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  1. Clap
    Bianoic reacted to Ghost of Clough in The youngsters   
    We've still seen JBrown, Bird, Ebosele, Sibley, Stretton and Williams. Buchanan and Knight will be in there when they're fit.
    You could also include U23 signings Watson and Hutchinson
    There will be plenty of opportunities for the likes of Cashin and LThompson when we're out of embargo or once the transfer window closes (which ever occurs first). It's frustrating for those players, but at least it gave someone else an opportunity.
  2. Like
    Bianoic got a reaction from Miggins in Respect Waz   
    Sure, fair comment
    i just think that that song cant help build or improve his relationship with the fans or the club and so is not really in anyone’s interests,  as well as being grossly offensive to his family and other people like me.
  3. Like
    Bianoic got a reaction from Miggins in Respect Waz   
    These last few weeks especially Wayne has gone up in my estimation hugely.
    I’ve been so impressed with his attitude and his calmness when being faced with an incredibly difficult situation.
    He has personally significantly helped our situation by providing an air of,and promise of,stability at a time when the club is being buffeted from all angles. Having managerial issues at present would be just awful for everyone and wayne has removed that risk
    To me he is coming across incredibly well in his media work and has effectively taken on the whole of the club’s communications onto his own shoulders.
    Well done to Wayne and it seems like most people are feeling that way given the reception he is getting at matches.
    I really, really wish, though, that those fans who sing that appallingly infantile and frankly insulting song about him would stop. Can you imagine how his wife and children feel when they hear it ? It is grossly offensive.
  4. Clap
    Bianoic reacted to jimbobram in Respect Waz   
    Rooney has had multiple interviews now, where he has been asked the question about walking away. He consistently says no. We have been crying out for stability and loyalty from a manager since Nigel Clough. He arguably has the toughest job of any manager for as long as I can remember supporting Derby (22 years) and despite having a bare minimum squad and having all the problems above him, he continues to show that he cares and wants to do well. 
    We are starting to see a style of play which is exciting and attacking with the handful players he has. 
    I think it's about time everyone starts to show respect to him instead of wanting him out. Any other manger would have left us in this mess. 
    He's sticking with us, we need to stick with him !!
  5. COYR
    Bianoic got a reaction from LeedsRam1999 in v Peterborough (A) Match Day Thread   
    Think your sentiment is spot on. My gut feeling is that Posh are a bit of a bogey team for us. Plus, they have had a shocking start to life in this division. Imagine they will start all guns blazing. We will need to be really resolute for the first 20 minutes so would be tempted to play Forsyth above Buchanan. Good chance we can win this but would be happy with a point.
  6. Clap
    Bianoic reacted to Gringo in v Salford (H) Match Day Thread   
    I believe that our younger players far from being demoralised have been lifted, motivated and enthused by the experience of playing the major part in beating all of the arm chair critics, doom merchants on twatter, media experts, and bookmakers , by coming back from losing 3 times during the match to win against a very physical bunch of cheating aoles and showing a will to win, their superior skill, and a determination to prove their manager was correct in showing his faith in playing them.
    I think you owe Rooney an apology.
  7. Clap
    Bianoic reacted to Day in Supporters Charter Group Apology   
    I just want to apologise for the delay, my absence, my handling of the situation and try to explain what has happened.
    The meeting on Wednesday was scheduled to end at 8.45pm, my last train home was 9.33pm, I slipped out just after 9pm as I didn’t have clothes, medication, toiletries with me as I wasn’t planning on staying overnight.
    When the meeting had finished, an agreement was made where one statement would be written and signed off by all groups, this is the first time anything like this had been agreed, I was under the impression we would be allowed to report back as normal.
    Being completely unaware of this, whilst waiting for my train I saw a conversation take place on my Twitter timeline discussing the meeting minutes, when would they be out.
    I replied, that the meeting minutes were not taken and we would be sharing the information ourselves, which as I say I was under the impression would be allowed, why else attend? I thought I was being helpful.
