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Is this job to big for Pearson

whaley bridge Ram

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On 9/13/2016 at 07:16, ColonelBlimp said:

Does he speak English? 

Has the 'Derby Way' been exported to Sicily now? I'm impressed with Mel/Sam if that is the case.

One day everyone will be playing 'The Derby Way', except, of course, Derby.

Not sure if he speaks English or not tbh

"the Derby way" is in my view an attacking, short passing game which is not exclusive to derby and is played by many managers over the world soo the answer to your question is no we didnt export it to Sicily it was already there

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no way is this job too big for Pearson , hes come in viewed the squad and blown a few egos out the water , no more nicey nicey at DCFC, he will have worked out now whose with him and who isnt , a few more nots will be shown the door in Jan and a couple more players who buy into Pearsons blueprint will be brought in , the sooner this happens the quicker Captain Pearson can start moving the good ship Derby County forward . GOOD LUCK NIGE

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2 minutes ago, Premier ram said:

no way is this job too big for Pearson , hes come in viewed the squad and blown a few egos out the water , no more nicey nicey at DCFC, he will have worked out now whose with him and who isnt , a few more nots will be shown the door in Jan and a couple more players who buy into Pearsons blueprint will be brought in , the sooner this happens the quicker Captain Pearson can start moving the good ship Derby County forward . GOOD LUCK NIGE

Here here

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4 minutes ago, Premier ram said:

no way is this job too big for Pearson , hes come in viewed the squad and blown a few egos out the water , no more nicey nicey at DCFC, he will have worked out now whose with him and who isnt , a few more nots will be shown the door in Jan ...

I can see the clubs beating a path to our door for Blackman, Bent, Johnson et al! :D

The only ones we can sell or shift out will be the ones we'd prefer to keep, nevermind I'm sure Pearson will get players in of equal talent.

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2 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

I can see the clubs beating a path to our door for Blackman, Bent, Johnson et al! :D

The only ones we can sell or shift out will be the ones we'd prefer to keep, nevermind I'm sure Pearson will get players in of equal talent.

That is the challenge of modern day football management. Surely most supporters would acknowledge that who ever came in after Wassall was going to have some work to do?

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It's maddening how many people think that change is as a result of egos. It's so obvious he's changing the system for other reasons. I stated this before the season started as it was clear from pre-season alone what he wanted us to be and that we didn't have the right players to do so. It's nothing to do with egos. He is simply just changing system. McClaren and Danny Higginbotham have said the same if you don't believe me.  

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Just a bit of context.

Villa could asking the exact same question of Di Matteo. A vastly experienced player and Champions League winning manager with contacts all around Europe and knowledge of the European game.

Add to this the fact they have parachute payments and are scoring goals yet they are just 2 points ahead of us. At least for Pearson it surely has to improve as he has started from scratch really and beginning to address problems. I doubt Villa even know what their problems are so will no doubt continue to be inconsistent.

Di Matteo is not a bad manager but it takes time to implement change. IMO we have a much better outlook than Villa this season once we get our act together and Pearson will be all the more stronger and wiser for having come through a tough patch together with the support of the Derby fans.

Everyone will benefit in the long run I'm hoping.

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On 10/09/2016 at 23:17, Pearsonite said:

Leicester fan in peace

Honestly, needed to make myself feel better after our thrashing today, so came on here.

I don't know what you've been told by other Leicester fans on here, Pearson does have something of an army of Leicester fans who even now still yearn for him. It's a bit weird. You can't really say anything negative about Pearson without being rounded on by those people. We call them "Pearsonites", hence my username (for clarity, I'm not one, I'm being ironic). So I suspect you've been told pretty forcefully that given time to build his own team Pearson will guarantee you success.

The trouble with that is that Pearson wasn't really the man who built the team at Leicester, that was Steve Walsh, now at Everton. Walsh gifted Pearson players like Morgan, Drinkwater, Mahrez, Knockaert and Vardy while we were still in the Championship. We already had the likes of Schmeichel and Nugent so we had a really strong squad for that level. All Pearson had to do was instil some discipline and a basic tactical system (442) and promotion from the championship was a sure thing.

Once we got to the premier league we no longer had the best players in the division so for the first time it was up to Pearson to use some tactical nous. Unfortunately Pearson is not a good tactician at all. We went through a good half a dozen different formations in the first half of the season alone. None of them worked. It was a total shambles. Some of his selections and formations were absolutely ludicrous. Honestly, you'd look at the team sheet and not know whether to laugh or cry, it was so bizarre. The highest profile example is probably the way he kept Mahrez out of the team for half the season. At the time Mahrez was already clearly our most creative player, but Pearson kept dropping him. He couldn't get the best out of him at all.

Now in the end we did go on a wild run that secured our survival, but on reflection, knowing what we now know about the quality of those players, we should never have been anywhere near the bottom of the league in the first place. It was Pearson's tactical inadequacies that put us there. The formation that led to our survival was at least the 10th different formation he'd tried that season, so was it more luck than judgement? Had Pearson finally worked the Premier League out, or was he lucky to just stumble on something that worked? I'll let you decide, but a quote from Pearson himself probably holds the biggest clue - when asked about what had changed at Leicester Pearson simply replied "I don't know".

