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Chris Powell x

Bris Vegas

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He performed minor miracles in the past two years though. 


I think he's still a very good manager, think he'll still be able to get a good job. Without sounding harsh, I would like to see Charlton relegated now, along with Leicester and Forest. 



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He performed minor miracles in the past two years though. 


I think he's still a very good manager, think he'll still be able to get a good job. Without sounding harsh, I would like to see Charlton relegated now, along with Leicester and Forest. 




Indeed. Sounds like he had to deal with lot's of tinkering from the new owner who brought in his own players. There fan's say he had very little support and the players bought in were not the players he wanted. 


Feel sorry for the guy. Was fortunate enough to meet him several times during his spell with us and he was a really nice guy, very down to earth.


Good luck to him, he deserves better.

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Chris Powell is a great bloke.


The fact that Roland Duchatelet is now the owner of clubs in England, Belgium, Flanders, Spain, Germany and Hungary is a bit dodgy.


He's not overly popular at Standard Liege in the reports that he took €20 million out of the club and placed it into one of his holding companies as a "tax-effective measure".


He also sold Yann Kermorgant at Charlton, and replaced them with loanees from Liege, whilst refusing to rule out that some of their better players may go the other way in the future.


For me, Chris Powell's job was going to be untenable very quickly unless he acts as Duchatelet's yes man.

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He also sold Yann Kermorgant at Charlton, and replaced them with loanees from Liege, whilst refusing to rule out that some of their better players may go the other way in the future.

And Dale Stephens , who was up to that point their player of the year. Apparently he was being forced to play this keeper who was absolute ***** as well.

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Powell is probably better off out of it. Hope he's now invited to Pride Park as one of the old legends that we keep rolling out. On the race issue, I doubt anyone could pin the fact he's black as a reason to remove him from the job.


He's a good man, a football man, with intelligence and respect. He'll get a job pretty soon.

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I suspect this will probably turn out to be a blessing for him.


I don't like this idea of people owning several clubs, and switching players from one to the other. It sounds incredibly dodgy, and has become a real trend recently.


They've got to have a favourite (probably the one that makes most money), and everything else will be to the betterment of that favourite. Charlton will just be a feeder club for the others. Make them blood the younger players, and then sell them back to the bigger clubs when they actually get good. All the while Charlton go no where, and the manager has to do exactly as he is told.


i don't like it at all. Powell is a lot better getting out of there.


But there's more and more doing it. Leeds, Cardiff, Watford, Forest, there are far more disasters than successes. Where will it all end?

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Does this make Hughton the only black manager in work now, and he's on a knife edge at Norwich.

Two steps forwar and one step back for black managers.


A manager should be awarded on merits not on colour of his skin regardless of the fact he was black if they are under performing they should go end of don't agree with the way they have done it but it really does annoy me the way people go on about it no-one goes on about how many white managers have been sacked or are out of work over the past 12 months, or ginger ones, or scottish ones or spanish ect ect 

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