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The Paranormal/Spooky Stuff


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I know people really believe in this and its unfair to take the mick out of them. 


Personally i think we are like any other creature on this planet. If we get squashed suddenly then thats it....we're squashed, flat, gone, job done. 

Pretty miserable because we've evolved to do more than just pro-create but, all the same, thats it.


When you tread on a spider, he's gone, splat. When the US dropped the A-Bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki it was the same...splat, thousands wiped out immediately, no ghosts, no spirits, no god, just... well, splat.

We've evolved to be pretty smart  (apart from the forest gumps who "invaded" the pitch...lmfao!"),  but we are just better at surviving than other animals.


Soz LR, while i respect your belief of what you saw, i can't comprehend the stuff that suggests a "soul" may exist or even live on...just dunna make sense to me.

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My wife is adamant she woke up and saw an old lady standing over our new born's cot 13 years ago. She thinks it was a past relative welcoming the new family addition. She told me and I decided the birth obviously shook her brain up a bit. Just to be on the safe side I put the cot and our baby daughter in her own room the next day. Didn't want to wake up to anything like that.

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Oh lol so I'm an idiot then? (Someone else who hasn't seen one).

And you know all this how exactly Joe - are you dead then cos you seem to know everything there is to know about what happens when you pop yer clogs. You can't possibly know that, nobody does.

All you're doing is putting your own opinion across as fact? Then calling people who disagree with you gullible idiots.

Thanks but I know what I saw - and science gets pissed off and chucks a hissy fit cos it can't prove otherwise. Not that I'd care for science butting in and telling me I had imagined the whole thing, I don't need to be patronised.

Is it your time of the month, or are you suffering from phantom PMT?

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Spirits exist...they are, the departed part of us that continues to exist...they simply haven't yet managed to reach the other side, to be prepared for rebirth.....& its not just spirits that live among us... there are other entities that exist from the faerie realms....not your Walt Disney fairys like Tinkerbell..... but entities/spirits of woodland, heathland & other wild places.....


The whole world is full of other dimensional beings, hence not all things that shimmer or lurk in the shadows are ghosts...The ancient Celtic festival Samhain that our forefathers celebrated.... Is when the curtain between this world & the realms of spirit recuperation were at there thinnest (Christians now call this Halloween, just as the new religion changed Yule to Xmas, Eostre to Easter, etc etc...)...


I repeat that not all entities/spirits are departed humans nor are all of them friendly towards humans... which is why people who practice natural magic often use protected circles to work in......You can laugh all you want....but back in the mists of time we had better relationships with spirits, entities & our inner senses....our inner senses were exercised regularly for things such as divination & they gave/give us gifts such as deju vu & early warning systems....many people still feel these senses even today at times...a common example of this is... you often know when somebody is watching you, without seeing them.....


Only the onslaught of science & some of the new religions dogma..blunted our senses....hence why children are often more susceptible to spirits & entities (imaginary friends etc), as they're minds are still quite free...& the reason why some people can see/feel things that others can not, is simply they're inner senses are still relatively open & accessible to that which lives among us...


Christianity & certain other religions along with science, human nature etc have done a awful lot of damage to our inner senses....


Finally did you know that Lucifer existed hundreds of years before Christianity...he was the horned god worshiped by all of us under different names & husband of Diana the earth mother...Only when Christianity decided to eradicate Paganism & the matriarchy religions of old did he become part of the bible & a sinister figure...Nut rant over :p

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Spirits exist...they are, the departed part of us that continues to exist...they simply haven't yet managed to reach the other side, to be prepared for rebirth.....& its not just spirits that live among us... there are other entities that exist from the faerie realms....not your Walt Disney fairys like Tinkerbell..... but entities/spirits of woodland, heathland & other wild places.....

The whole world is full of other dimensional beings, hence not all things that shimmer or lurk in the shadows are ghosts...The ancient Celtic festival Samhain that our forefathers celebrated.... Is when the curtain between this world & the realms of spirit recuperation were at there thinnest (Christians now call this Halloween, just as the new religion changed Yule to Xmas, Eostre to Easter, etc etc...)...

I repeat that not all entities/spirits are departed humans nor are all of them friendly towards humans... which is why people who practice natural magic often use protected circles to work in......You can laugh all you want....but back in the mists of time we had better relationships with spirits, entities & our inner senses....our inner senses were exercised regularly for things such as divination & they gave/give us gifts such as deju vu & early warning systems....many people still feel these senses even today at times...a common example of this is... you often know when somebody is watching you, without seeing them.....

Only the onslaught of science & some of the new religions dogma..blunted our senses....hence why children are often more susceptible to spirits & entities (imaginary friends etc), as they're minds are still quite free...& the reason why some people can see/feel things that others can not, is simply they're inner senses are still relatively open & accessible to that which lives among us...

Christianity & certain other religions along with science, human nature etc have done a awful lot of damage to our inner senses....

Finally did you know that Lucifer existed hundreds of years before Christianity...he was the horned god worshiped by all of us under different names & husband of Diana the earth mother...Only when Christianity decided to eradicate Paganism & the matriarchy religions of old did he become part of the bible & a sinister figure...Nut rant over :p

Are you on acid now by a chance?

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Under our stairs is a pantry/larder whatever you want to call it. And at the end of it we made a downstairs toilet.To get to the toilet you have to walk down a narrow aisle, just enough room to get through,you almost have to go sideways. Anyhoo, last night I went to the toilet as normal,went past the shelves and all the wine making equipment. Did a pee and washed my hands. When I turned around I was shocked at what I saw (still am) ,there,right in the walkway,right in the middle was a demijohn. Now, I couldn't have got passed that without having to step over it.If I hadn't noticed it I would have kicked it.It definitely wasn't there when I went.

Shook me up a bit really.

Yes I believe in ghost.I don't know what they are but I think there's something out there.

What this was I have no idea.

I've seen a white figure in Shipley park too.That really **** me up. :huh:

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Get ready to be ridiculed by the scientific reasons why they don't believe you.

Oh yeah and don't forget getting called an idiot. I've seen bans for less I tell yer.
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