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Promotion rivals watch


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It's Norwich making me nervous now. Whether it's accurate or not I can talk myself out of the rest

Boro > don't score easily. Class defensively but sides that a built from the back never really frighten me. You can find yourself 1-0 down to a fluke deflection (or 2-0 to Cardiff despite battering them, eh?) Teams like us are more scary. Hard to keep out so they are better reacting to setbacks

Ipswich > about as creative as ITV on Saturday night. Organised and solid but have a similarity with Boro

Bournemouth > think they'll keep on pushing. But isn't their record against the better teams a bit shaky? And they're in blip

Watford > Think Derby, then replace Martin with Deeney who's massively overrated. And replace the defence with one that's utter chaos. That's Watford. Nearly Derby

Norwich > in great form. Score goals. Beat in form Bournemouth away. Had the better chances vs us ( albeit after the Chelsea game). Beat Watford away 3-0. Beat Wolves comfortably. After a slump they now have a similar record to Bournemouth and have an easy run in. That's what scares me most. Their fixture list. 

Brentford > nah, flirted but not really made a serious move

Wolves > nah, bullies. Much better now they aren't stuck with Leon Clarke though. Done less flirting than Brentford

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I really like Wood. I still think we have done the best signings of the window by far. Really has pushed us on really we shouldn't be scared of any one our bench could walk into most top 8 sides easily.

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Said in November that Norwich will make a late charge, but got shot down with "oh no no no, too far behind".

Even seen posters write them off just last week, they are just 3pts behind us and with arguably the easiest run in of the lot, with just us, Boro and you could say Forest (on current form) to play.

Any Side with Jerome, Dorrens and Hooper on the bench will have a strong eleven and eventually find it's feet. Unfortunately for us they are winning comfortably at the right time. 

I'll stick money on them champions come May, whilst you can

Forget the Ipswich's and the Bournemouths, it's between Norwich, us, Watford and Boro for the auto's.

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Said in November that Norwich will make a late charge, but got shot down with "oh no no no, too far behind".

Even seen posters write them off just last week, they are just 3pts behind us and with arguably the easiest run in of the lot, with just us, Boro and you could say Forest (on current form) to play.

Any Side with Jerome, Dorrens and Hooper on the bench will have a strong eleven and eventually find it's feet. Unfortunately for us they are winning comfortably at the right time.

I'll stick money on them champions come May, whilst you can

Forget the Ipswich's and the Bournemouths, it's between Norwich, us, Watford and Boro for the auto's.

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