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The Stan Collymore row.


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So, the jist of it is, Collymore criticised Suarez for diving, there was a quite entertaining discussion involving Gary Lineker on Twitter, then a load of Scousers posted tweets calling Collymore all kinds of racist names, "cottonfield nigger" being the most memorable. Collymore retweets all his racist tweets.


Last night, Staffordshire County Police Force tweeted a video. This video was one of their senior officers confirming that these tweets are 'hate crimes' and that they are investigating. Which I agree with.


Today though, Ulrika-ka-ka-ka-ka is on the front page of the paper saying Collymore is a hypocrite for calling the rozzers in over threatening tweets when he "kicked me in the head and said he'll kill me".


I was bought up to think "two wrongs don't make a right", and in my mind sending Collymore tweets saying "Nigger nigger nigger nigger" (until your letters run out) deserve some righteous punishment.


Not sure why the Scum newspaper thinks it's somehow acceptable for Collymore to be victim of racist abuse cos he slapped a woman about a bit. Collymore deserves comeuppance for the woman beating, and that might come in due course, at the hands of someone who doesn't give a **** about whether Collymore is black, white or black and blue!


I actually find it embarrassing that people in this day and age, in this society, still have that mentality towards others. I'm not perfect myself, but dear god these people are stupid.

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Collymore has been the subject of racist abuse on twitter for a very long time. He has every right to complain to the Police. I've seen the recent and past tweets. They are downright disgusting and have no place in todays world..


He has had a bit of a bad lad past you might say,.and that can not be defended. But whenever he tweets something that supporters of various big Premier clubs don't like the abuse he gets is totally incredible

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The majority are probably stupid racist knobs. But I'm willing to bet some of them are simply using something that they know will hurt him and get a rise out of him. I said it in the thread about gay footballers, you don't have to be homophobic to hurl homophobic abuse, and you don't have to be racist to hurl racist abuse. You're trying specifically to piss some one off. They may have a whole raft of black friends and may even be black themselves.


Anyway, it i stupid, regardless, because abuse of any sort is a crime, and anyone with half a brain knows that race based abuse is worth double when it comes to throwing the book at you.

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Absolutely ridiculous story from The Sun. Ulrika's clearly looking to make a few bob seens as her career is non-existent anymore, and sees this as the perfect way.

Whilst what Collymore did was unarguably shocking, there's no excuse for the abuse he's been getting, and for them to lead with a 14 year old story instead of the current one just shows it up for the rag that it is

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He is a proven thug who can only dish it out, I am not condoning racists, just if he runs his mouth off people will have a pop at him and he will get all sorts because most people just seem him as a thug.


Bah that's 30 secs of my life wasted on that idiot!

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Collymore doesn't deserve the racist abuse he's getting ... but why should the whole world stop and feel sorry for him? Millions of people have to deal with racist abuse in real life and it's often physical abuse. He gets a few tweets from kids who are clearly seeking attention and he wants the whole world to come and defend him

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Doesn't matter how long ago it was - or who was the victim - he is a bully and is guilty of domestic violence.


He has deleted a lot of his 'tweets', one I saw where hewrote  'shut the **** up you geordie b*stard - you know nothing - idiot.' 

You don't talk to people like that - online or to their faces, if you do....


I don't condone racist abuse, I don't condone any sort of abuse i but his bleating is quite hard to sympathise with.  He's a horrible man. 

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Have a dig at him for his opinions, even his lifestyle; challenge the choices he's made. That's fair game.


The colour of his skin is neither here nor there.


I don't recall Ulrika Jonson being in the news much recently. Is she skint or something?

Skint or not, she was abused by this man, he controlled her, he beat her, he slashed her clothes and cut her personal items up.  What a disgusting thing to say.

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I don't think he wants defending or people feeling sorry for him, all he wants is Twitter to take action and co operate with police better to rid all racism off Twitter.

Can't say I'm his biggest fan but fair play to him.

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Skint or not, she was abused by this man, he controlled her, he beat her, he slashed her clothes and cut her personal items up. What a disgusting thing to say.

Not at all disgusting. What has she to gain from this?

It's not a revelation that collymore abused her. So why today?

The two things are not linked. Whatever feelings one night have about collymore and his actions, his skin colour shouldn't be brought into it.

Criticise him for his actions, not for being black.

He was wrong to use violence and his actions were reprehensible.

He is right about racist abuse.

How are the linked in the minds of tabloid editors? Who, incidentally, shouldn't be lecturing anyone on hypocrisy.

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Problem with Collymore is that he's deliberately provocative (on the radio or on twitter) - he says things to get a response and in this case, the reposnse was over the top and unacceptable.

Once upon a time, we'd have all sat around the pub talking about what a muppet he'd been to say something on the radio - now people have direct access to him via social media (though I understand that he will no longer be on twitter - so maybe he's learned something from this sorry episode...)

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The two things ARE linked - he is complaining of being abused - and he is a known abuser.


Gaspode - he announced and flounced off twitter - but is back on again. Talk about someone wanting the limelight.  :rolleyes:

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The two things ARE linked - he is complaining of being abused - and he is a known abuser.

Gaspode - he announced and flounced off twitter - but is back on again. Talk about someone wanting the limelight. :rolleyes:

That he is objectionable is something we can agree on. I cannot extrapolate that to all his utterances.

Even people I dislike have interesting things to say.

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To me everyone deserves what they get onliiiine.

Here's an official statement from PD's kitchen.

All you saddos that use social media do so at your own risk, the authorities are not responsible for any typed message you receive or see from another saddo and they do not have the time or energy to deal with your online playground behaviour.

Every time you click on facefuck, sausageter or any other sad site (other than dcfcfans) you automatically sign a disclaimer of self responsibility.


Or like Gaspode said, get a life.

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