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Forum Issues

Message added by Day,

This topic is for technical issues with the forum/server only.

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19 minutes ago, Boycie said:

Why the angry face? Just asking?

We need a w****** emoji, to avoid mixed messages! 

The swear filter has added one too many stars, I know how to spell w******.

See, it's done it again.

Edited by reveldevil
Like Forest, unnecessary stars.
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Just come to complain about the facepalm being removed. It was the perfect response to someone talking s**** without actually making a post telling them they were talking s****.

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I'm sure there's a lot of things members would like but I have better things to be doing that discussing face palms with members that have taken them personally.

I will bring some new ones in, that are a little more friendly in the way you can disagree

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4 hours ago, David said:

I'm sure there's a lot of things members would like but I have better things to be doing that discussing face palms with members that have taken them personally.

I will bring some new ones in, that are a little more friendly in the way you can disagree

You only do what's for the best anyway. 

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2 minutes ago, David said:

Could you send me a screenshot to forward on?

There's nothing to capture. The big heart is there, I press it and it just creates the little heart in the post with the legend "You reacted to this".

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6 minutes ago, eddie said:

There's nothing to capture. The big heart is there, I press it and it just creates the little heart in the post with the legend "You reacted to this".

Ok no worries, I've sent a request through to them now, I will let you know soon as I hear anything

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5 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

Could you upgrade to Win10 mobile?

No idea. I'm going to change contract. At the moment I have unlimited calls, unlimited texts, unlimited data for £26 a month, but I make or receive maybe 1 call a week at the most (really, what use is a phone call to a deaf person?)

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