    Now I can see on reflection I was clearly naive in not appreciating the number of fans waiting online for what was said at the meeting, would see the tweet whilst was part of a conversation, which was also public and could be seen and shared by others. The tweet blew up online having been retweeted, I’m not exaggerating when I say maybe hundred or more replies, some abusive to the point where I had to turn notifications off as my phone was freezing with as I came back into an area with phone signal.
    On the forum I did pre warn members not to expect anything Wednesday evening, the minutes can sometimes take a few days to a couple of weeks before being released. I was going with the intention of asking the club if the minutes could be released within 24 hours or that we could release the information immediately. Obviously once we was told the minutes would not be taken all that went out the window and believed we was free to report back immediately, and that was the plan.
    Again, I was clearly naive to the fact fans on Twitter would not be aware of this, so when I wasn’t replying to all the tweets with thumbs up or down if it’s good news, or are we going to have a club next week the levels of abuse increased, despite my plea for being understanding I wasn’t in the position to do so.
    With my write up, I had no intention of adding any personal opinion, it would be just what was said and allow you all to read and take it as you will.
    As you will be well aware, all fans see things differently and I didn’t want to raise any expectations or disappoint fans, then receive more abuse as it wasn’t what they were expecting.
    I put myself in this situation through naivety, but I don’t accept that the abuse was warranted at all, I have removed the twitter account from my devices and will no longer be active on that account, opting now for a private account as I have no interest in twitter fame.
    I would seriously urge anyone that did send me abusive tweets to have a think how they talk to people online and their demands, if this is this what celebrities have to deal with on a daily basis, I’m glad I’m just a nobody!
    Punjabi Rams, who I honestly can’t thank enough stepped in and put some tweets out from their account to give some information in my defence. You guys are awesome, didn’t need to do that but again, I honestly can’t thank you enough. Quick plug www.punjabirams.co.uk, @PunjabiRams on Twitter, go give them a follow if you are on there.
    On the train home I started to do the write up on my notes app, realising I need to get this out asap, first thing to defuse the situation I felt I had created.
    Thursday morning, as I was consulting my notes and finishing off the write up, there was a few things I wanted to fact check with the club were totally accurate, there has been times where things have been misheard in the past (Boycie ahem) and needed correcting, I didn’t want this to happen. We’re human, mistakes can happen, I believed I had time to ensure there were none.
    I decided, and this was not requested by the club but to send my write up to them, asking if they could read it over and everything I had written was totally accurate, leaving ??? <—— fact checks where I was a little cautious over.
    They agreed and I again naively yet again assumed that this would be back with me in a few hours……despite the previous night listening to just how busy they have been.
    Now whilst I understand and totally agree that this meeting is important, the club staff are as I’m sure you can imagine really busy, now I need to really stress here that this is in no way the fault of the club, this is on me 100%.
    No tweet, no forum post, none of this situation exists.
    Meanwhile The Supporters Charter Group are scratching their heads as to why I’ve gone it alone, I can only apologise to them also, as I say I was under the impression that we would all be reporting back ourselves which I have explained privately with them.
    A single statement isn’t something I would have been personally happy with but that is what was agreed in my absence.
    I haven’t felt comfortable coming back on the forum if I'm honest, ignoring the fact I insinuated what was said at the meeting would be out Thursday on the forum, I feel like I have let you all down and for that I’m sorry.
    Just to add, this apology wasn’t asked for, it's something I feel is owed to you all.
    Should someone have gone that could have stayed all evening? Ideally yes, although Paul (Boycie) was unavailable to attend. Since the formation of 2017 it has only been either myself or Paul that has attended, I didn’t feel it would be right to send someone new which in hindsight was the correct call, they may have also not been able to attend until the end of what I’m led to believe turned out to be almost a 4 hour long meeting, putting themselves unwittingly into a similar situation I have.
    I know you are all frustrated, the accusations of attention seeking, sitting on information, teasing, trying to get more views, followers etc. and even censorship on the forum are simply not true, they come from people that do not know me or how the forum is run at all, which is disappointing hearing it said by members that have been on the forum for a number of years now.
