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David Cameron Resigned


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57 minutes ago, ramsbottom said:

And there you have it, you can't trust any politician because at the end the day they'll serve themselves...

Saw a great piece on YouTube recently. A three patter about gun control from John Oliver, on the daily show. He was interviewing an Australian ex-mp, who voted for gun control, when his constituents were dead against it, committing political suicide for the greater good. 

He asked an American politician what a politicians first priority is: getting reelected. 

He asked this Australian what a politicians first priority is: doing the right thing, making the best decisions for and on behalf of his constituents, no matter what the personal consequences. 

I think our politicians probably sit with the American on this one, for the most part. 

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7 minutes ago, TigerTedd said:

Saw a great piece on YouTube recently. A three patter about gun control from John Oliver, on the daily show. He was interviewing an Australian ex-mp, who voted for gun control, when his constituents were dead against it, committing political suicide for the greater good. 

He asked an American politician what a politicians first priority is: getting reelected. 

He asked this Australian what a politicians first priority is: doing the right thing, making the best decisions for and on behalf of his constituents, no matter what the personal consequences. 

I think our politicians probably sit with the American on this one, for the most part. 

And that's why I've always fancied living in Oz.  

That fact that gun control hasn't been kerbed despite the 100,000's dead as a result of them shows American politicians are a bunch of self-serving nutcases...

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1 hour ago, AndyinLiverpool said:

I want to cry. And we've just been cheering ourselves up with imagining how the French and Germans are going to get on without the British. Now this...

At least we get the opportunity, in a few years, to vote them out.

Come on guys, glass half full (you can tell this is a football forum). 

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3 hours ago, RamLad1884 said:

Can't see it happening, too many mp's wouldn't want to risk losing their paychecks just because we want it. It'll be further convoluted soon as no doubt some mps will step down, thus triggering various by-elections around the country. as it stands there's 320 non-Tory MP's (and so 330 Tories), so you'd require a handful over 100 Tories to risk giving up their seat

The Labour and Lib Dem parties are very weak at the moment. The new Conservative leader will be in a very good position as the leader of the most Eurosceptic main party in a political environment where the majority of the UK population is clearly Eurosceptic. Yet, the Conservatives still only have a small majority which could easily be whittled away by deaths and defections. Then there is the very real prospect that the economy could tank. It will be in the interests of the new Conservative leader to go to the country at the earliest opportunity. He will almost certainly then be guaranteed an extra five years, as will most Conservative MPs. 

The Fixed Term Parliament Act was just put in place to prevent the Lib Dems from being able to pull out and cause the government to collapse. It won't prevent a government with a majority from triggering an election as they would just whip their MPs to vote on a 'dissolve' bill, safe in the knowledge that the majority of opposition MPs would also back it. If that failed they could actually vote themselves out in a confidence motion and ultimately, they have enough votes to force through a change in the law. And even without that, the Queen can dissolve Parliament (and thus trigger an snap election) if she can't find anyone to form a government when a sitting PM resigns - and that could easily be contrived by the leader of the largest party.

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I saw a Peter Hitchens interview yesterday in which he asked the question "how can our two main political parties be so out of touch with over 50% of the electorate on a 72% turnout?" He also went on to liken the two of them to two corpses only holding themselves up with each others' rigor mortis. On the Labour leave voters he said they actually had more in common with Corbyn's views that those of the Bairite parliamentary Labour party who are seeking to depose him.

As for the Conservative Party would the PCP actually choose Johnson as a candidate to be submitted to their membership to potentially elect as their leader or would we end up with their least disliked candidate being our next PM?

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2 hours ago, Ewetube said:

I saw a Peter Hitchens interview yesterday in which he asked the question "how can our two main political parties be so out of touch with over 50% of the electorate on a 72% turnout?" He also went on to liken the two of them to two corpses only holding themselves up with each others' rigor mortis. On the Labour leave voters he said they actually had more in common with Corbyn's views that those of the Bairite parliamentary Labour party who are seeking to depose him.

As for the Conservative Party would the PCP actually choose Johnson as a candidate to be submitted to their membership to potentially elect as their leader or would we end up with their least disliked candidate being our next PM?

Let's have a General Election.

At least then the fuckwits that didn't think their votes counted in the referendum would be more on the money.

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On 25 June 2016 at 13:27, dcfcfan1 said:

I like DC, Im upset by this

Handled all this with dignity, fair play to him. Best of luck. He has done Ok actually in the 6 years he has been here

The only reason the country is in a mess is because Cameron gave into pressure from the Tory right to hold a referendum on the EU. Now he‘s thrown in the towel and left it for someone else to sort out the mess.

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On 25/06/2016 at 13:27, dcfcfan1 said:

I like DC, Im upset by this

Handled all this with dignity, fair play to him. Best of luck. He has done Ok actually in the 6 years he has been here


Here is a pretty good piece where the author argues quite convincingly that he is  the most spectacular failure of a Prime Minister this country has ever seen


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  • 2 weeks later...

Leadsom apparently about to withdraw.

Teresa May could be PM this afternoon, although there is some debate as to how that its with Tory Party rules. It seems they are supposed to have a membership ballot and have no rules that allow an uncontested succession. 

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