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Snakes at the Bet365 Stadium?


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2 hours ago, MuespachRam said:

You don't actually believe sound bites like "its my dream job" "I wouldn't have left Real Madrid for any other club than Plymouth" "I always dreamt of playing for Colchester as a kid" "money wasn't an issue I just want to play football" etc etc etc.....

what was Rowett ever going to say "yep, its a pretty good job I have at Derby, it means I don't have to move and my family are all here, but lets be honest if a better paid job came up tomorrow I will probably take it"........and obviously we cant ever mention the fact that Brian Clough resigned and went to our biggest rivals at the time after demanding more money and the chairman calling his bluff....because that is unspeakable....

Ever single football manager in the world currently in employment knows that there is a 99% chance they are at some point going to get sacked from their current job, so why not keep moving...it is their job....

What’s your opinion on Rowett selling “Derby’s best ever player” for peanuts?

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2 hours ago, 86 points said:

He could simply have said that given his history with the club and the willingness and backing of the owner, that he was very pleased to be joining the club and would endeavour to ensure we were soon back in the Premiership where a club of our size and history belongs. To hear you wittering on anyone would think he was compelled to utter a stream of bolarks he had zero intention of honouring as proven by the unseemly haste with which he was off on his toes at the first available opportunity.  You seem to assume that nobody on this board has ever honoured a contract before too. Maybe you'd dump a good employer the moment you thought you could improve on the terms of a contract you yourself signed, but that doesn't mean everyone would. Surprised that needs pointing out really. And as for Stoke being such a massively better option than poor ickle Derby County, well we'll just have to wait and see about that, won't we?

What you are forgetting is that career changes/job opportunities are normally discussed with your family and even if Rowett might have liked it at Derby (maybe he hated the sight of Mel..he wouldnt be the first) his wife might have had something to say when he went home and said that he has been offered a massive increase in money with arguably a bigger profile job. 

And yes...every single person on this board would leave their current job to do the same job ata different company for more money...not one person would turn it down 

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7 hours ago, MuespachRam said:

its pathetic.

Heaven forbid that someone should want to further his career and move to a new job for more money........ none of us would do that would we...???

Your just jealous that we'll get to wave our snakes at the stokies and you can't. 

A cold Wednesday night in Stoke instead of a warm Wednesday lunch time in one of the former colonies.....go on, admit it, you'd rather be on a minibus full of pissheads heading into clayheadshire than putting yer feet up in 'merica.....??

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21 minutes ago, uttoxram75 said:

Your just jealous that we'll get to wave our snakes at the stokies and you can't. 

A cold Wednesday night in Stoke instead of a warm Wednesday lunch time in one of the former colonies.....go on, admit it, you'd rather be on a minibus full of pissheads heading into clayheadshire than putting yer feet up in 'merica.....??

I would yes..

happy thanksgiving 

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9 hours ago, MuespachRam said:

What you are forgetting is that career changes/job opportunities are normally discussed with your family and even if Rowett might have liked it at Derby (maybe he hated the sight of Mel..he wouldnt be the first) his wife might have had something to say when he went home and said that he has been offered a massive increase in money with arguably a bigger profile job. 

And yes...every single person on this board would leave their current job to do the same job ata different company for more money...not one person would turn it down 

That's rubbish and you know it. Not everyone is motivated solely by money and I have turned down offers of more money elsewhere on several occasions.

That's why I am poor (but happy) now! 

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11 hours ago, MuespachRam said:

What you are forgetting is that career changes/job opportunities are normally discussed with your family and even if Rowett might have liked it at Derby (maybe he hated the sight of Mel..he wouldnt be the first) his wife might have had something to say when he went home and said that he has been offered a massive increase in money with arguably a bigger profile job. 

And yes...every single person on this board would leave their current job to do the same job ata different company for more money...not one person would turn it down 

Ah. poor lickle henpecked Gary! I've highlighted all the bits that are basically steaming hot garbage matey. Hope it helps!

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We are never going to agree on Gary's motives an d behaviour etc but I'd must say I was brought up to say what I mean and mean what I say. I don't do deviousness and insincerity and I don't like it in others. That's probably why I'll never be rich but hey ho I'm content with my lot and can look myself in the mirror.

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12 hours ago, MuespachRam said:

... And yes...every single person on this board would leave their current job to do the same job ata different company for more money...not one person would turn it down 

"Same job" or "same job title"?

I've turned down the same job title twice now, based on the fact I have it cushy here, and am effectively "my own boss" (although on paper, I'm not).  More money equalled more responsibility & importantly (for me) less flexibility.  So I decided to stick with my bog standard salary, not-too-cheap new car (and fuel etc!), and literally not having anyone watching my hours, or counting my holiday days.  (I like to miss the odd Friday*, for weekends away... preferably when The Rams aren't at home!)... Plus I can extend my main holidays (Camping in South of France) if my one and only colleague is coping ok without me!  LOL!


Not everyone is motivated by money alone.  Quality of life beats it hands down, in my book.  (Although a bit of both is preferable!)

Obviously, you could argue the alternative (for me) wasn't therefore "the same job, I'll give you that! 



*Ok then... quite a lot of Fridays... but who's counting!  :-)

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