    Finally, I do want to say thank you to those who have sent supportive texts, PM’s, DM’s, tweets you name it over the last few days, despite asking to be given time, it’s you who I put the hours in for, I will learn from this and work on handling things better in the future.
    I would also like to thank the moderators who have been trying their best to keep on top of the situation, without them this forum would have crashed and burned over the last few days so please be respectful to them, even if at times you do not agree with decisions they have made. 
  8. Haha
    Bianoic reacted to Rammy03 in v Peterborough (A) Match Day Thread   
    If it's Marcus Maddison that you're on about then he now plays for Spalding United in the 7th tier 
  9. Clap
    Bianoic reacted to Day in v Salford (H) Match Day Thread   
  10. Clap
    Bianoic reacted to BucksRam in v Salford (H) Match Day Thread   
    Have to say I had my head in my hands for the first 20 - reminiscent of the Chorley game where our youngsters were simply out muscled. Rabbits in headlights sprung to mind.   But then I feel they gave themselves a slap and dug right in.  We clearly have some young talent at this club and that talent showed. 
    Festy was brilliant going forward and was the spark we needed to get going.  Yes he has much to learn, and you could see Fozzy talking to him, but he has the potential to set this league alight.  Destined for right MF?
    I thought Brown did really well - under the radar maybe, but did everything needed without fuss. Lots of guts to volunteer for a penalty at the end. 
    Louie Watson grew into the game and was all over the place - looking for the ball every time.  A confident lad, shown when, like Brown he stood up for a pen.
    Sibley improved but took a while to get into the game I thought. Unlucky not to score.
    Stretton worked his socks off and really should have rewarded his effort with a goal. 
    Morrison looked frustrated at times when getting himself into some good positions only to not get the ball.  Clearly wanted to make an impact hence why he dropped so deep to get the ball.  I thought his movement was great, showing so really good touches. His half-volley goal was class. He could turn out to be just what we need - he seemed genuinely happy to get his goal. 
    Yes we remain extremely thin on the ground, but IF we can keep injuries to a minimum then I don't think we'll be looking over our shoulder at the bottom 3.  There's some great talent in this team, if not experience and that will grow with each game.  It may only have been Salford, but they're a team on the up, full of confidence and favourites to win the league.  It was a great, confidence building game for our youngsters and Rooney was spot on when he said they'd left the pitch as men.  Roll on Saturday. 
  11. Clap
    Bianoic reacted to angieram in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    Because the fans were vociferous in demanding a meeting? Some groups were pushing very hard for this and I hope that it at least enabled them to hear that the club is trying hard to rectify the issues, even if the detail can't be shared.
  12. Like
    Bianoic got a reaction from i-Ram in v Salford (H) Match Day Thread   
    Hello Ellafella
    I didnt come onto this website to get involved in constant oneupmanship, tooing and fro-wing. Its so destructive and tiring. 
    You have your view, which I respect, and I have mine. It doesn't mean we need to ram each others views down our throats.There is a better way. Its not a game of tennis.
    Its just an aside, and Im genuinely not trying to score points, but you might want to think about your choice of descriptive adjectives when describing players. 
  13. Clap
    Bianoic reacted to Turk Thrust in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    What is it with this fairly recent thing of saying “so” to start a sentence? It’s creeping in everywhere even on this forum.
    on The Chase, Bradley Walsh asked a contestant what he did for a living. Answer was “ so, I’m  an IT  consultant”
    and what would you do if you won some money “so, I’d like to travel.”    
    This really irritates me for no good reason but it’s up there with this modern usage of that much over used word “Absolutely”. 
    are you going out tonight? “Absolutely”  Grrrrrrrrrr!
  14. Clap
    Bianoic got a reaction from jono in Trusting Sibley and setting up to attack or defend   
    Maybe its a question of Wayne not trusting Louie to stay on the pitch
    The incident he got booked for could have ended up a red if he had actually connected with the Hudds player
    I have seen referees send players off for doing what Loiue attempted there because there was no attempt at the ball and could be interpreted as deliberately injuring an opponent = dangerous play
    I really like Sibley and really rate him. He made a big difference when he came on and was unfortunate not to win it for us.
