a big game, yet put out almost no first choice players. That is a dishonest and just pure lip service Phil, you didn't give one poo about how big the game was, you just wanted it out the way. I'd have more respect for him if he came out and just admitted he didn't care about the cup, to be honest. 

What I used to really respect Lampard for, is he would always put out a strong team for the cup, he would go for it, Cocu's approach tonight is something that is wrong with football. I don't care how unlikely it is that we win the cup (it's even more unlikely we'll win the league), I strongly believe you should play every football game with the intention of winning. Devaluing of cups is pathetic. 

I won't slag off any of the young players out there tonight, they should have been introduced slowly into a settled side with a spine, not thrown in the deep end against our biggest rivals. Some of the older players were embarrassing though. Davies was a shambles, Paterson was shocking, Bennett just isn't a centre forward.

We barely score goals in open play. It's an epidemic for us. I don't see where they're coming from. Marriott would score, but we never create opportunities. We're extremely pedestrian on the ball, and our defending isn't brilliant.

I'm sure I'll get stick for this post being over the top, but I'm a bit drunk, and extremely pissed off at what I watched. I don't care if it's the Carabao Cup, we haven't exactly been setting the world alight in the league as of recently either.

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2 hours ago, Bob The Badger said:

His concept/outlook is a lot bigger than petty rivalry.

Might be petty to you, but it isn't too me and I suspect many other fans. Winner over the fans is more than just a trivial task, if he wants us to keep on board with his long term vision, it can't help to actually try to beat local rivals.

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3 hours ago, G-Ram said:

Im 100% behind our manager thats delivering on his word of promoting the youngsters & giving them a go. 

I still think in the long run he'll develop this mixture of youth into a quality side given time. It was never going to be easy & we'll take a few unfavourable results along the way but im behind him. At least he is trying to do something 

Were all 100% behind Cocu , but the drama I had getting tickets and the night off work!!!

this is the one fixture I do think he should’ve thought of the fans. If we’re not emotionally involved in the game we wouldn’t go , not 20 odd thousand anyway 

Cocu might think a forest/Derby game is just another match he’s wrong. He might be emotionally detached but we are not.

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6 minutes ago, Andicis said:

Just got back from the City Ground, expect a lot of negativity and pessimism in my rant below.

I'll preface this by saying I don't want Cocu out. 

However, I'm absolutely disgusted with his lack of respect for the fans, the cup tournament in general, and even Nottingham Forest. If you want to make changes, do what Forest did, tinker with some personnel, but keep the spine. What Phil did was stick two fingers up at all of us who attended the game and wasted our money buying tickets and said he didn't care.

I'm equally enraged by the pathetic, mealy mouthed interview in which he gave after when he said it was a big game, yet put out almost no first choice players. That is a dishonest and just pure lip service Phil, you didn't give one poo about how big the game was, you just wanted it out the way. I'd have more respect for him if he came out and just admitted he didn't care about the cup, to be honest. 

What I used to really respect Lampard for, is he would always put out a strong team for the cup, he would go for it, Cocu's approach tonight is something that is wrong with football. I don't care how unlikely it is that we win the cup (it's even more unlikely we'll win the league), I strongly believe you should play every football game with the intention of winning. Devaluing of cups is pathetic. 

I won't slag off any of the young players out there tonight, they should have been introduced slowly into a settled side with a spine, not thrown in the deep end against our biggest rivals. Some of the older players were embarrassing though. Davies was a shambles, Paterson was shocking, Bennett just isn't a centre forward.

We barely score goals in open play. It's an epidemic for us. I don't see where they're coming from. Marriott would score, but we never create opportunities. We're extremely pedestrian on the ball, and our defending isn't brilliant.

We only went strong in the cup under Lampard when we got glamour ties.

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11 minutes ago, Andicis said:

Just got back from the City Ground, expect a lot of negativity and pessimism in my rant below.

I'll preface this by saying I don't want Cocu out. 

However, I'm absolutely disgusted with his lack of respect for the fans, the cup tournament in general, and even Nottingham Forest. If you want to make changes, do what Forest did, tinker with some personnel, but keep the spine. What Phil did was stick two fingers up at all of us who attended the game and wasted our money buying tickets and said he didn't care.

