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Martin should offer him a free signed shirt like Cristiano Ronaldo did for that young Bournemouth fan a year ago. I know a man of his age probably wouldn't be interested by such a gimmick but I imagine he might have a son or grandson who would be.

To be fair I don't think they knew. Eric went back to the changing rooms almost straight after.

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Where's the harm in that.

The harm is that it sets a dangerous precedent. Where do we draw the line over what we have an applause or silence for, and what we don't.

Of course, if it's already arranged and at someone else's club, then you'll more than likely join in, whether it's half heartedly, without comprehension, or fully passionate for the course.

But, as I've stared before, I'd like to see it discouraged at the club level. Else we'll get to a situation where there's either some real political grief about the reasons for the applause (ie Rangers), or you'll be clapping every 20 mins (which, to be fair, might improve the atmosphere at the iPro).

For example, what if, at the same time, I had a child die at 31 days, an made the same request. Has the club got to decide which one to support, support both, split the difference and have an applause at 32 minutes (which means nothing to anyone). It's a minefield. I know it's unlikely, but the more often there's a minutes silence or applause for everyone and his dog then the more likely it is to happen.

PS I am sorry to here about your boy, you truly have my deepest sympathy.

But it won't stop me arguing the toss.

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JUST WOW!!!!!!!!

I can't believe this thread has so many people stating they won't clap for one reason or another!!!

Makes me angry to be honest, how much effort and energy would it take to show some compassion to a family grieving.

For if a group of civilised human beings were to clap their hands if only for 60 seconds, which in turn eased someone's pain at the loss of a child.

Where's the harm in that.

I'm amazed and disappointed in some of the responses on here.

I too lost my little boy in April this year, so this runs deep for me and IMO the minority need to have a word with themselves.

We are not savages FFS.

Rant Over.

Sorry for your loss mate, as one human being to another. 

Sorry that you lost your little boy, that must have been horrible. No one should lose their child.

I think this post is stupid though.

This one is more stupid in my opinion

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So it's sensible to say that if someone doesn't want to clap, they are uncivilised and or savages?

You really do find some subjects to make a point about. You keep going fighting the good fight against these shows of support (that a lot of people agree with) by not showing respect (which a lot of people don't).
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You really do find some subjects to make a point about. You keep going fighting the good fight against these shows of support (that a lot of people agree with) by not showing respect (which a lot of people don't).

I'm not against them so to speak. I think they're stupid but people can do it if they want. Your second point, I've addressed numerous times already (perhaps too many) so I won't do it again.
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Just watched the start if the man city Newcastle game..... A minutes silence at the start...along with flowers all over the place and members of the families on the pitch....then a round of applause on 17 minutes.... Seriously.

What's wrong with that? 

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People can express grief in any way they want, whether it be social media , the media or a sporting team that seems like a big family and home to them, live and let live, what's the harm?

I'd give that two likes if i could.

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Just watched the start if the man city Newcastle game..... A minutes silence at the start...along with flowers all over the place and members of the families on the pitch....then a round of applause on 17 minutes.... Seriously.

Why 17 mins? What's this about?

That's the other thing, unless you're in the loop, it seems totally random. You'd still join in and show respect, simply because everyone else is, but the majority if people joining in end up doing so simply because everyone else is, there's no sincerity to it.

PS I agreed with the queen when she didn't put the flag at half mast for Princess Di, it sets a dangerous precedent. That ends up leading to national minutes silences for a multitude if things, when it ought to be reserved for Nov 11th, which then leads to a minutes silence every weekend at a multitude of tragedies, which in turn leads to debates like this. It's the thin end if the wedge.

We're now somewhere in the middle if the wedge, and the thick end is when we've got silences every ten minutes, applauses every other ten minutes, black armbands for my dead cat, and why not a minute's straight cheering for the fact my wife's up the duff, right after the minutes silence for the old fella who used to serve the pies but recently died at the age if 84, right after the minute's applause for the guy in seat R24's mother who was recently diagnosed with cataracts?

