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Puny Englishmen Prepare To Be Smited


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11 minutes ago, Bris Vegas said:

So much for the 'score first and the floodgates will open'

This is the worst result I can think of in England's history. At least when we got beat by Croatia and Germany we weren't overwhelming favourites.

USA 1950, but that was (just) before my time.

Beaten by Iceland - the shame. It's a good job we weren't playing someone good, like Marks and Spencers.

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9 minutes ago, Squid said:

Why didn't he bring Rashford on sooner! 5 friggin' minutes! 

Soon as rashford came on I said "poor kid" to the missus. 5 bloody minutes to do something is a joke. Fair play to the lad he did more than most of them. Vardy and Rashford were the only 2 England players that came out out that disgraceful performance with any dignity. The rest were utter pants.

well done Iceland you thoroughly deserved that win, good luck

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8 minutes ago, Derbylad92 said:

Roy Hodgson most of read the steve mcclaren guide to football just put every striker on possible he should of been sacked last world cup 

When ITV did the match build up, I saw Steve McClown a couple of times, and I knew then the same old circus would unfold as it always does. We should take a leaf out of Scotland's book and stop qualifying for these things, so we can all enjoy our summers watching the rest of the world showing us again how to play the beautiful game.

Roy's on a "journey" to the bank to enjoy his retirement..... Next!......you in the bath chair at the back, c'mon you'll love it!

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