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Gareth Bale


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1 minute ago, Andicis said:

Can't be the only one who finds this distasteful? Bale was a huge reason they won their last Champions League trophy, and has been loyal to them since he joined them. Classless club, is Madrid.

Cant quite work out the hate from him from Zidane.  Still a quality player that would get into pretty much any Premier League team.

Part of me wishes Bale would say F... you and sit out his contract. Or make them pay it up. Then go on a free and get a huge signing on fee somewhere, or come to Derby for a few quid if he likes ?



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is this a dodgy translation to make a story out of? I think some context is also needed.

I can see how a manager would say he hopes the deal is sorted soon, as it's best for the player to get some pre season with his new club and the money will also allow them to bring in replacements.

But take a couple poorly translated sentences and you have yourself a tweet that will be retweeted and discussed on Twitter. 

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1 minute ago, David said:

is this a dodgy translation to make a story out of? I think some context is also needed.

Entirely possible, I saw it on Twitter and thought it was worth discussing, haven't looked too in depth into the context.

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12 minutes ago, Paul71 said:

Cant quite work out the hate from him from Zidane. 


You're right to say it comes from Zidane, wouldn't say that he is universally loved at Madrid but many appreciate him a lot more than this statement suggests. Idiotic thing to say* from the manager, at least Bale will be able to raise a smile when Zidane doesn't make it past this season. I know the stats look good for Zidane but I honestly think he was just incredibly lucky to inherit that team at that time - the rebuilding effort ahead of him is too much for a manager of his limited means. This statement shows that as well, he's managed to take the moral low ground when there was simply no need.

As for Bale, I would suggest the most talented British footballer since Gascoigne. Many might put Rooney or Beckham ahead of him but, for me, he's quality. That goal in the Champions League final, with all the background going on, was just amazing - to have the confidence to try an overhead kick from the edge of the box, seconds after coming on, knowing the manager wants you out - and then pull it off. Amazing!

* - fair point on the above comments re: translation but even Google Translate is better than that

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44 minutes ago, BaaLocks said:

As for Bale, I would suggest the most talented British footballer since Gascoigne. Many might put Rooney or Beckham ahead of him but, for me, he's quality.


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1 hour ago, David said:

is this a dodgy translation to make a story out of? I think some context is also needed.

I can see how a manager would say he hopes the deal is sorted soon, as it's best for the player to get some pre season with his new club and the money will also allow them to bring in replacements.

But take a couple poorly translated sentences and you have yourself a tweet that will be retweeted and discussed on Twitter. 

Just watched the press conference, it's translated pretty much word for word. The only thing he adds at the end is that they are in talks with the club where Bale wishes to go.

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I don't get the lack of love he seems to have at Madrid, but I think this is probably less of a story than anything "not involved because a transfer is nearly done" isn't controversial. Bale never seemed to really fit, Michael Owen never really fitted, Beckham I think wasn't as good as either but his celebrity persona fitted so he got some love.

I hope Athletico, Barca, (actually everyone) get it up them.

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Don’t think it really says anything that bad, other than confirming he’s set to leave them and a deals almost done, hence why he’s not playing. The part where it’d be a “good thing” reads a bit dodgy, but I don’t think it’s intended as a slight on bale, more just that it would be best for all parties as real don’t need him anymore after signing hazard (despite bales successes there) and can thus raise some cash from him, and bale wouldn’t be getting any football there so a move will be best for him.

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I read a piece a week or so back questioning why Zidane doesn't want Bale. Seems it's a longstanding thing and the opinion of the journalist was that it was based on both personal antipathy and a desire to free up his mega wages. No way I'll find it again, but RM did come across as a bunch of *********. I'm biased, I'll admit. 'Big' clubs make me want to vomit.

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Comes across better when you see it in video format, don't see anything wrong to be honest. Can't see why this would anger his agent, confirming he's off could see more offers roll in?

Not entirely sure where from, Man Utd have been reportedly interested for a while, but appear to be buying youth this summer. Wouldn't be surprised to see him end up in China on a mega money deal. 


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3 minutes ago, David said:

Comes across better when you see it in video format, don't see anything wrong to be honest. Can't see why this would anger his agent, confirming he's off could see more offers roll in?

Not entirely sure where from, Man Utd have been reportedly interested for a while, but appear to be buying youth this summer. Wouldn't be surprised to see him end up in China on a mega money deal. 



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3 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:


Rooney was a better footballer than Beckham, you picked the wrong one. Beckham was an excellent dead ball specialist - as good as you will see - and a very, very good footballer but I would have him third in that list (unless the Top Trump category is modelling underwear, advertising after shave or selling shirts). Brand Beckham wins over the other two in general but as a footballer you can't seriously suggest he is better than either Rooney or Bale?

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1 hour ago, ViewsFromTheMiddle said:

Beat me to it. Would be ideal now Robben and Ribery have gone. 

Would say a lot about him if he ends up in China.

If Neymar goes back to Barca then PSG is a possibility. But only a billionaire owned club could afford him so the pool is small.

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7 hours ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

I don't get the lack of love he seems to have at Madrid, but I think this is probably less of a story than anything "not involved because a transfer is nearly done" isn't controversial. Bale never seemed to really fit, Michael Owen never really fitted, Beckham I think wasn't as good as either but his celebrity persona fitted so he got some love.

I hope Athletico, Barca, (actually everyone) get it up them.

Blimey - “never really fitted “ . Wow !

Would be interested to know what criteria you need to describe a player as ‘fitting’ !

78 goals in over 150 appearances over 6 years

2 champions league medals in that time

Played longer at one of the top clubs on the continent than any other British player , ever 

And in that time became Wales highest goalscorer and helped his nation to their best ever international finish,  ever 

Would love Rams to sign a bunch of players like this who never really ‘fitted’ !! 

Owen and Beckham don't even qualify to be in the comparison - struggling to think of anyone else who does, as you clearly did ! 

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4 hours ago, BaaLocks said:

Rooney was a better footballer than Beckham, you picked the wrong one. Beckham was an excellent dead ball specialist - as good as you will see - and a very, very good footballer but I would have him third in that list (unless the Top Trump category is modelling underwear, advertising after shave or selling shirts). Brand Beckham wins over the other two in general but as a footballer you can't seriously suggest he is better than either Rooney or Bale?

I was suggesting that in terms of footballing ability he wouldnt even make the top 10 of the last 20 years.


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1 hour ago, BobbyD said:

Blimey - “never really fitted “ . Wow !

Would be interested to know what criteria you need to describe a player as ‘fitting’ !

78 goals in over 150 appearances over 6 years

2 champions league medals in that time

Played longer at one of the top clubs on the continent than any other British player , ever 

And in that time became Wales highest goalscorer and helped his nation to their best ever international finish,  ever 

Would love Rams to sign a bunch of players like this who never really ‘fitted’ !! 

Owen and Beckham don't even qualify to be in the comparison - struggling to think of anyone else who does, as you clearly did ! 

I'm not saying he wasn't successful, i'm just saying for the success he had there he'd doesn't seem to have the same love as say Ronaldo over the same period. My point wasn't about ability or success it was about celebrity and being a darling of the fans and media.

Owen scored a shedload whilst he was there but was easily dropped and jumped back after a season because they just brought more strikers in.


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