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Random stuff that people do that annoy me


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when I see people who have motorised Wing/Door Mirrors, and the mirrors are re-tracted and they are driving on a main road.

If you're 10 miles down the M1 and your wing/door mirrors are folded in, you cannot be driving with due care and attention.

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Sith Happens

Rucksack wearers. You aren't on a backpackers holiday you are in town, on a bus or train etc.

If you have to have one at least take it off when in busy places,  you take up loads of room and seem to forget it's on when moving about and knocking me when you do.

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1 hour ago, Paul71 said:

Rucksack wearers

I see your Rucksack wearers and I raise you Baby Wearers. Parents who carry their babies in a 'Sling' which is basically a huge length of fabric which wraps the baby to their bodies.

Now I don't care how people choose to cart their kids around, none of my business, but what does annoy me is how superior these Sling Wearers think they are to other parents. They walk around the park with baby Hugo strapped "naturally" to their chests tutting at buggy users and feeling sorry for all the children that aren't getting the same level of spiritual bonding and closeness.

Hippies in Range Rover Sports.

Now Mrs Parsnip was a baby wearer. We had the slings, (I always carried the kids around in my arms because if I'd have tried to figure out how to wrap a sling i'd have broken necked kids) and the interesting thing is that I was actually the poster boy for a very popular (and ridiculously expensive) sling brand. Mrs Parsnip took a photo of me wearing a sling - sent it in to the company - and for the next 2 years if you went to their website, there was me and baby parsnip, homepage banner... 

Little did the website visitors know how much that good looking dad on the website hated them all.

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Decided to start car sharing this year to save a few quid so I’m catching the bus to work. Folks moan about Trent Barton prices which I agree with. It’s more cost per week than fuel. However needs must at the moment. I forgot my headphones the other day, on the way home this woman decides to have a conversation on her phone and is gobbing off so everyone can hear. I understand if you need to make a call, but for god sakes make it at a normal volume level. I don’t want to know what’s going on in your life so pipe down. It’s rude and I can’t stand it. 

The Japanese have got it sorted out. People are banned from making phone calls or answer them on public transport. We need to do the same here. Unless it’s an emergency. We’ve got a policy of no loud music on buses/trains yet nothing for no loud morons. 

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2 hours ago, SouthStandDan said:

Decided to start car sharing this year to save a few quid so I’m catching the bus to work

How is catching a bus, car sharing?

Totally agree with you about the phone on buses, trains etc, just can't get my head around the first part - soz.

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15 hours ago, Parsnip said:

I see your Rucksack wearers and I raise you Baby Wearers. Parents who carry their babies in a 'Sling' which is basically a huge length of fabric which wraps the baby to their bodies.

Now I don't care how people choose to cart their kids around, none of my business, but what does annoy me is how superior these Sling Wearers think they are to other parents. They walk around the park with baby Hugo strapped "naturally" to their chests tutting at buggy users and feeling sorry for all the children that aren't getting the same level of spiritual bonding and closeness.

A similar bugbear of mine is very young children in pushchairs and slings facing away from the parent, staring into a hostile, unfamiliar world. They should face the parent, if only for reassurance.

I mention this on account of the fact I saw a mother only yesterday proudly strutting around the local Co-op, with an 'I've seen God' expression on her face,  with her progeny in a dreaded sling, facing away from her. I thought 'poor little bugger'.

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39 minutes ago, Phoenix said:

Does he live with his mother?

No, surprisingly he has a fairly pleasant Girlfriend.  

She seems to be one of those goo'ey sweet kind of girls who describe him as "a big kid", where as other girls may just think he's an immature idiot and needs to grow up.

Saying that though, it's good he does what he enjoys - can't really argue with that!

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Sith Happens
8 hours ago, SouthStandDan said:

Decided to start car sharing this year to save a few quid so I’m catching the bus to work. Folks moan about Trent Barton prices which I agree with. It’s more cost per week than fuel. However needs must at the moment. I forgot my headphones the other day, on the way home this woman decides to have a conversation on her phone and is gobbing off so everyone can hear. I understand if you need to make a call, but for god sakes make it at a normal volume level. I don’t want to know what’s going on in your life so pipe down. It’s rude and I can’t stand it. 

