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Game of Thrones Season 5


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Yes. I am fully aware what the costs are. But the global audience for this show is massive. A budget increase is affordable. It is clear to anyone who watches closely that they have to cut things back throughout each season because of the limited budget. It ends up spoiling the show.

Budgetery concerns aside I still don't think they needed to use up 5 minutes of screen time in order to show you the enevitable.  You could see they were screwed as they walked towards Winterfell, no organised ranks, no cavalry, Stanis looking tired.  They were dead men walking.

I think Brienne has spared him.  I haven't read any of the books but I reckon just as she's swinging Pod finds her to tell her Sansa has lit the candle.  Stanis will then tell her she'll need all the help she can get and offers his as (a tiny bit of) redemption before she eventually kills him a few episodes later.  Pure guess work mind...

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Budgetery concerns aside I still don't think they needed to use up 5 minutes of screen time in order to show you the enevitable.  You could see they were screwed as they walked towards Winterfell, no organised ranks, no cavalry, Stanis looking tired.  They were dead men walking.

I think Brienne has spared him.  I haven't read any of the books but I reckon just as she's swinging Pod finds her to tell her Sansa has lit the candle.  Stanis will then tell her she'll need all the help she can get and offers his as (a tiny bit of) redemption before she eventually kills him a few episodes later.  Pure guess work mind...

It does mae you wonder, if Brienne has spared Stannis, where does he go from here. Does he change his ways, and seek a more humble life seeking redemption, or does he start all over agin with his quest for power and his God given right to the throne? He certainly looked a broken man by the end, but his conviction is such that I can believe he'd pick himself up and make a new plan.

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Budgetery concerns aside I still don't think they needed to use up 5 minutes of screen time in order to show you the enevitable.  You could see they were screwed as they walked towards Winterfell, no organised ranks, no cavalry, Stanis looking tired.  They were dead men walking.

I think Brienne has spared him.  I haven't read any of the books but I reckon just as she's swinging Pod finds her to tell her Sansa has lit the candle.  Stanis will then tell her she'll need all the help she can get and offers his as (a tiny bit of) redemption before she eventually kills him a few episodes later.  Pure guess work mind...

That whole sequence was nothing but a let down and was entirely due to the budget. We have the two armies. Then we cut to some of the worst CGI ever seen. Then we cut to just one fight and Ramsey stabbing a guy in the back. It is especially a let down compared to the last couple of episodes at Hardhome and Meereen. 

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I didn't think the battle was necessary, as it was a one sided slaughter.  No need to waste a considerable part of the budget on, when you could fill in the gaps easily.

The thing about this show is that I can't help altering my allegiances.  Cersei is going to unleash hell on the sparrows and I look forward to it.

The sand snakes in Dawn are probably in for some attention, although I do like them!

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***Spoiler Alert***




We don't know for sure he's dead yet...

He's in a sorry state but not dead yet. With Melisandre's return to Castle Black and the healing powers that the Lord of the Light possesses, I wouldn't be surprised if that's not the last we hear of Jon Snow!

Pure speculation though      :lol:

Yeah, she is gasping for him. She will make sure he rises.

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So she is in deep sh ite at the moment ?.

she may still have some influence. Or they may see her as the bitch that killed the great Khal Drogo. Or they may never have heard of her. Or they may have heard of her and want her dragons like everyone else does. I've got no idea where that plot is going. She does look to be particularly vulnerable. I don't fancy the super friends team of Jorah and Daario against that many Dothraki, and I wouldn't even fancy Drogon's chances against that many. So she'll have to outsmart them, which isn't too difficult with a Dothraki. 

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It was a good simily between Cersi and Daeny that once you strip away the armed guards and and hangers-on all they are are vunerable women.  Out the two you'd back Cersi to weasel her way out of most situations with her experience in playing the game.  Daeny is still a long way off being a real queen.

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Melisandra is hot innit? I wouldn't burn my children for her but I'd certainly consider some of the more light hearted torture techniques. Especially on the little one when it keeps crying.

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I'd never thought about watching GOT until my brother mentioned it a couple of weeks back. I've just finished all five seasons in just over two weeks I think, I've barely left my house!

