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Surely the "proper club" should have been docked points when Cantona kicked the guy in the crowd then, I think a measure of sanity is required - I am all for him getting a long ban (longer than his last one for biting of 8 games) but a points deduction is going ott - its not like LFC told him to go out there and bite people is it??

Defoe got a yellow for biting a few years back and nothing else - claimed it was just him being mischievous, although I would say that it was not as big a deal as this.

But did Liverpool send the whole team out with "Suarez" t shirts on sticking up for a racist?

yes or no?




they cannot keep doing it, there has to be someone to stand up and say, you cannot keep sticking up for this vile human being and the only way is a points deduction.


(and for the record, yes United should have been docked points for the Cantona incident definitely)

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I don't think for 1 second Suarez said anything, the supposed fine and donation to the Hillsbrough fund is a sickly, cynical PR gesture from the club, you are right it is a vile and disgusting club, rancid to the core and represents the city of it's name to perfection. Last years t shirts illustrate the mentality.


Having said that I can't see points deduction as right, I'd be amazed it he received a substantial ban although it would be totally deserved.


He said on his twitter account about the donation to the Hillsborough fund thing. Whether he was told to say that is a different matter, but it's his account and he said it on there. 

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He said on his twitter account about the donation to the Hillsborough fund thing. Whether he was told to say that is a different matter, but it's his account and he said it on there. 

Of course he was told to say it, a completely hollow and empty gesture...don't forget it's not even HIS money...it is a fine, he has to pay it....then it is Liverpool FC's money....

can you imagine if you got done for speeding, saying, yep, fair cop I will pay it, here is the 60 quid, could you please make sure it goes to the local kids hospital charity....it's not his money to decide what to do with it.


I just wish the Hillsbrough campaign would tell him to stick it.

racist cheat.

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But did Liverpool send the whole team out with "Suarez" t shirts on sticking up for a racist?

yes or no?




they cannot keep doing it, there has to be someone to stand up and say, you cannot keep sticking up for this vile human being and the only way is a points deduction.


(and for the record, yes United should have been docked points for the Cantona incident definitely)

I was just trying to be objective, and not re-visit the racist thing. The one thing that got me about that this season is how JT got such a small ban given a precedent was set with Suarez.

United kept defending Cantona despite stamps and the kick, keane too for that matter, Chelsea defended JT, arsenal defended viera despite spits and stamps. As I said, he should get a ban but it has to be in appropriate to what has gone before and unfortunately players have got off so often it is hard to throw the book. I am guessing 6-8 match ban.

Also I get the ever so slight impression that you may be a teensy bit anti Liverpool, which might affect your ability to view this in a neutral light.

Liverpool will defend and deflect, for the record so would any of the top teams who had a player of that ability in the same situation, it's not right but that is the reality of the premier league

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Of course he was told to say it, a completely hollow and empty gesture...don't forget it's not even HIS money...it is a fine, he has to pay it....then it is Liverpool FC's money....

can you imagine if you got done for speeding, saying, yep, fair cop I will pay it, here is the 60 quid, could you please make sure it goes to the local kids hospital charity....it's not his money to decide what to do with it.


I just wish the Hillsbrough campaign would tell him to stick it.

racist cheat.


Be a bit of a stupid move, wouldn't it? I'm sure they need all the money they can get, and at the end of the day he's not an evil person. He's just got some worrying traits on a football field that need to be closely monitored, possibly by a mental health expert (no joke).


Don't buy in to this racism thing either. I've said some horrendous things to opponents in the stands and whilst playing. I wouldn't actually carry out half the things I said I'd done/would do in the real world. Football is tribal, particularly in this country and in people that are easily wound up like Suarez it can bring out the worst. He needs managing closely, and from the day he bit someone at Ajax someone should have been mentoring him.


I doubt you'd see him walking down the street calling someone a n*gger. But then I doubt I'd walk down Irongate claiming that Lee Camp has extra curricular relations with his Dad whilst his Mum watches. It's stupid, boyish heat of the moment stuff. I don't need to worry about it because I don't play football to make money - Suarez does, and he should realise in himself he has a problem and seek help.


It's not like he's been caught taking drugs, shagging people whilst his girlfriends pregnant, shagging his brothers wife (!) taking bribes, hitting his Mrs etc. He's massively overcompetitive and it spills into his football. Totally unacceptable but I agree with the PFAs offer of anger management for him.

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I've seen Wardy cheat. Oh yes, spectacular dives! Not what people like to read but there you go. Chuck him in the banned bin anorl.

No? Why not?

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A few facts about him.

he is a cheat.he is a racist

he thinks it is ok to bite people

...and he plays for that horible club...!

ban him forever!!

it's interesting that you quite rightly criticise Suarez for making bigoted remarks, yet continuously spew bile and hatred every time Liverpool is mentioned. Perhaps we should all be tolerant and open minded.

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There's some great images knocking around the web of Suarez dragging his foot down the back of other player's legs somewhere, then performing a quite brilliant dive and feigning pain to disguise the act. All from this season. He is quite good at acting a ****, tbf.

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There's some great images knocking around the web of Suarez dragging his foot down the back of other player's legs somewhere, then performing a quite brilliant dive and feigning pain to disguise the act. All from this season. He is quite good at acting a ****, tbf.


A totally vile individual, whose record was pretty dismal even before he came to England.


I can stand the diving, he gets fouled a lot but the rest of his attitude the game could do without. Stamping. biting, racism, constant needle, horrible on pitch persona.


All this PR anger management claptrap shouldn't disguise he is a nasty individual and he needs to be made fully responsible for his actions.


The only positive to come from his spell in the city of self pity is involuntarily he outed Dalglish to his true colours. Another truly horrible individual.

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I like Suarez, he's like the token drunken buffoon at a party; if you're patient enough sooner or later they will do something totally crass and make a spectacle of themselves. Unfortunately like anything the novelty wears off pretty quickly. Maybe for Suarez's next party trick he will try spitting in the face of an opponent or eye gouging, I await with baited breath.

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He just waiting for the day they appoint 'arry as manager and Beckham and their 1st signing

Oh god help us! Run for the hills! ;-)

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He just waiting for the day they appoint 'arry as manager and Beckham and their 1st signing

a true match made in heaven that would be....


it's a good week for me really, Liverpool being dragged through the mire, Suarez being ripped to pieces by everyone for being a horrible little pig, Beckham dropped by PSG and the second hand car salesman taking another club down and to the brink of destruction....

maybe i should buy a Lotto ticket?

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