I'm equally enraged by the pathetic, mealy mouthed interview in which he gave after when he said it was a big game, yet put out almost no first choice players. That is a dishonest and just pure lip service Phil, you didn't give one poo about how big the game was, you just wanted it out the way. I'd have more respect for him if he came out and just admitted he didn't care about the cup, to be honest. 

What I used to really respect Lampard for, is he would always put out a strong team for the cup, he would go for it, Cocu's approach tonight is something that is wrong with football. I don't care how unlikely it is that we win the cup (it's even more unlikely we'll win the league), I strongly believe you should play every football game with the intention of winning. Devaluing of cups is pathetic. 

I won't slag off any of the young players out there tonight, they should have been introduced slowly into a settled side with a spine, not thrown in the deep end against our biggest rivals. Some of the older players were embarrassing though. Davies was a shambles, Paterson was shocking, Bennett just isn't a centre forward.

We barely score goals in open play. It's an epidemic for us. I don't see where they're coming from. Marriott would score, but we never create opportunities. We're extremely pedestrian on the ball, and our defending isn't brilliant.

Whole heartedly agree. 

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Just now, Andicis said:

That's completely false. Look at the 11's he put out. We started almost a first team against Accrington.

In which Mount got injured which nearly derailed our season. I am all for rotating the squad in the early stages of the cup no matter who the opposition is as every club does it. Forest made 8 changes & im pretty sure Radio Derby said looking at all the teams tonight the minimum number of changes was 6 (may even have been 7).

Football is a 'squad' game so lets utilise the squad and give them proper game time. Tonights game got Holmes Davies Clarke Paterson Evans & Shinnie 90 minutes under their belt, gave a few young players some game time as well as more minutes to top up Marriotts fitness. We had a short preseason so these games could be invaluable towards the rest of the season, plus an international break soon to rest & then improve their fitness even more

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7 minutes ago, Ruda Harliss said:

Were all 100% behind Cocu , but the drama I had getting tickets and the night off work!!!

this is the one fixture I do think he should’ve thought of the fans. If we’re not emotionally involved in the game we wouldn’t go , not 20 odd thousand anyway 

Cocu might think a forest/Derby game is just another match he’s wrong. He might be emotionally detached but we are not.

Really makes me laugh when individuals  profess to talk on behalf of all fans .

So embarrassing 

Says so much about them as people 

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Very disappointed and frustrated today. I'm not going to say too much right now though because I want to sleep on it and try and not just be reactionary in the immediate aftermath of the game.

What I wanted to ask though is if anyone knows what's supposed to have gone on with the team and the Forest stewards after the game? Apparently Keogh and Davies both got involved with them in separate incidents, as well as some of the other players.

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1 minute ago, DCFC1388 said:

In which Mount got injured which nearly derailed our season. I am all for rotating the squad in the early stages of the cup no matter who the opposition is as every club does it. Forest made 8 changes & im pretty sure Radio Derby said looking at all the teams tonight the minimum number of changes was 6 (may even have been 7).

Football is a 'squad' game so lets utilise the squad and give them proper game time. Tonights game got Holmes Davies Clarke Paterson Evans & Shinnie 90 minutes under their belt, gave a few young players some game time as well as more minutes to top up Marriotts fitness. We had a short preseason so these games could be invaluable towards the rest of the season, plus an international break soon to rest & then improve their fitness even more

Forest made 8 changes, put they didn't take the piss with theirs. They kept some of their talent on the pitch in the likes of Lolley. That's what we should have done, in my opinion, or just drop out and don't bother playing cup games, it's a waste of everyone's time and money if the manager doesn't give a poo anyway. What did we really learn tonight? 

I don't think we learned anything. We had a horrible mess of young players thrown in deep, and experienced pros who aren't good enough, how can you learn anything that way? You don't build fitness against your local rivals, I'm sorry, you don't. Utilise your squad, but be reasonable. 

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3 hours ago, nottingram said:

Is this our most hysterical match day thread of all time?

Given it’s not even televised I don’t know how people can comment on how we’re playing? Either not watching at all, or sat at the game on your phone, so not watching at all.

3300 of us were there watching it ?

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