    But until the red mist stuff goes from his game, managers can't risk only having ten men.
    Thankfully his current manager managed to deal with exactly the same issue in his own playing career, and at a similar age, , so hopefully Sibbo is in good hands
  15. Clap
    Bianoic got a reaction from Chris_Martin in v Salford (H) Match Day Thread   
    Hello Ellafella
    I didnt come onto this website to get involved in constant oneupmanship, tooing and fro-wing. Its so destructive and tiring. 
    You have your view, which I respect, and I have mine. It doesn't mean we need to ram each others views down our throats.There is a better way. Its not a game of tennis.
    Its just an aside, and Im genuinely not trying to score points, but you might want to think about your choice of descriptive adjectives when describing players. 
  16. Like
    Bianoic got a reaction from jono in Jozwiak- is it time to go?   
    Think we need to show some patience as fans. We want Joz and the others to play as well as they possibly can, so I'm not sure criticising   him is going to help. 
    From memory players who play in major tournaments over the summer tend not to have a great start to a season - maybe this is the problem for Joz. Hopefully Wayne and Liam can work on it
    I accept that its a while ago but my understanding is that when he joined the club, he could speak no English and the only two people he could talk to initially were Bielik and his missus. Then the virus kicked in. So its not been easy for him
    Lets show him some sympathy and support
  17. Clap
    Bianoic got a reaction from Zag zig in Jozwiak- is it time to go?   
    Think we need to show some patience as fans. We want Joz and the others to play as well as they possibly can, so I'm not sure criticising   him is going to help. 
    From memory players who play in major tournaments over the summer tend not to have a great start to a season - maybe this is the problem for Joz. Hopefully Wayne and Liam can work on it
    I accept that its a while ago but my understanding is that when he joined the club, he could speak no English and the only two people he could talk to initially were Bielik and his missus. Then the virus kicked in. So its not been easy for him
    Lets show him some sympathy and support
  18. Clap
    Bianoic got a reaction from RoyMac5 in v Salford (H) Match Day Thread   
    Bigger impact when the other team tires ?
  19. COYR
    Bianoic got a reaction from ariotofmyown in Fans not from Derbyshire...   
    Born just north of Derby. 
    My dad had a season ticket at Derby from the late fifties - he and my mum moved down from the Tees where he grew up and where he used to go to see Cloughie at Ayresome. 
    He took me to Ayresome a few times when we visited the grandparents. Hard to believe it was used in the 66 World Cup. When I was older I also tended to go to Hartlepool too. In those days you could walk around the whole ground and stand where you wanted, unlike the BBG which I started to go to from 1969. It amazed me that the hardcore home support used to change ends at half time !! It also horrified my sister when I took her once, needed a wee at half time only to be told there were no ladies toilets !! She never went back...
    First Rams game a home league cup midweek game against Hull - 1969 I think. The lights from the floodlights and the overall atmosphere was just amazing to a 7 year old
    Got my first season ticket after we had won the league. 
    Went to college in Leeds in the early 80s , then stayed there to work until PP opened and thought it was about time I got back to the East Midlands and a season ticket ! So moved the family down from Yorkshire to North East Leics to start a new job. Sat in the North stand initially, moved seats a few times until settling on our current ones in the East Stand about 10 years ago.
    Highlights :
    Obviously the two championships - particularly remember my old man happily shouting me upstairs that Wolves had beaten Leeds to clinch it for us. And visiting the BBG for the presentation on a sunday I think ?
    Really enjoyed the third division promotion season - went to a few of the Yorkshire away games : Donny, York, Grimsby
    That first season at Pride Park was magnificent for many reasons. I know there is a huge nostalgia about the BBG (and I share it believe me) but it was time to move. It was also dangerous. I was at Hillsborough with a good Forest mate and it made me realise that the same could well have happened at the BBG when there was more terracing. Remember being in massive crushes outside the Normanton end on occasion when trying to get to the popside and literally not being able to put our feet on the ground. We just laughed at the time but it could have been a horror show.