It's gotten really good, but there were so many story lines going on in the first two seasons that some of them just dragged on and were boring (but necessary I guess).

I thought the Stanis storylines were utterly boring at the beginning but at least that developed abit. The Brandon one is still a mystery and largely pointless so far.

It's amazing how so many main characters have been killed off, and some of them quite suddenly.

King Geoffrey's death wasn't in any way glorious, was quite disappointing. Rob Stark's was also disappointing given how much his character was built up, felt that was sad as he was likeable.

John Snow was my favourite character, I say was as it looks like he's done. What a disappointing way to go but it's not entirely expected. Amazing character.

My second favourite characters are joint between Tyrion and Bronn, both work so well. Jamie is also one of those love/hate characters, he really came up trumps towards the end but there is another twist left in him.

Not really sure why Khaleesie is so set on getting the Iron Throne. For me, the east appears far more developed and better (climate wise too) than Westros anyway. Westros has no power of the east, so why bother?

Who do you think the best warrior is out there - like most natural swordsman? Daario Naharis (wonder why the actor changed?) is probably my best. Oberyn Martell was awesome too, but got far too cocky which led to his death - he easily had the mountain beat!

One thing I really like about GOT though is they're not afraid to kill off the main characters. The more they do it, it gives more screen-time to others, it's why season 3-5 was so good IMO.


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I'd never thought about watching GOT until my brother mentioned it a couple of weeks back. I've just finished all five seasons in just over two weeks I think, I've barely left my house!

It's gotten really good, but there were so many story lines going on in the first two seasons that some of them just dragged on and were boring (but necessary I guess).

I thought the Stanis storylines were utterly boring at the beginning but at least that developed abit. The Brandon one is still a mystery and largely pointless so far.

It's amazing how so many main characters have been killed off, and some of them quite suddenly.

King Geoffrey's death wasn't in any way glorious, was quite disappointing. Rob Stark's was also disappointing given how much his character was built up, felt that was sad as he was likeable.

John Snow was my favourite character, I say was as it looks like he's done. What a disappointing way to go but it's not entirely expected. Amazing character.

My second favourite characters are joint between Tyrion and Bronn, both work so well. Jamie is also one of those love/hate characters, he really came up trumps towards the end but there is another twist left in him.

Not really sure why Khaleesie is so set on getting the Iron Throne. For me, the east appears far more developed and better (climate wise too) than Westros anyway. Westros has no power of the east, so why bother?

Who do you think the best warrior is out there - like most natural swordsman? Daario Naharis (wonder why the actor changed?) is probably my best. Oberyn Martell was awesome too, but got far too cocky which led to his death - he easily had the mountain beat!

One thing I really like about GOT though is they're not afraid to kill off the main characters. The more they do it, it gives more screen-time to others, it's why season 3-5 was so good IMO.


good review from someone fairly fresh to it. 

Im so jealous though. It's like when I suggested to my mum she should watch it and she watched series 1-3 in a weekend. I'd love to come to it fresh and do that. Now I can't wait til I get dementia so I can rediscover it.

It could have easily become the Sean bean show, but killing him off let everyone know the rules have changed. Valar morghulis. 

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I'd never thought about watching GOT until my brother mentioned it a couple of weeks back. I've just finished all five seasons in just over two weeks I think, I've barely left my house!

It's gotten really good, but there were so many story lines going on in the first two seasons that some of them just dragged on and were boring (but necessary I guess).

I thought the Stanis storylines were utterly boring at the beginning but at least that developed abit. The Brandon one is still a mystery and largely pointless so far.

It's amazing how so many main characters have been killed off, and some of them quite suddenly.

King Geoffrey's death wasn't in any way glorious, was quite disappointing. Rob Stark's was also disappointing given how much his character was built up, felt that was sad as he was likeable.

John Snow was my favourite character, I say was as it looks like he's done. What a disappointing way to go but it's not entirely expected. Amazing character.

My second favourite characters are joint between Tyrion and Bronn, both work so well. Jamie is also one of those love/hate characters, he really came up trumps towards the end but there is another twist left in him.

