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All that is wrong with modern English football


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At the end of the day he's only sharing personal experiences so we can get an insight into what situations such as the Rooney one are like. Plenty of other players will have done this, he's just the first to admit it.

There isn't any insight here. How many people have read this and thought,'ooh, I didn't realise they did these things'?

And we already knew he's a complete ****.

All this does is put into print further examples of how obnoxious he is.

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i like it, frank and honest, yes, he isn't the brightest buld in the box but he has carved out a nice little job for himself on the radio as a decent pundit, fair play to him.


All he is trying to say in it is that players hold all the power....and they do....and it's wrong...and he knows it's wrong.

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Well thanks for the insight Robert.

However admitting you went to training on a day off so you could give the media (who you phoned) the impression you were forced to train alone makes you the almost perfect modern footballer. A cnut.

Admitting it doesn't change owt. You obviously have the capacity to behave like that. To be that sort of attention seeker. Are we going to see you as a judge on XFactor or The Voice soon?

If you had a sense of shame surely you'd keep this quiet or at least say that you've witnessed it? But to admit you've done these things yourself...

So when you wrote about being a victim of Paul Jewells awful management in your book you must have forgotten to include the bit where you messed with your managers reputation?

Jewell was right. Go on I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out If Here. Suits you.

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I didn't like Savage, I read his book and I didn't like him even more. I don't care if he waved a Derby scarf at the City Ground, or saved a few shots in goal. When people were calling him a legend they insulted each one of the real Derby County legends. This guy is a tool, an absolute tool, the sooner the BBC realise this the better.

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I didn't think it came across as bragging - he seemed quite ashamed about a lot of it.


Yeah we all know such things happen but it's nice that a player comes out and is honest about it and ready to talk about actions they're not proud of. If there is greater transparency and communication in football, perhaps we can begin to eliminate some of the negatives.

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How many people in this forum have thrown a sickie? How many gave been for an interview when pretending to go to the dentist? How many have applied for jobs whilst working on a fixed term contract.

Yes but for some reason people think footballers are different to everyone else

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Yes but for some reason people think footballers are different to everyone else


Bragging about your duplicity; about your lack of respect for individuals and institutions probably doesn't make him different from many other people.


Being given a choice spot on the website of the nation's premier broadcaster probably does.


The whole tone is one of light-heartedness, whereas the lying and manipulation are far from light-hearted.

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I've never given people the impression I'm being punished for something when I'm not.

Ringing the media on yourself!!!

I've never been disloyal. If today I was offered more money than what I'm earning then I'd go to my gaffer and tell him I want to go. If he said no I'd hand my resignation in anyway. For a footballer that would be a transfer request. Contracts work both ways. He signed them.

What I wouldn't do is call trading standards and tell them my gaffer has asked my to board over an uncapped live gas pipe.

It's alright Savage thinking about himself but if Jamie Ward did this now it would be Clough getting it in the neck. Bet Savage never even considered somebody else's job/reputation.

Pretending to be forced to train on his own and ringing the media can't be compared to our normal everyday jobs. Football doesn't function the same

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What disappointed me was not Savage's behaviour - it was hardly a great revelation that someone who has spent his entire adult life in the cosseted juvenile world of professional football could do these things.


It's that the BBC thought this fit for publication. The BBC has never had a very high opinion of football fans and this drivel confirms that the thread that runs through their coverage is one of laddish humour and shallowness. See also Match of the Day's 'analysis'; Colin Murray; 'Lawro's' predictions etc etc.

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