Ultimately it dilutes the very few tragedies that really do warrant mass remembrances. Personal tragedies are personal, and should remain so. Tragedies that effect a collective group should be remembered by that collective. As a suggestion, and conclusion to my rant, that's probably where the line should be drawn.

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So it's sensible to say that if someone doesn't want to clap, they are uncivilised and or savages?


Maintain a dignified silence.

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Why 17 mins? What's this about?

That's the other thing, unless you're in the loop, it seems totally random. You'd still join in and show respect, simply because everyone else is, but the majority if people joining in end up doing so simply because everyone else is, there's no sincerity to it.

PS I agreed with the queen when she didn't put the flag at half mast for Princess Di, it sets a dangerous precedent. That ends up leading to national minutes silences for a multitude if things, when it ought to be reserved for Nov 11th, which then leads to a minutes silence every weekend at a multitude of tragedies, which in turn leads to debates like this. It's the thin end if the wedge.

We're now somewhere in the middle if the wedge, and the thick end is when we've got silences every ten minutes, applauses every other ten minutes, black armbands for my dead cat, and why not a minute's straight cheering for the fact my wife's up the duff, right after the minutes silence for the old fella who used to serve the pies but recently died at the age if 84, right after the minute's applause for the guy in seat R24's mother who was recently diagnosed with cataracts?

Ultimately it dilutes the very few tragedies that really do warrant mass remembrances. Personal tragedies are personal, and should remain so. Tragedies that effect a collective group should be remembered by that collective. As a suggestion, and conclusion to my rant, that's probably where the line should be drawn.

The 17 refers to Flight MH17 , surely.

It would have been surprising if Newcastle hadn't marked the occasion with a show of respect. People on here drawing comparisons with dogs dying or other less obvious causes for commemoration should look at themselves in the mirror.

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I was purely against the Rangers applause because it had absolutely feck all to do with the game. The Newcastle tribute today is completely acceptable because they were die hard nufc fans who were murdered on their way to watch a pre season friendly in New Zealand. Would be a bit disrespectful not to honour them in some way.

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Why 17 mins? What's this about?

That's the other thing, unless you're in the loop, it seems totally random. You'd still join in and show respect, simply because everyone else is, but the majority if people joining in end up doing so simply because everyone else is, there's no sincerity to it.

PS I agreed with the queen when she didn't put the flag at half mast for Princess Di, it sets a dangerous precedent. That ends up leading to national minutes silences for a multitude if things, when it ought to be reserved for Nov 11th, which then leads to a minutes silence every weekend at a multitude of tragedies, which in turn leads to debates like this. It's the thin end if the wedge.

We're now somewhere in the middle if the wedge, and the thick end is when we've got silences every ten minutes, applauses every other ten minutes, black armbands for my dead cat, and why not a minute's straight cheering for the fact my wife's up the duff, right after the minutes silence for the old fella who used to serve the pies but recently died at the age if 84, right after the minute's applause for the guy in seat R24's mother who was recently diagnosed with cataracts?

Ultimately it dilutes the very few tragedies that really do warrant mass remembrances. Personal tragedies are personal, and should remain so. Tragedies that effect a collective group should be remembered by that collective. As a suggestion, and conclusion to my rant, that's probably where the line should be drawn.


I think alot/most people agree that the amount of minutes applauses etc is getting out of hand. 


The point I am making is, once you're there at the game to just go along with it out of respect for the people that it effects. It's not a hardship on you and makes no difference what so ever to your day.


I completely agree with your point, discuss it before and after the event, openly campaign to scrap them for all I care. I dont agree with people stood their not clapping in protest at the amount of minute applauses which RLACML proposed, it's just so very uncalled for. 

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Was standing right at the front when the old lad got struck in the face.. To be fair he dealt with it well, no dramas. Bit of blood though.

Hope he enjoyed the rest of the game.

An unexpected smack in the face seems to be an improvement on most poster's experience yesterday afternoon.

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