Not really sure why Khaleesie is so set on getting the Iron Throne. For me, the east appears far more developed and better (climate wise too) than Westros anyway. Westros has no power of the east, so why bother?

Who do you think the best warrior is out there - like most natural swordsman? Daario Naharis (wonder why the actor changed?) is probably my best. Oberyn Martell was awesome too, but got far too cocky which led to his death - he easily had the mountain beat!

One thing I really like about GOT though is they're not afraid to kill off the main characters. The more they do it, it gives more screen-time to others, it's why season 3-5 was so good IMO.


The actor got a film role I think.

As for best swordsman, theres a few options. Barristen Selmy, got killed my some peasants in the end but he was getting on a bit. Jamie was one of the best, till he lost his hand. In the books Loras Tyrell is one of the best fighters, Daario isnt really a swordsman though he uses the Dothraki weapon which is a bit different?

Im sure someone out there has worked it out, might go have a google

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The actor got a film role I think.

As for best swordsman, theres a few options. Barristen Selmy, got killed my some peasants in the end but he was getting on a bit. Jamie was one of the best, till he lost his hand. In the books Loras Tyrell is one of the best fighters, Daario isnt really a swordsman though he uses the Dothraki weapon which is a bit different?

Im sure someone out there has worked it out, might go have a google

Perhaps I shouldn't have said swordsman, but best warrior in hand-to-hand combat. 

There was an article with the ten most able of killing the mountain, Daario was named as one of them as of course Jaquen H'ghar but his character is abit bizarre.

I'm convinced Jon Snow has a massive part in the story. There wouldn't have been the tension between him and the White Walkers' king, not to mention he is not the ******* son of Ned but of Targaryen.

The theme of Ice and Fire fits him perfectly, especially if he's the true son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark - Ned's best kept secret and the one which makes the most sense.

But how does the come back? The Red women and her prophicies can bring him back, but he can also come back as the Wolf (at least in series 6). The Red women dreamt of a man, who turned wolf, a back man again.

Also, just reading now the directors and actor himself said Jon Snow was dead - gone. But only for season 6, where Jon Snow might be dead but the wolf alive. What did Jon say in his last ever words? He said Ghost, the name of his wolf.

I'm well into theories me.

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Perhaps I shouldn't have said swordsman, but best warrior in hand-to-hand combat. 

There was an article with the ten most able of killing the mountain, Daario was named as one of them as of course Jaquen H'ghar but his character is abit bizarre.

I'm convinced Jon Snow has a massive part in the story. There wouldn't have been the tension between him and the White Walkers' king, not to mention he is not the ******* son of Ned but of Targaryen.

The theme of Ice and Fire fits him perfectly, especially if he's the true son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark - Ned's best kept secret and the one which makes the most sense.

But how does the come back? The Red women and her prophicies can bring him back, but he can also come back as the Wolf (at least in series 6). The Red women dreamt of a man, who turned wolf, a back man again.

Also, just reading now the directors and actor himself said Jon Snow was dead - gone. But only for season 6, where Jon Snow might be dead but the wolf alive. What did Jon say in his last ever words? He said Ghost, the name of his wolf.

I'm well into theories me.

The theories are great especially around Jon Snow, we might see him disappear for a season. Maybe the red woman can revive him but needs to take him somewhere specific? So they haul his body off north of the wall or something. This does pave the way for the white walkers to march south though, none of the others at the wall really take the WW thing seriously so the wall may come crumbling down.

Theories around Jaquen H'ghar are interesting as well, he couldnt kill the mountain in 1v1 combat hes an assassin! But a good theory is about how he first ran into Arya, he was a prisoner in the red keep being taken north to the wall. How does a faceless man get caught? He was actually Syrio Forel, he wasnt killed by Meryn Fookin Trant but actually captured. Which make him some super forward planning guy who was already training her.

Other options for killing the mountain - Ser Robert Strong, Drogo, King Rob in his younger days, Syrio Forel and Ser Arthur Dayne who was at the Tower Of Joy and doesnt feature in the show.


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