    Converting my son into an even more enthusiastic Ram fan than me. Initially he was a reluctant follower - nearest clubs were Forest and Leicester and of course there was never any chance of him supporting them. Used to occasionally come to PP but was more interested in playing footy than watching it. Then I had to persuade him to come to the Deforestation Day - we thrashed Forest 5 nil, the atmosphere and delirium were out of this world and that was that, he was hooked. Even more so after we went to the Play Off final that May - we were both so proud of how the team played that day even though we lost
    Loved George Burleys play off team, Franks season, some of Nigels, 
    Favourite players - John O Hare, Charlie, Bobby Davison, Deano, Stimac, Idiakz
  20. Like
    Bianoic got a reaction from IslandExile in Fans not from Derbyshire...   
    Born just north of Derby. 
    My dad had a season ticket at Derby from the late fifties - he and my mum moved down from the Tees where he grew up and where he used to go to see Cloughie at Ayresome. 
    He took me to Ayresome a few times when we visited the grandparents. Hard to believe it was used in the 66 World Cup. When I was older I also tended to go to Hartlepool too. In those days you could walk around the whole ground and stand where you wanted, unlike the BBG which I started to go to from 1969. It amazed me that the hardcore home support used to change ends at half time !! It also horrified my sister when I took her once, needed a wee at half time only to be told there were no ladies toilets !! She never went back...
    First Rams game a home league cup midweek game against Hull - 1969 I think. The lights from the floodlights and the overall atmosphere was just amazing to a 7 year old
    Got my first season ticket after we had won the league. 
    Went to college in Leeds in the early 80s , then stayed there to work until PP opened and thought it was about time I got back to the East Midlands and a season ticket ! So moved the family down from Yorkshire to North East Leics to start a new job. Sat in the North stand initially, moved seats a few times until settling on our current ones in the East Stand about 10 years ago.
    Highlights :
    Obviously the two championships - particularly remember my old man happily shouting me upstairs that Wolves had beaten Leeds to clinch it for us. And visiting the BBG for the presentation on a sunday I think ?
    Really enjoyed the third division promotion season - went to a few of the Yorkshire away games : Donny, York, Grimsby
    That first season at Pride Park was magnificent for many reasons. I know there is a huge nostalgia about the BBG (and I share it believe me) but it was time to move. It was also dangerous. I was at Hillsborough with a good Forest mate and it made me realise that the same could well have happened at the BBG when there was more terracing. Remember being in massive crushes outside the Normanton end on occasion when trying to get to the popside and literally not being able to put our feet on the ground. We just laughed at the time but it could have been a horror show.
    Converting my son into an even more enthusiastic Ram fan than me. Initially he was a reluctant follower - nearest clubs were Forest and Leicester and of course there was never any chance of him supporting them. Used to occasionally come to PP but was more interested in playing footy than watching it. Then I had to persuade him to come to the Deforestation Day - we thrashed Forest 5 nil, the atmosphere and delirium were out of this world and that was that, he was hooked. Even more so after we went to the Play Off final that May - we were both so proud of how the team played that day even though we lost
    Loved George Burleys play off team, Franks season, some of Nigels, 
    Favourite players - John O Hare, Charlie, Bobby Davison, Deano, Stimac, Idiakz
  21. Like
    Bianoic got a reaction from Premier ram in Jozwiak- is it time to go?   
    Think we need to show some patience as fans. We want Joz and the others to play as well as they possibly can, so I'm not sure criticising   him is going to help. 
    From memory players who play in major tournaments over the summer tend not to have a great start to a season - maybe this is the problem for Joz. Hopefully Wayne and Liam can work on it
    I accept that its a while ago but my understanding is that when he joined the club, he could speak no English and the only two people he could talk to initially were Bielik and his missus. Then the virus kicked in. So its not been easy for him
    Lets show him some sympathy and support
  22. Clap
    Bianoic reacted to Detroit Derby Fan in Fans not from Derbyshire...   
    Greetings from "Across the pond" in Detroit. It took me while to gather my thoughts on this topic and commit to posting them.  
