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The Wassall impact


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5 minutes ago, eddie said:

I quite agree.

I'm in the 'shouldn't have given Clement the job' camp - but what's done is done. All I can assume (and it is an assumption, and nothing to do with 'the breakfast club' or any supposed privileged information I wasn't party to in the first place), is that the club have somebody in mind for the role, and that person isn't available at the moment for one reason or another.

Mel asked me who I would like to see in the job - I said "Steve McClaren".

Just hoping it all gets sorted out. Got the feeling that who we are after must become available summertime due to a clause in their release from a previous job. 

We could ideally do with someone in now, just to shake is up a bit. I'd assume whoever we have in mind must be reviewing from a far and Should be all set to hit the ground running in the summer. We record all games so easy done. 


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22 minutes ago, FrostedRam said:

Still doesn't explain the lack of products coming through.

we are not playing premier league teams in the championship. Surely it's easier to get players to a championship standard to bring through the system. 

Hughes, Hendrick and (potentially) Hanson in 7 years. Really it's not as good as we make it out to be. 

It's not exactly a new problem.

Who said this?


 I believe that Derby County's future is now so assured that we can say at least eight players from the Academy will be in the first-team within three years.

"That's going to continue and the Academy will be producing 20-25 players over the next few years so the £5 million investment in the Academy will be quickly paid for and will continue to make Derby County self-sufficient.

"I can assure you that Derby County will not need to get in any more debt.


Lionel Pickering in June 2003


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1 minute ago, FrostedRam said:

Bennett will never make it at championship level and Thomas couldn't get into blackpools team. Rawson is the best bet.



I don't disagree, although Bennett was doing well at Burton before his injury.

I'm going to have a look around at other similar size clubs, and see how we stand against them in relation to players bought through in recent seasons.


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58 minutes ago, reveldevil said:

Bennett, Rawson and Thomas have all made appearances too, here or elsewhere.


50 minutes ago, FrostedRam said:

Bennett will never make it at championship level and Thomas couldn't get into blackpools team. Rawson is the best bet.


44 minutes ago, reveldevil said:

I don't disagree, although Bennett was doing well at Burton before his injury.

I'm going to have a look around at other similar size clubs, and see how we stand against them in relation to players bought through in recent seasons.

I don't necessarily disagree either, but would say Thomas had broken through and started three league games in a row before we suddenly recalled him (which seemed somewhat bizarre). And as Revel said, Bennett was starting for A top League One side. As has also been said, it's far easier to blood players lower down the leagues than in the Prem. I think that's one of the reasons Southampton's academy became so successful and they could charge a fortune for their young stars.

Rawson now seems out of favour with Colin taking over at Rotherham, and is no longer in the squad. A shame Lowe got injured when he did. IIRC Wassall even had him on the bench for the pre-McClaren Ipswich game. Maybe Zanzala is our Rashford and can spark us over the last few games? Though you'd have thought Martin, Bent, Blackman, Weimann, Russell or Ince should be better central striking options, but we're not exactly full of goals right now.

On the main theme, I've said elsewhere that by giving Wassall this job we will lose him entirely from the club at the end of the season as he won't want to return to simply running the Academy. And I agree that what was needed was someone from outside to change things, rather than the continuity candidate from within. We've already lost all hope of the autos and could drop out of the playoffs because we're following the same flawed tactic as down the Brian Clough Way when Billie the Kid was given the elbow for the second time...

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Wassall has the job until the end of the season. That isn't going to change. Just get behind him now for Gods sake. 

Some of us think Clement shouldn't have been sacked (including me), some of us think McClaren should never have been sacked, some even think Clough should never have been sacked.

All those managers have one thing in common - they're not coming back. Move on. At the end of the season, that's the time to judge Wassall. 

Lambasting an interim manager after 4 games is the most 'Forest-esque' thing I've ever seen. Let's not be that please. It's pathetic.

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It ain't just a question of giving Wassall time or getting behind him. The temporary nature of his appointment weakens his hand with the players. If there are problems with the attitude of some of the squad, a temporary coach is going to struggle to sort it - the players can sit tight till he has gone.

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10 minutes ago, DRBee said:

It ain't just a question of giving Wassall time or getting behind him. The temporary nature of his appointment weakens his hand with the players. If there are problems with the attitude of some of the squad, a temporary coach is going to struggle to sort it - the players can sit tight till he has gone.

Could easily be something in that.

On the Sky coverage of the Wolves match there wee several shots of DW in serious animated conversation with Kevin Phillips, so he's not all smiley happy-clappy. My ignorant guess would be that he was recognising on-pitch issues and trying to explore possible solutions. However, when the players themselves are quoted as it seeming odd calling him boss, it must inhibit him from calling any out for a bollocking.

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We have shot ourselves in the foot many times over the years,so it should have come as no surprise when we did it again this season. I have no axe to grind over Paul Clement.I had never heard of him before he was appointed,but felt a bit sorry for him having to pick us up after the meltdown.When the results started going our way,mainly because he sorted out our defence,one clean sheet after another,he got us up there,actually hitting top spot for a short time. When he was sacked it shocked the football world,football writers,managers,ex managers,all condemned it.They still do,it was discussed again on the FLS on sat. night. If sacking him was bad enough,not to have a replacement was even worse.If DW is the answer,why not back in the summer? Normally the only reason to sack a manager like that is because we are heading for the drop.We weren't so why now? Surely it could have waited until the end of the season,by then it could have been pulled roung again.After all, all the other teams in the top 6 -7 went through bad patches,the only difference is they didn't panic and kept faith in their managers.The gap is already widening between us and the top 2,if the performance on Saturday is an example of whats to come,we can forget promotion for years.

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18 hours ago, eddie said:


Mel asked me who I would like to see in the job - I said "Steve McClaren".

what I don't get is why would you want a manager back who by any measure failed, why would his return be any better?

 At the risk of raising the discussion heat a bit, lets get Davros back because he got us through the payoffs and by that assessment was better than Stevey? 

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38 minutes ago, top 6 finish said:

 When he was sacked it shocked the football world,football writers,managers,ex managers,all condemned it.

While I agree with a lot of your post this bit is over-egging it a bit. Shocked the football world?. Really??. And I wouldn't take too much notice of some BS'ing rent-a-gob radio pundit saying what a bad decision it was, sacking PC. They've got air-time to fill, at the end of the day and clearly hadn't watched us play for quite a while.

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56 minutes ago, Spanish said:

what I don't get is why would you want a manager back who by any measure failed, why would his return be any better?

 At the risk of raising the discussion heat a bit, lets get Davros back because he got us through the payoffs and by that assessment was better than Stevey? 

It's a perfectly reasonable question - and it probably needed asking.

I loved the football under McClaren, and I didn't at all under Davros. At my time of life I don't care what division we are in - I just want to be entertained home and away. It's nice to have a promotion to celebrate, but even without it, what I was during the McClaren seasons was royally entertained.

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6 minutes ago, eddie said:

It's a perfectly reasonable question - and it probably needed asking.

I loved the football under McClaren, and I didn't at all under Davros. At my time of life I don't care what division we are in - I just want to be entertained home and away. It's nice to have a promotion to celebrate, but even without it, what I was during the McClaren seasons was royally entertained.

fair point honestly made.  I feel let down by him and I'm not sure I can forget.  Having said that i'm a half fan and possibly more motivated by the result and than the performance.  I will defer to those who pay money for the 'entertainment'

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