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Smoking Ban

Sith Happens

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Sith Happens

Its just gone 10 years since the Smoking ban in pubs was introduced.

When it was introduced i was delighted, as a non smoker, and still am.

I do remember chatting to a colleague who was a smoker who was furious and felt 'non smokers' should go and find non smoking pubs.

Be interested to know 10 years on what people thought at the time, what they think now, both smokers and non smokers.

What if they take the next step and ban smoking in outside areas?

Also its claimed its one reason why so many pubs have closed, if you were a smoker did it stop you going? I personally think costs of drink its more of a reason pubs have closed.



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I was pleased then and I'm pleased now.....as above,used to hate coming home stinking of the vile stuff!

On my hols abroad  a few weeks ago,the rules obviously don't apply and lots of the bars,inside and out were full of mostly over 60yr old Brits and young Eastern Europeans chuffing away like meth addicts.

it was horrible after so many years of not experiencing it at home.


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Here in Spain there is a smoking ban in Bars,in my local noticed a no smoking sign the other day,but I think there are some Spanish who still try it on inside.The outside area where it is nice to sit in the morning sun really annoys me when someone sitting at the next table lights up,one guy who smokes Camel Cigarettes which have a vile smell,are they rolled with camel s--t,always seems to have his breakfast at the same time as me.They don't seem to care about smoking when with their wives and young children either,and most of the time its passive smoke as they just sit there with it in their hand.Ban it in public places

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Sith Happens
20 minutes ago, kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong said:

I was pleased then and I'm pleased now.....as above,used to hate coming home stinking of the vile stuff!

On my hols abroad  a few weeks ago,the rules obviously don't apply and lots of the bars,inside and out were full of mostly over 60yr old Brits and young Eastern Europeans chuffing away like meth addicts.

it was horrible after so many years of not experiencing it at home.


Agree with what you say about holidays. We were in Turkey earlier this year, and there is supposed to be a smoking ban there but most bars and restaurants allow it.  I think they think because it has one open side or something like that its ok.

Anyway yeah there is nothing worse, especially if eating someone lighting up on the adjacent table when you are eating, its so bloomin pig ignorant and rude.

Even outside when you are abroad when the air is so still its not nice as it just hangs.


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Should still be allowed in certain pub rooms/clubs if those premises so wish.

Now all you can smell in most nightclubs is other people's sweat.

All the current 'ban' does is mean that outside areas are a total no go if you want to be able to breathe the beautiful clean city air.

Glad it's gone from restaurants though.


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Sith Happens
7 minutes ago, JoetheRam said:

Should still be allowed in certain pub rooms/clubs if those premises so wish.

Now all you can smell in most nightclubs is other people's sweat.

All the current 'ban' does is mean that outside areas are a total no go if you want to be able to breathe the beautiful clean city air.

Glad it's gone from restaurants though.


I think a smoking room was something pubs used to have in years gone by. I thought at the time they might go with that option, have some sort of 'designated' area for smokers. I guess that would be dependant on the pub being able to accomodate this but it would have given some sort of option.


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Great thing to happen for all the above reasons. Only downside is you have to fight your way past big plumes of smoke at the door of pubs/ restaurants. They should banish them to the bottom of the car park like they do at my work place. Am I correct in thinking that the legislation states that the ash heads should be a set distance away from the building anyway?

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Sith Happens
1 minute ago, Steve How Hard? said:

Great thing to happen for all the above reasons. Only downside is you have to fight your way past big plumes of smoke at the door of pubs/ restaurants. They should banish them to the bottom of the car park like they do at my work place. Am I correct in thinking that the legislation states that the ash heads should be a set distance away from the building anyway?

I dont think it can be as a lot of pubs people stand in door ways and chuff away. Then not forgetting the obligatory discard of the stub on the floor because thats not littering is it.

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I have finally packed on.  Stopped the fags about two years ago and then went around the houses on NRT. I finally decided to say goodbye to old Nick O'Teen and have managed to pile on a couple of stone in weight. As far as the smoking ban it has been very helpful when giving up not having to sit in smoke filled pubs. 

I found that as a smoker it made me get into the habit of going outside for a fag even when at home. Now I don't need to and when I see these people stood outside I remember how awkward and inconvenient it was and I am now glad I have packed in. Just got to lose the weight now.

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Sith Happens
6 minutes ago, Gritters said:

I have finally packed on.  Stopped the fags about two years ago and then went around the houses on NRT. I finally decided to say goodbye to old Nick O'Teen and have managed to pile on a couple of stone in weight. As far as the smoking ban it has been very helpful when giving up not having to sit in smoke filled pubs. 

I found that as a smoker it made me get into the habit of going outside for a fag even when at home. Now I don't need to and when I see these people stood outside I remember how awkward and inconvenient it was and I am now glad I have packed in. Just got to lose the weight now.

Well done. I have never smoked but have no doubt packing up is an achievement.

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17 minutes ago, Paul71 said:

Well done. I have never smoked but have no doubt packing up is an achievement.

Yep it isn't easy. It's the nicotine that's the problem that is hard to give up.  My advice to any young people is don't start. 

I think the smoking ban has gone along way to reduce people smoking. One of the easy ways to start was to smoke when out in pubs. The ban has taken that away to a point. It also has sown the seeds to make people feel more of an outcast and more anit social than ever. It also makes people more conscientious that smoking in front of people is not acceptable. 

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On 12/08/2017 at 09:40, Paul71 said:

Agree with what you say about holidays. We were in Turkey earlier this year, and there is supposed to be a smoking ban there but most bars and restaurants allow it.  I think they think because it has one open side or something like that its ok.

Anyway yeah there is nothing worse, especially if eating someone lighting up on the adjacent table when you are eating, its so bloomin pig ignorant and rude.

Even outside when you are abroad when the air is so still its not nice as it just hangs.


I believe the appropriate phrase is 'Would you object if I eat while you're smoking?'

As a life-long non-smoker, I don't know how people afford to smoke. (Cue for a political debate on Austerity)

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To echo what everyone says, as a non-smoker I like it. My family all smoke though and it made my parents eventually stop clogging the house with smoke and poisoning us all with second hand smoke and go outside instead. That led pretty swiftly to their switch to e-cigs as soon as they came on the market.

That said, in the interests of balance, I did hear a fairly convincing argument from a girl I went out with who smoked essentially saying that the segregation of 'smoking areas' indoors already existed and all it does is just demonise smokers and make them feel like s**** for being smokers.

I mean yeah...sure...I also guess arguably you should feel like s**** for it.... But you don't change hearts and minds and convince addicts to change their ways via demonisation. You just push them further out of society.

Still no reason I should be inhaling poison non-consensually. On the other hand, having been around smokers my whole life and choosing to go out and keep them company when they go out for a fag (cos I'm a lovely chap and I'm a top pal like that) so I obviously don't give a s****. I've been a second-hand smoker since the day I was born.

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8 hours ago, Gypsy Ram said:

What do you think about vapers?:lol:

Their just as bad as smokers. The amount of smoke/vapour created is worse than cigarettes and the smells given off can be horrendous. They also don't seem to care about other people around them being covered in fumes and because its not cigarette smoke nobody will mind or object.

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