    My Derby fandom arrived much later in life, at 45 years of age.   I grew up in Detroit and have always supported Detroit sports teams, as well as Michigan State and Notre Dame University.  I grew up playing soccer, as did my father, who emigrated from Croatia, as well as two of my three boys.  My middle son and I started following the club in the 2013-14 season. We were interested in finding an English team to follow and knowing Andy Appleby as a fellow metro-Detroiter we started to follow Derby, originally only through the team's twitter feed and the occasional broadcast on BEIN network.  We watched them through the playoff victory against Brighton, then the calamity against QPR.  
    An additional Detroit-Derby link is through Roger Faulkner, a Derby supporter who was one of the co-owners of Detroit's 1970s NASL team, the Express.  
    As we are acclimated to unfortunate twists of fate with our Detroit-area teams,(ie the Detroit Lions NFL team)  the playoff final defeat cemented our support of Derby County.  In the years since, we are charter subscribers of RamsTV  and are now able to follow a number of games on ESPN Plus.  I also follow this forum on a daily basis and do admire the folks who frequent this Board, such as B4 and David.  Your deep, heartfelt support of the club, usually with a healthy dose of humor, is a joy to peruse through these cyber-pages.   
    Other random observations from the Motor City:
     - Whether my son and I ever get to Pride Park remains to be seen, it is definitely on our bucket list.  If any forum goers are in the neighborhood, I would be delighted to treat you a Detroit City FC soccer game.  They are our local team and have a game atmosphere that supporters such as yourselves can appreciate. 
    - While Mel Morris has his detractors these days, in my view he was spot-on with regard to EFL television rights. They are tremendously undervalued.  The Championship is the most entertaining overseas league to watch, in my view.  The Premier League top clubs are usually the in the same group of 4-6.  The Bundesliga, La Liga, League 1 and Serie A are all dominated by super clubs, with the remaining teams just trying to stay up. What fun is that? The Championship season is a rock-fight every year. Evenly matched teams with historic rivalries.  A crabs-in-the-bucket attempted escape through either the untold fortunes of promotion or the richest game in football.  Conversely,  the trap door of relegation immerses a club in financial quicksand, without parachute payments to assist out of the morass.  
    -  In a way, the reduced expectations of this year may make for a more enjoyable season than chasing promotion.  If the club average one point a game, they will be in a position to stay up at the end, which is the goal of this year.  In any other recent season a home draw to Huddersfield would be met with concern from Derby supporters. This year, it feels like a win. 
    - Thank you for your contributions to the forum, which I have enjoyed reading through the years. I hope to meet up with some of your some day either at Pride Park or the next time Derby launch a summer tour of the US. 
    - COYR
  23. Clap
    Bianoic reacted to angieram in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    I think we need to get back on topic guys, you're in danger of turning this into the politics thread!
  24. Clap
    Bianoic got a reaction from angieram in Jozwiak- is it time to go?   
    Think we need to show some patience as fans. We want Joz and the others to play as well as they possibly can, so I'm not sure criticising   him is going to help. 
    From memory players who play in major tournaments over the summer tend not to have a great start to a season - maybe this is the problem for Joz. Hopefully Wayne and Liam can work on it
    I accept that its a while ago but my understanding is that when he joined the club, he could speak no English and the only two people he could talk to initially were Bielik and his missus. Then the virus kicked in. So its not been easy for him
    Lets show him some sympathy and support
  25. Like
    Bianoic got a reaction from RIMBAUD in Jozwiak- is it time to go?   
    Think we need to show some patience as fans. We want Joz and the others to play as well as they possibly can, so I'm not sure criticising   him is going to help. 
    From memory players who play in major tournaments over the summer tend not to have a great start to a season - maybe this is the problem for Joz. Hopefully Wayne and Liam can work on it
    I accept that its a while ago but my understanding is that when he joined the club, he could speak no English and the only two people he could talk to initially were Bielik and his missus. Then the virus kicked in. So its not been easy for him
    Lets show him some sympathy and support
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