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The Fawaz Circus 2015


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That picture with the flag is an obvious photoshop job.

For future reference, the dead giveaway is that neither of those houses look like council houses.

The other red flag (pardon the pun) is that they appear to have a full set of digits, albeit only one hand each is in sight for both so that can't be validated 100%.

Its not a bad effort though tbh, whoever mocked it up knew to give them the requisite vacant and/or demented expressions.

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Good post needles, some of us older ones understand the Derby-Forest stuff and probably have regrets about our behaviour back in the day.

But fec me! That flag is embarrassing. If it was a couple of kids you'd laugh, but to see blokes with that **** nowadays is beyond belief.

Be interesting to see Stoners and eezeetigers view on these pair of gumptards......

They can't respond right now because they are too busy holding a flag up

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ahem, I think it's their 'firm'.

Right.  Did they ever gain some notoriety? Or did i miss it?

By the way, I notice Sheff Wed have just signed Gary Hooper ready for the dogs on Sat'dee. I know the some of the doggies reckon they've been playing alright, but I can see SW giving them a right hiding.

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I'd be amazed if Clough went to Forest in its current guise. A man who stands by his morals, with a man with seemingly none in charge.

Shorter reign than Brian's at Leeds...

Nothing is ever surprising anymore, but you would've thought if he were to go to Forest (which I think we all expect he will at some point in his career) it won't be until Tizwas was gone.

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