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You are a bit over sensitive, if I were to slag off Nottingham, which I will do quite happily because I can't stand the place either I am sure comment like this would be very welcome.

Actually, no I don't have any knowledge of Nottingham and I don't have an reason to dislike the city.
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What's up with Nottingham by the way? Not that I would disagree totally with you living here but am interested in your opinion. Whereabouts do you dwell as a matter of interest?


Nottingham is a very mixed place but some large chunks are just horrid, I'm in Allestree now but born and bred in Mackworth.


There are parts of Derby I wouldn't want to live but overall the quality of life surveys Derby comes out well for a place of it's size.

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Nottingham is a very mixed place but some large chunks are just horrid, I'm in Allestree now but born and bred in Mackworth.


There are parts of Derby I wouldn't want to live but overall the quality of life surveys Derby comes out well for a place of it's size.

Having lived in both Derby and Nottingham can genuinely say that both cities have their run down, squalid areas and both have their more affluent parts like any city. Personally wouldn't say however that the quality of life in Derby is any better than Nottingham, Nottingham does have by far the better amenities and venues.

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Having lived in both Derby and Nottingham can genuinely say that both cities have their run down, squalid areas and both have their more affluent parts like any city. Personally wouldn't say however that the quality of life in Derby is any better than Nottingham, Nottingham does have by far the better amenities and venues.


Nottingham City Centre is far superior there is no arguing that, Derby has it's run down areas but they are smaller and lower on the scale of deprivation than Nottingham. Parts of Broxtowe Estate, St Anns and Bulwell are right at the top end nationally, nowhere in Derby is ranked as badly.


You may personally like Nottingham but all the national stats rate Derby overall as the better place to live. If you like shopping though which I don't then Nottingham is better.

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Henry. There's good and bad everywhere, including the street where you live.

Oh yeah. And SYP are a proven set of lying ba*tards. Fact.

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Manchester is a great city, I love it. Recently moved up this way, sure there are some rough parts but same as anywhere really. 


All the bigger cities will have bigger crime than the smaller cities like Derby.


I love Derby as well, I grew up there, something I miss most of all is the scenery, mind you there's plenty of that in the North West as well. Manchester just has more to offer, way more culture than Derby. 

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so someone who has lived in Mackworth and Allestree is a national authority on where to live?, my brother lives in Allestree, it's OK, nothing more, places I lived in Notts were better - Manchester too - stats are pretty pointless (unless your name is Albert) if you've not lived there for a reasonable amount of time your info is never going to be better than someone who has.

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Back to the thread...Suarez is a cnut and Liverpool is a **** club stuck up its own anus and still believe themselves to be the best club in the country despite not winning the league in 25 years ish.

It will be another 25 years before they win it again too.

Well, actually it will be 125 years..

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I've always found Everton to be a respectful bunch.. So I guess lumping them together and calling the city of Liverpool a dump is pretty harsh..


As for the ban, Liverpool can't complain as he's a repeat offender.. If it was Lucas as someone mentioned it'll be a fine or possibly a 3 game ban at max..


But as has been mentioned.. Of course they're punishing the person not the action.. If I sold a bag of marijuana I'll get a slap on the wrist.. If I did it again I'll get a heavier fine.. If I kept doing it they'd send me down.


It's not a case of biting is more serious than racism.. It's a case of multiple offences outweighing one inicident..


And hate Liverpool or not.. Of course they're going to complain, their best player will now miss 20% of next season.. Brendan Rodgers is only thinking about the clubs prospects next season.. He's hardly going to come out and say he's delighted is he?

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So now the FA have come out and said they viewed it in isolation and did not take into account his "previous" - I think it is BS but why would they not take into account the fact that he has done it before (amongst other things), is it a legal thing?

It irritates me as it just makes no sense and gives a bit of credence to Liverpool's statement that they are judging the man not the incident and will give ammo to those who are talking about it being a bigger ban than the racism one.


They can now talk about that and with justification, as they said it was judged in isolation they are effectively saying that it was a bigger offence than racism and that is very messy.


I was looking forward to the FA taking the wind out of those sails by just saying, "yes, the players record was taken into account", now it is just a big mess

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Funny part to an interview with Assou-Ekotto. He doesn't follow football and was surprised that Suarez had bitten someone...


As if to illustrate the point, Assou-Ekotto looks blank when Luis Suárez's biting of Branislav Ivanovic comes up. "He did what?" he asks. "Il a mangé?" If he is joking, the deadpan expression is inscrutable. "Surely, Benoît ... come on." But no, it is plain. He has no idea. Assou-Ekotto has never got the fuss about football and footballers.



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Funny part to an interview with Assou-Ekotto. He doesn't follow football and was surprised that Suarez had bitten someone...


As if to illustrate the point, Assou-Ekotto looks blank when Luis Suárez's biting of Branislav Ivanovic comes up. "He did what?" he asks. "Il a mangé?" If he is joking, the deadpan expression is inscrutable. "Surely, Benoît ... come on." But no, it is plain. He has no idea. Assou-Ekotto has never got the fuss about football and footballers.







Premier league footballer. Hates football.



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Premier league footballer. Hates football.




He doesn't hate it, it's just a job to him. I've got all the time in the world for Assou-Ekotto, very intelligent and honest chap.

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