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Sam Rush's side of the story


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It will be interesting in the coming weeks and months what happens.

Will the supposed Clough Gang become posters the SM gang - stay positive and support the club/manager / coaches if things turn bad

Will the supposed Clough haters (who are now accusing the Clough lovers of undermining SM) become SM haters if things turn bad.

Will we still have the same people taking the positive stand point and the same being negative.

Will SM be blamed if results aren't good or will those who in the past blamed Clough turn on the board.

We are in a state of transition, times at the club has changed. Maybe, just maybe, posters on here are just that. Not Clough lovers/haters merely people who try to see positive or people who focus on the negative. Maybe just maybe in time we can learn accept that and stop using stupid labels.

Don't talk daft. Pick a side and never change. Everyone has to choose before Leeds kick off. Which side are you on? A happy clapper (someone who usually tends to be rationally optimistic) or a wrist-slasher (someone who has to make personnal attacks on players/managers they don't like or hint at libellous accusations). Let's hope the majority of posts shift towards the rational centre ground to mirror the spread of individual posters.

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I'll tell you this. I was mightily pee'd off from Saturday onwards. I didn't want Clough to go, I think he's been sold down the river.

The way I see it, he's the one who's basically done all the ground work getting his own team together, had a hand in what is a well respected academy, did what was asked as far as cost cutting goes and was rewarded with the boot. And say otherwise if you must, but he was improving, albeit slowly.

Anyway, that still smarts and will do for a while but now it's the team that matters and I'd never want them to lose, under any circumstances.

That's just not done in my mind.

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Clough was sacked because he was an average manager and his back room staff amateur at best.


The board & rush has decided enough's enough, they want us in the Prem and clough will not be capable of doing. I for one was fed up with the excuses when we lost "were getting punished for our mistakes", "we aren't getting the bounce of the ball in their box".


They have now bought in a coach that did more in one year here with jim smith that clough has managed in 5.


Add to that we have probably one of the best goalkeeping coaches in the country.


How can any true derby fan not be excited by the potential.


Get a damn grip, clough got the sack for being mediocre & had longer than any other manager would of had.

Funny that we didn't have a minutes applause when jim smith left.


Sentimental claptrap.

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I have spent too long being negative,reason being I never wanted Clough here never thought

he would be any good.Finally the powers that be saw it my way,probably appointed the best

they could under the circumstances,certainly deserves 100%support for the rest of the season

and hopefully beyond.

The timing is the problem.We are months away from the next transfer window,we have a poor defence

and a strikeforce that cant score for toffee.We can get a few players on loan.Loan to buy would be

useful.If we can offload as well so much the better.The new management have to coach like buggery

and hopefully we can be midtable or thereabouts by the loan window.Spend some cash wheel and deal

and who knows we may get a top ten finish yet this season.Next season is where it should really start.

Is that positive enough for everybody?


Third highest scorers in the championship so far...

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I have spent too long being negative,reason being I never wanted Clough here never thought

he would be any good.Finally the powers that be saw it my way,probably appointed the best

they could under the circumstances,certainly deserves 100%support for the rest of the season

and hopefully beyond.

The timing is the problem.We are months away from the next transfer window,we have a poor defence

and a strikeforce that cant score for toffee.We can get a few players on loan.Loan to buy would be

useful.If we can offload as well so much the better.The new management have to coach like buggery

and hopefully we can be midtable or thereabouts by the loan window.Spend some cash wheel and deal

and who knows we may get a top ten finish yet this season.Next season is where it should really start.

Is that positive enough for everybody?


This is priceless. You first admit you 'never wanted Clough here' and 'never thought he would be any good' then go on to say McClaren 'certainly deserves 100% support for the rest of the season..'


Let me guess this straight - McClaren deserves our full support from day one, but Clough didn't? I've read some twisted logic on here in my time, but this really takes the cake. Well done sir, well done - you've outdone yourself yet again. It would be funny if it wasn't so tragic. 

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Will this club ever pull together? Just for once can we not see how far we can go. I was one of Nigel's supporters but this is football not a popularity contest. Nobody likes the way clough was criticized on here and elsewhere but its over, it's in the past. Sam Rush as CEO has to do the bidding of the owners and quite frankly none of us know the full story and never will. IMO we are seriously stating (collectively) to sound like a bunch of drama queens.


Great post.


I dont doubt for a second that Sam Rush chats ****, but nobody knows what went on behind the scenes. Clough could have been a right c*nt as well for all we know, he's stubborn enough to be awkward to work with. 


I like Clough as a person generally from what I know, but like most people, that's very little. He's got annoying traits. He's not this god like figure some people on here perceive him to be. 

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I have spent too long being negative,reason being I never wanted Clough here never thought

he would be any good.Finally the powers that be saw it my way,probably appointed the best

they could under the circumstances,certainly deserves 100%support for the rest of the season

and hopefully beyond.

The timing is the problem.We are months away from the next transfer window,we have a poor defence

and a strikeforce that cant score for toffee.We can get a few players on loan.Loan to buy would be

useful.If we can offload as well so much the better.The new management have to coach like buggery

and hopefully we can be midtable or thereabouts by the loan window.Spend some cash wheel and deal

and who knows we may get a top ten finish yet this season.Next season is where it should really start.

Is that positive enough for everybody?

"A strikeforce that can't score for toffee"...you do realise we're third top scorers in the league right?

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