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Jeremy Clarkson suspended by BBC


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​Hi PD ,yes massive petrol head I must be the oldest boy racer in town .I use a Golf R32 for my daily drive ,I have been lucky enough to have some nice cars over the years but that is one of my favourites ,I love it.

My weekend car is a Noble m12 GTO 3R ,it's making about 394 BHP on the dyno ,but you are absolutely right about cars being money pits.As they say if it's got t!ts or tyres it's gonna cost you.

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Clarkson is relieved  now to get out of the BBC .

I don't think he will come back at the end of the day. 

Just like KP didn't .


Im sad about both but but the Aussies will whack the England cricket team and I don't care just as I don't care about the BBC anymore. 

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​Will you shut up about Kevin Pietersen.

Top Gear is probably worse than The Big Bang Theory, and it has been for many many years. How anyone could actually find it entertaining is beyond me. I just saw James May's door step interview on the Clarkson 'punch' and you could tell he thought he was being utterly hilarious. He's awful and he's the best of them by a long way. 

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Oh, and while we're at it. Being too intelligent to enjoy the silly monotony of a Top Gear episode does not mean you are one of the 'pc brigade'. It's not ***** because I'm offended, it's ***** because it's *****. 

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​I honestly don't understand why you feel your dislike for one of the most popular shows on the planet has anything to do with this incident. 

As for James May, I'd like to see your reaction to the media if they were hounding you about something you're not meant to talk about. 

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Oh, and while we're at it. Being too intelligent to enjoy the silly monotony of a Top Gear episode does not mean you are one of the 'pc brigade'. It's not ***** because I'm offended, it's ***** because it's *****. 

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Does anyone think the "it's been blown out of proportion" argument would wash if the shoe was on the other foot? Clarkson has acted like a prima donna and was obviously out of order. What if the producer or an angry member of the hotel staff had given him some back or put him on his arse? Do we think Clarkson would've let it go and dismissed it as "a scuffle"?

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I'll bang on about KP because to drum out our best batsman was a disgrace and smacked of player power. 

Look how crap the England cricket team are now .

Clarkson can be controversial at times but I dont want want to live in a nanny State thanks. 


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​That is a matter of opinon about how good Top Gear is.... personally i don't get turned on by middle aged men getting excited as they do doughnuts in the latest supercar....but each to their own i guess...

As for Clarkson being brilliant..... seriously....he has said some pretty awful things over the years, some very racist and very sexist things...... he is a caveman who evidently thinks it is ok to punch a co worker in the face over food.... so, no, not very "brilliant" at all i am afraid.

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​I always find it funny when people call themselves intelligent. 

You just don't like the show, you're in no way "too intelligent" for it. Ironically, saying such things suggests that you lack the ability to articulate why you don't like it. 

He tried to from what I've seen. The comments he made was him palming them off, rather than engaging. I don't know, but unless you've been in that position, it's hard to know exactly how you'd react. 

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Does anyone think the "it's been blown out of proportion" argument would wash if the shoe was on the other foot? Clarkson has acted like a prima donna and was obviously out of order. What if the producer or an angry member of the hotel staff had given him some back or put him on his arse? Do we think Clarkson would've let it go and dismissed it as "a scuffle"?

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he's a w*nker, regardless of hitting anyone. he''s mates with Cameron,he makes snide remarks at anything he deems beneath him,he's a petrol head, public school boy, casual racist, casual sexist and classist, and whatever isnt clarksonist. he's not funny, his best mates on telly are the two wettest farts ive ever witnessed.the show is exactly the same every week, and is a tiresom format anyway, gordon bennett, he is awful, he's rubbish, i actually cant think of any reason why people would defend him. and if you do. i pity you. its low brow as it is, but the people making it know that and are sniggering at their loyal audience. f*cking jesus wept. its classic moron telly. they are laughing at you


* no offence to people who like the show. 

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Top Gear is an entertaining watch, maybe it has run out of steam but I'll happily watch if nothing else is on. I do feel most of the things Clarkson has done have been blown totally out of proportion. He can be a bit of a knob, tends to be the danger of being outspoken but it is also what makes him interesting and good tv.

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Given that I haven't seen an episode in 5/6 years, it's probably more of the case that I don't remember why I don't like it. You might then ask whether I know what the show is like nowadays but based on the comments here, it's still the same old Top Gear. Formulaic, awful running jokes, little or no actual car analysis. It's not a show for car people, and it's not a show for people who enjoy a little bit of thought put into their jokes. It's a show written by, presented by and watched by ******.

In fact, that's very harsh on the writers and presenters. They probably deserve credit as they've made millions off complete garbage.

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I honestly doubt the media would back Clarkson even if there were footage of him being punched square in the face with barbed wire knuckles. 

I think the "blown out of proportion" seems to be what people are saying when they're claiming there was no punch. 

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Reminds me of when someone attacks another for their taste in music. 

Who can really explain why they like a certain brand of music? You just do, it's innate within you, like most things. 

Same here, if you like Top Gear, good for you, who gives a f*ck really. I think it's ****, but so what, that's irrelevant. 

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​Again, if he did punch the producer in the face, that is a crime, but the fact that there have been no charges of any sort against him, and no confirmation of exactly what happened is odd in this regard. I wouldn't jump to conclusions at this point. 

What is it with people are this "racism" thing with Clarkson? He at worse, messed up a singing something that was common at one point in his lifetime, and he apologised for it. What I find disgraceful about that incident was the reaction people had to it, and the fact that it was something that made it off set. No offence was ever meant for it. 

Out of curiosity, what do you cite as racism exactly? 

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