The Japanese have got it sorted out. People are banned from making phone calls or answer them on public transport. We need to do the same here. Unless it’s an emergency. We’ve got a policy of no loud music on buses/trains yet nothing for no loud morons. 

Public transport is so full of morons and completely inconsiderate gits.

From your loud mouth phone calls, to those that think their bag or feet are more deserving of a seat than fellow passengers. You ask them to move the offending items and they look at you like you have 3 heads or something.



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I was at a Morrison's garage the other week in my car, with my eldest lad, and was filling up at the petrol pump, nearest to the car wash entrance. Popped into pay for petrol and bought a code for the car wash, returned to my car and popped on the cover you get to put on your rear windscreen washer, got back in the car and was in the process of driving my car the several yards, when out of nowhere I was cut up by some moronic OAP that then parks his car blocking me and any others at the entrance of the car wash, before he slowly gets out of his car, and waddles like a depressed duck into the garage shop to take all the time in the world, and buying a load of god knows what, and whilst doing so, my eldest lad turns to me and says "Dad, I thought we were going into the car wash?"....... I could only answer "So did I"......whilst swearing a lot inside, whilst this OAP eventually returns doing his best not to notice me again, he wouldn't have noticed if me, the lad and the car and the whole world was on fire, his acting that nobody else existed in the world was that good.......no.....b....head!

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Sith Happens
4 minutes ago, Inverurie Ram said:

I was at a Morrison's garage the other week in my car, with my eldest lad, and was filling up at the petrol pump, nearest to the car wash entrance. Popped into pay for petrol and bought a code for the car wash, returned to my car and popped on the cover you get to put on your rear windscreen washer, got back in the car and was in the process of driving my car the several yards, when out of nowhere I was cut up by some moronic OAP that then parks his car blocking me and any others at the entrance of the car wash, before he slowly gets out of his car, and waddles like a depressed duck into the garage shop to take all the time in the world, and buying a load of god knows what, and whilst doing so, my eldest lad turns to me and says "Dad, I thought we were going into the car wash?"....... I could only answer "So did I"......whilst swearing a lot inside, whilst this OAP eventually returns doing his best not to notice me again, he wouldn't have noticed if me, the lad and the car and the whole world was on fire, his acting that nobody else existed in the world was that good.......no.....b....head!

But if you had said anything you would probably have got a blast about the youth of today and all that.


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I was in St Andrews last week whilst the Senior Open Golf Championship was on, don't worry, I was only passing through, early evening when all the golf was finished for the day, just stopping for a bite to eat on route elsewhere. I turned in the car on to the Main Street looking for a car parking spot, but was unfortunately being followed by a Mercedes 4x4, and the driver of such was that close, he wanted to be in my passenger seat wearing his ridiculous lemon polo shirt and pink trousers, asking me if I liked golf and all the rest.

Anyway I spotted a car parking spot on my side of the road ahead, indicated for plenty of time, especially if the car behind me, was giving me the required space it should. So I turned into the space and received a rather large hoot of the horn from this ridiculous person in this ridiculous Mercedes 4x4, wearing his ridiculous golfing gear, so in turn, I thought I've got one of those horn things, and never use it, but on this occasion, well I pressed it longer than he did, whilst vigourously waving two fingers out of the window, whilst screaming in front of the family, "Why or why are we surrounded by so many zombie morons, millions of poxy, brain dead morons..........."

I enjoyed my dinner.

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Sith Happens

Taxi drivers. How come there is two ways of driving? 

Pre agreed price equals foot down, amber lights taken etc..meter price equal slow drive, letting everyone out slowing at a green light just incase it might change to red.


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On ‎28‎/‎07‎/‎2018 at 09:15, BobbyTheReadingFan said:

I work with a guy who collects comic books, builds legos and toy figurines.  He is like a child except he's 32 and bearded.  

I wish it was socially acceptable for adults to build Lego. I've never liked comics, but I often wish I still had my Lego from when I was a kid.

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1 hour ago, Anon said:

I wish it was socially acceptable for adults to build Lego. I've never liked comics, but I often wish I still had my Lego from when I was a kid.

It is perfectly acceptable, the only people that think it isn't are knuckle dragging morons. 

As a child or an adult, there is lego that is out there that can either be a challenge to build a Bugatti Chiron, or grab a box of bricks and see where your imagination takes you.


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