I'll always be grateful to Nige for bringing Steve Walsh to Leicester and overseeing what would become a precursor to our finest hour, but I wouldn't have him back as a manager without Walsh, not even in the championship. Other Leicester fans will say different and some will defend Nige very passionately, but for me, you've got a manager who is tactically slightly below average at championship level and whose squad building capability is completely unproven without Walsh by his side. You've had a really poor start, and personally I'd be worried.

couldn't agree more mate, I'll expand on that below.

19 hours ago, Mostyn6 said:

keeping Leicester in the PL was a bigger job and he was big enough to do that.

actually it's a fairly open secret that before that run started senior players, lead by Esteban Cambiasso, went into Pearson's office and demanded a change of philosophy from the dour anti football to the gung-ho attacking style that kept us up, Cambiasso had a detailed plan of what he thought needed to change, Pearson deserves credit for listening but he didn't keep us up those players did

19 hours ago, europia said:

I have no personal allegiance to Nigel Pearson, however it's hard to take this post seriously. Knowledgable football observers like Lineker and others close to Leicester City have commented on what a fantastic job Pearson did in turning Leicester around and keeping them in the PL. It seems very mean spirited to try to discredited the guy for that. To suggest that a newly promoted team struggling in at the bottom of the PL were simply under achieving just doesn't stack up. I applaud what Ranieri has done since NP was sacked, but a bit surprised that there are Foxes fans wanting to re-write history. 

Gary Lineker is just a famous fan he has no connection to anyone at the club, except maybe Alan Birchenall, Pearson's personal arrogance and stubborn pigheadedness almost go us relegated, he was asked about formations early that season and it was pointed out he pretty much played 442 during our promotion season, which we did, and he kicked off over that, just because he didn't like the bloke asking the question

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1 hour ago, Jimmy Skitz said:

couldn't agree more mate, I'll expand on that below.

actually it's a fairly open secret that before that run started senior players, lead by Esteban Cambiasso, went into Pearson's office and demanded a change of philosophy from the dour anti football to the gung-ho attacking style that kept us up, Cambiasso had a detailed plan of what he thought needed to change, Pearson deserves credit for listening but he didn't keep us up those players did

Gary Lineker is just a famous fan he has no connection to anyone at the club, except maybe Alan Birchenall, Pearson's personal arrogance and stubborn pigheadedness almost go us relegated, he was asked about formations early that season and it was pointed out he pretty much played 442 during our promotion season, which we did, and he kicked off over that, just because he didn't like the bloke asking the question

Except a Leicester lad throu and throu, oh I forgot played for Leicester City as well.............

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20 minutes ago, toddy said:

Except a Leicester lad throu and throu, oh I forgot played for Leicester City as well.............

that's quite obviously not what I meant but well done on being  pedantic, there is no one on the board or in the coaching staff that gives Lineker any kind of insight into what is happening behind the scenes

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1 hour ago, Jimmy Skitz said:

...it's a fairly open secret that before that run started senior players, lead by Esteban Cambiasso, went into Pearson's office and demanded a change of philosophy from the dour anti football to the gung-ho attacking style that kept us up, Cambiasso had a detailed plan of what he thought needed to change, Pearson deserves credit for listening but he didn't keep us up those players did...Pearson's personal arrogance and stubborn pigheadedness almost go us relegated, he was asked about formations early that season and it was pointed out he pretty much played 442 during our promotion season, which we did, and he kicked off over that, just because he didn't like the bloke asking the question.

We needn't worry about that happening, I'm sure Pearson will have shipped out anyone with an ounce of 'doubt in him' before there's chance of a coup!

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9 minutes ago, Jimmy Skitz said:

that's quite obviously not what I meant but well done on being a pedantic dick, there is no one on the board or in the coaching staff that gives Lineker any kind of insight into what is happening behind the scenes

You will find he has more connections within the club than any supporter............you can not be that thick and naïve. 

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What he did/didn't do at Carlisle United, Southampton, Leicester City (two spells) and Hull City means nothing, nada, zero, ziltch since he was appointed as DCFC manager.

I am on the record as not really liking him as a person, some of his antics previously I strongly disagree with however he is  here now and should be given a season at least UNLESS there is a major disater such as a being in the relegation zone in new year or gross misconduct.

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21 minutes ago, CumbrianRam said:

What he did/didn't do at Carlisle United, Southampton, Leicester City (two spells) and Hull City means nothing, nada, zero, ziltch since he was appointed as DCFC manager.

I am on the record as not really liking him as a person, some of his antics previously I strongly disagree with however he is  here now and should be given a season at least UNLESS there is a major disater such as a being in the relegation zone in new year or gross misconduct.

Agree entirely. 

Just to add to the top bit "what Gary Lineker says". 

Robbie Savage played for Leicester and he said we should have kept Nigel. Not everyone that was at Leicester can be right??

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